Equine Retirements, Long Term Injuries and Departures

Quite possibly. I had high nitrates in my water supply at Blewbury which my landlord just happened to forget to tell me about (previous tenant had left over it) for 4 and a half years. Once he admitted it and ran my supply off his filtered water, I managed to train a winner! Nitrates inhibit oxygen being transported around the blood supply by the haemoglobin. Consequently when push comes to shove in a race, horse has little energy.
Noel Meade had similar problems this year.
High Manganese or some such.
Thankfully it was sorted for Galway.
Jim Old seemed a decent sort and could certainly train.
He had a cameo role in "Murphy's Stroke ", the Gay Future film alongside one P. Brosnan if memory serves.

For anyone interested - a few names you might recognise ;)
Thanks for this Trudi. It's good to see some of the old boys doing well in this field.

Brave Inca beat Moscow Flyer in one of these I seem to remember. I'm sure Cantoris can confirm, although he's not been on here for some time. Maybe Brian or Art could prompt him.
Oh he did - there was a lovely photo knocking around of the top three. The Irish ex racehorse lot are a lot better with publishing their results than the ROR !
Hurricane bottomed him,like he did me last March

Backed him that day,I Thought at the time Maguire went for a home a bit early though I do agree,Fly broke his heart.
Glad they have retired him when he seemingly wasn't in love with the game anymore.
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Harry Derham "retired" citing a lack of confidence following a fall last year. A very brave decision from a young man who I'm sure has only ever wanted to be a NH jockey
Backed him that day,I Thought at the time Maguire went for a home a bit early though I do agree,Fly broke his heart.
Glad they have retired him when he seemingly wasn't in love with the game anymore.

I suspect Sprinter Sacre and that thumping mistake broke his heart .
Sounds like Wigmore Hall was a fatality today? Really sad - he was such a stalwart in the yard.
Oh, surprised to hear that.
A fella that lived life to the full. Was often entertaining even if the "Up Monaghan" eejitry grated a little at times.
Did a load of work for charity too, I believe?

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"Ballybay for milky tae and Monaghan for Brandy
And Castleblaney are the best for eating sugary candy"
He will be greatly missed by one and all.
For adding colour to a grey day there was no better man.
Pity he never trained a Cheltenham festival winner with some very near misses and the one that ran out. R.I.P
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