
Maybe we should have a separate thread under "Best Film Endings"! Everything's subjective, isn't it? Whether it's humour (Frankie Boyle debate, etc.), what the Tate shows, who gets a Nobel or an Oscar, fashion, architecture, food, drink, books... I thoroughly enjoy some films which I imagine our arthouse aficionados on here would think utterly puerile and beneath their intellect, but that doesn't make it 'wrong' to enjoy them. I don't always want to be challenged by what I see or hear - sometimes I want it to be puerile, infantile, and utterly mind-numbing, depending on how the day has gone!

Thus, I absolutely adore Toy Story (or Stories) alongside Unforgiven, Rashomon, Trading Places, Play Misty for Me, all of Hitchcock, and definitely the spag bol Westerns!
People get too wrapped up with the "art house" tag. Its either a film you relate to or you dont. Sure i like to appreciate original and fine direction (we need to talk about kevin and shame both good examples) but if subject matter isnt appealing or its a genre i dislike (horror, sci fi, costume period) then its neither here nor there

On the subject of endings, ott endings (of which Scorcese is sometimes guilty of) ruin films (Gangs of new york perfect example) for me
The Aviator is third-division Scorsese, which is not to say its bad at all, but it's not on a par with Goodfellas and Casino, which themselves are not on a par with his masterpieces Taxi Driver and The Last Temptation of Christ (which, neatly enough, has one of the greatest endings).
So there must a 4th division Scorcese then? Or some such rubbish...

Bringing out the dead, Cape Fear, Gangs on new york. All far less accomplished films than the Aviator

Casino will always be his best to my mind. Goodfellas next best.
Saw j Edgar today. Bit like Eastwoods Bird in so far as it has a fine central performance and is a decent biopic. Worth seeing
Goody - I think it looks (from its trailers) an interesting take on Hoover, Clivex. I'll try to get to a cinema - which I haven't been to in years - to see it.

Thinking about Spielberg - ITV3 at 9 pm re-runs Empire of the Sun, which I found terribly affecting when I first saw it. I think he implied what must often have felt like the surrealism of the captives' situation and, having had an uncle who suffered - but survived - being in the forced labour gangs of POWs on the Burma Railway, I felt a bit more of a connection to it.
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Would definitely go Krizon. Theres a rash of decent looking films coming out and some (like Margin Call) are going to pass me by I suspect. Coranelius (or whatever its called) looks one to see too

Most of last year, there was nothing...
Yes, Branagh in/as Coriolanus - saw the trail for that last night, and it looked pretty good stuff. Right-o, Clivex, it's off to the flicks I go! Do they still have Pearl & Dean? :lol:
Looking forward to Ralph Fiennes as Coriolanus with the added bonus of Gerard Butler as the other lead - one for the brain and one for the eyes - can life get sweeter?!

Tempted by My Week With Marilyn - Branagh apparently brilliant as Sir Lol Olivier and he rarely puts in a terrible performance (Much Ado About Nothing is highly underrated).
Saw a trailer for Margin Call the other night. not my sort of film at all, but I liked what I saw of it, although bemused to see that Demi Moore is in it. I've followed jeremy Irons career with interest, ever since seeing him in Love for Lydia on the telly years ago [I bet nobody remembers that!]. Watched Water for Elephants tonight on dvd; wanted to see it at the cinema when it was on, because I really love elephants. T'was pleasant enough to watch, but rubbish really, and the elephant wasn't in it all that much. My Week with Marilyn was good. Mike said the guy in it was on telly the other day, and said they were filming at the same place as the latest Pirates film and a Daniel Craig film [not The Girl...] and they all met up in the canteen occasionaly. Wonder if they were in costume at the time? Made me imagine a scene from 'Extra's'.
News on South Today last night that the latest Bond film will be shot around...

Bognor Regis! Boy, times must be hard! I'll be living only minutes' drive from the town, so will see if they need any extras!
I have never watched a Bond film from start to finish. Apart from ogling Jill St John (god she was a beauty) in Diamonds are forever (and i gave up on that one too) they have bored me to tears
I could've been 'blown up in Bognor'. Took the kids to Brighton for a week to see the Pavilion and root out my ancestors. We drove along the coast, stopping off [briefly] at Bognor and a few days later there was a bomb scare [or an actual bomb, I can't remember which].
Last night I went and The Descendants with my best friend. After hearing how "fantastic" it was, we both came away bitterly disappointed. Extremely overrated, and could honestly not find anything about it being as great as people seem to have carried on about it.

Last week another friend talked me into seeing The Iron Lady. I will say for a movie that I had no interest in seeing, it was one of the better movies I have seen in a bit of time. It was obscure, but Meryl Streep is just a genius with how she can work the screen. Hell you could have the worst cast in the world and she'd make the film Oscar quality, like she does with everything that she is in.

One does have to query quality of film this year, compared to last year. The King's Speech and The Fighter any one? Have to say it was worrying to see a movie such as Midnight in Paris winning a Golden Globe award for anything, let alone beat Best Screenplay.
And how was CORIOLANUS? Is this going to be the film which no-one can pronounce or write correctly? :lol: Plenty of good stuff out, by the look of it. What's this new thing with George Clooney looking loony in the trailers? I saw a quick trail and missed the title.