
Casino is different class i would put this in my top 3 films with blade runner and fear and loathing which i always end up watching at 3/4 in the morning after a big night.:whistle:
Saw Shame today. A really fine film. The director is a big talent with a couple of scenes (the first subway and a later one, which i cant give away) really going to stick in memory

Its a good tough adult tale without sermonising or moralising. Will make you think. Quality

Theres a whole bunch of decent looking fiilms coming up

I misread this first time round, thought you said Shane........;)
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Had a bash at viewing The Reader last night (the Winslet Girl again), but felt rather hit over the head with the issue of modern German angst over historic German shame. Probably very worthy in highlighting the dichotomy of whether to feel shame for a past in which one played no part, etc., etc., but it could've been wrapped up in a political article which might take 10 minutes to read.
Had a bash at viewing The Reader last night (the Winslet Girl again), but felt rather hit over the head with the issue of modern German angst over historic German shame. Probably very worthy in highlighting the dichotomy of whether to feel shame for a past in which one played no part, etc., etc., but it could've been wrapped up in a political article which might take 10 minutes to read.

I was really disappointed with this and I thought she was terrible. Did she not win an Oscar for this? Really poor film.
Yes, I think she did, G-G. Possibly a politically-correct gong. The subject matter's not without some interest, especially to latterday Germany with its continuing love of Nazism among some of its inhabitants from Lower Moronia, but although I probably saw only 2/3 of it and then read up on the content elsewhere, I felt it laboured the point, and the characters felt leaden. (I know Fiennes was supposed to be devoid of emotion since his capers with Winslet, but even so, allowing for that... ! )
Why was the price cut so much? Her biggest rival also won a Golden Globe.

So it's a match? Who do you think the Guild Awards will go for at the end of the month? Meryl will be 1/4 on the night of the awards. She is the darling of the Academy. We don't be guessing on these markets, Evs was massive.
So it's a match? Who do you think the Guild Awards will go for at the end of the month? Meryl will be 1/4 on the night of the awards. She is the darling of the Academy. We don't be guessing on these markets, Evs was massive.

My point is that nothing much changed after the Golden Globes. Presumably Michelle Williams' price contracted too, and everything else lengthened?
Yes. The 3rd fav shortened during the week fir picking up sone proxy award. Evs became available on Meryl Streep again and I doubled my bet. The point is she should never have been Evs in the first place. She is a raging certainty. You need to understand these markets to work it out.
Going to see Dreams of a Life tonight. Desperately want to see War Horse, but I'm a bit worried about something at the moment, and I want to see it when I'm in the right frame of mind. A film about someone lying dead and undiscovered for 3 years just about fits the bill [jeeez; what a misery I am]. Wasn't too sure about this film but just checked out the Time Out reviews and it says it's the best documentary type film since Grizzly Man [which I loved; man lives with bears for several year quite happily, and then they eat him....mykindafilm...]
:D Yo' sho' can pick 'em, honey! The friend who's just seen War Horse was so looking forward to DOAL, but it only ran for one night at the 'arty' cinema she was going to go to, and she missed it. It got terrifically good reviews, Moe - a little way back on here we discussed the subject, and there's a lot of good stuff online about the subject and the film about her. She seemed to be a beautiful young woman with so much potential, and then she just seemed to drop off everyone's radar. Makes you wonder how that happens in these days of constant communication.

And may I just say that whatever it is on your mind, I hope it turns out to be a teeny prob that gets resolved quickly.
Thanks, krizon! Think I've got the 'January Blues'. I've just been reading all the reviews about the film. Very much followed the formula of 'interviews with people who knew her [none of whom the police had been able to find] and reconstructions of her life'. Was fascinating and deeply moving, but about half an hour too long and left far too many questions unanswered. She had several sisters, none of whom agreed to be filmed. She did flit in and out of peoples' lives, which is why no one noticed her disappearance, and she wasn't in a steady job at the time of her death; also living in social housing [you'd think they would have checked up on her perhaps?]. Maybe the lesson to be learned is that it's still not always easy to be of mixed race, not fitting into one culture or another; not easy to be incredibly beautiful and an object of desire; a somewhat poisoned chalice perhaps [wouldn't know about that one!] and that, maybe we only exist properly on forums such as this, or Facebook. As I'm not on Facebook, there's probably no hope for me. Anyways, glad that I saw it and it fits my definition of a good film as one that stays with me after I've seen it. At the end of the day, we're all 'Eleanor Rigbys' are we not?
Just passing through.... just passing through...

If I get the chance to see it, I'd like to, along with J. Edgar (starring Leonardo d C) which has just been reviewed on Beeb One. Hoover founded the FBI and was responsible for leading it for decades, eventually becoming too rigid and unchanging to meet its needs in changing times. There was also, apparently, a secret penchant for ladies' underwear... not sure if that's featured, though!
Now that's taking Method a bit too far! Did he also refuse to clip his finger and toenails, and wear Kleenex boxes on his feet? Ecchhh!
Oh heck; I meant that he acted as someone who collected his urine in bottles, not actually did it.....must be careful what I write when I'm tired! [at least, I don't think it was his.....]
The Aviator was a cracking good film. One of Scorceses best. Shows the Oscars for what they are when the pretty awful Departed was his one and only best director win

The Departed - 86/100
The Aviator - 77/100

Other than the fact it was a remake, I thought the Departed was superior to the Aviator. You've got an off-beat view of a few Gangster films though if I recall Clive.