
Friend called tonight to say she saw The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo yesterday, and enjoyed it. She didn't say it was so long, so I assume that, like Clivex, she was gripped - she thought the end was a bit weak, though. She likes going to the flicks so I'm looking forward to the possibility of going a bit more with someone after I move - she has Warhorse and the Streep take on Thatcher lined up.

Nothing beats a nice evening at the cinema, especially if there is somewhere nice afterwards, for a drink or a bite to eat. The Curzon cinemas in London are great.
Not seen the swedish version moehat but brother has and said same as you oddly enough

Cant say the soundtrack was memorable in any way frankly

Yes Krizon. End felt rushed although couple of good moments but again wouldnt put anyone off it
This is probably old news, and assuredly mainstream, but I went to see Sherlock Holmes last night, and it was a proper, old-school, barn-stormer of a ripping yarn.

Guy Ritchie must be praying they do a third installment - it's the only work he does nowadays that's any good.

4.5 Grasshopper Pick'n'Mix stars out of a possible 5.0.
Lisbeth is one of 'the' iconic movie characters and Noomi is so mesmerising in the role, and I can't see Rooney Mara coming close to that, but I understand that she plays the role closer to the Lisbeth in the book [which I haven't read]. Think the second and third of the Swedish films were made for television; I know when I was raving about the first film I was warned not to expect much from the other two. Couldn't understand how I could happily watch a film with so much violence. But then came Let the Right One In, The Killing and Wallander. I've got Jar City on dvd but haven't got round to watching it yet.
I'm reliably informed that the 11/10 for Meryl Streep - The Iron Lady to win Best Actress is one to go deep on.
Hamm, I think I've got to get myself up to the Smoke a few times this year, just to get the sense of how pleasant an outing like that is. There are some good deals to be had for overnight stays with plays, too, which would be a nice treat out of the routine. There is so much so close to hand here in England that it's daft how often we just overlook it all. I really do want to enjoy the new locale once I get to it. I bet you're busting to get on with things now and say 'bonjour' to Paris and kick off a new chapter in life. I know we squabble a bit on here (which is not very important in the scheme of things), but I do sincerely wish you all the best with this adventure. I hope you'll enjoy French cinema and theatre, too!
Tried to watch Gaspar Noe's Enter The Void when absolutely trashed about 2am this morning. Abandoned ship, will try again tonight.
..thought that was Helen Mirren. Is everyone into older women now? krizon; there's hope for us yet....

Had a good laugh a day or so ago, Moe. A chum of my age put herself down with an online dating agency and has got the immediate interest of significantly younger men - one more than 30 years her junior! She's no interest in taking any of these up, being rather keener on chaps nearer to her age, but, when I said why not look at the 70+ range, she said, "Oh, per-lease! When they're that old, they're just looking for a carer!" Ooh, how cruel we can be!
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.....moving swiftly on. I'm still undecided about The Girl With...probably because I really didn't want to like it, but I did. Had a slight problem woth Rooney/Lisbeth in that she looked too wholesome and Noomi actually looked as if she hadn't washed or eaten for quite a while, and could quite easily rip someone's head off. A small detail, but I liked the way Daniel Craig used his glasses as a prop which said 'I am an investigative reporter and NOT James Bond'. Clever, that. However, I've just been to see the Big Friendly Giant, with puppets, and it was just what the theatre should be, all clever and magical [there was even a 'he's behind you moment'] which probably brings me back to TGWTDT.
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In the Land of Blood and Honey sounds - as it should be, given the subject matter - a gruelling viewing. Directed by and featuring Angelina Jolie, it features the Bosnian War but, more specifically, the horror of its 'rape camp'. The subject is germane still to Congolese and Sri Lankan women - in fact, women everywhere who were caught up in previous conflicts (Chinese 'comfort women' in the Sino-Japanese war in the 1930s, and German women and girls attacked as punishment by Russian troops in the last World War) and in current ones. I don't imagine it's 'entertaining' but it certainly sounds worthy.
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At the other end of the film spectrum I've just watched 500 days of Summer on the telly. Mark Kermode totally slated it when it first came out, but it had some decent reviews. Now, I've sat through some pretty dire movies because Kermode has advised me to see them, but this time he was right to advise not to. It was meaningless rubbish.
Reservoir Dogs again for me tonight - it was a toss-up between those colourful guys or Donnie Darko, and I thought I'd go with something less confusing this late at night! I know I cried at the ending of the final timeline for DD - if that was the final timeline, of course!