
I dont know why i used the word Colin. I dont even like it

I reckon its going to be one of those films that sticks around at the cinemas for the whole summer because of word of mouth.

But its a masterful film.

I saw it earlier this week and wasn't really sure what to make of it. I didn't love it but I didn't dislike it either. I can't see it being that popular at the cinema, most mainstream stuff seems to be all action and no storyline. I don't mind this minimalist sort of film and I think it's a masterstroke to get Tom Hardy playing the lead role. I had to go to Castleford to see it as it wasn't on in Bradford and then they go and announce it opens there tomorrow, a week after release.
Just starting now on BBC 1 ...................
"Two For The Money".
It's watchable, but not great.
But it might be of some small interest to the betting degenerates on here. :D

Pacino and Matt McConaughy star. All about a tipping line service for high rollers. Things spiral out of control when the Pacino character starts betting the house on football games.

"The film is more of a character study about the minds of gamblers and lost identity than it is about the workings of an actual betting organization".
I saw it earlier this week and wasn't really sure what to make of it. I didn't love it but I didn't dislike it either. I can't see it being that popular at the cinema, most mainstream stuff seems to be all action and no storyline. I don't mind this minimalist sort of film and I think it's a masterstroke to get Tom Hardy playing the lead role. I had to go to Castleford to see it as it wasn't on in Bradford and then they go and announce it opens there tomorrow, a week after release.

Fair enough but there are plenty of films that do very well without being aimed at 12 year olds who want nothing but "action"
Fair enough but there are plenty of films that do very well without being aimed at 12 year olds who want nothing but "action"

The films I enjoy are lucky to see a week at my local cinema. I went to see The Skin I Live In at my local Cineworld. There were about 8 people in the showing and it was gone within a week. An amazing film that deserves a better audience but they are all busy watching the latest crap served up starring Jason Statham.

Was it you that mentioned Nebraska on this thread? I bought it this week but haven't watched it yet. I also bought Amour, Blue Is The Warmest Colour, Buried and Gladiator along with the Breaking Bad box set. I plan on being a hermit for the next few months. :)
A few of us mentioned nebraska mowgli. Its a gem

Saw Exhibition this week. Would certainly not be everyones cup of tea and pretty sparse on dialogue. Very unusual in so far as many scenes can seem a little overextended and slow and yet the film passed very quickly. Held attention well enough

Overall i preferred her previous film Archipelago.
Think I'll dig out Charade as it's Audrey Hepburn's anniversary of her birth of the most beautiful women ever to walk the planet
I was tempted to see jimmys hall. As much as I find his politics sinister and bigoted (you know immediately by the actors accent what role they will play) he can make a fine film. Sweet sixteen, riff raff etc

But reviews are poor and again he's seemingly slipped into baddies and goodies mode. It's like his filmmaking and any degree of light and shade has gone steadily backwards since kes

See that very fine film notes from a scandal is on bbc tonight
Watching the great beauty again on Netflix. Rarely watch films twice but been dying to see it through a second time. Immediately you are struck by the bets opening sequence I have seen in years

A truly great film. Brilliant in so many ways.
At last our cinema car park is back in use so we can start going again; we've missed so many good films over the past few weeks.
Theatre for me at the moment

Saw Lear at the national and it was very impressive but nit as much as Julius ceaser at the globe today . Working my way through shakespear live performances and this was the perhaps he one I've enjoyed most to date. Fantastic political play. Great staging and gripping all the way through

Anthony and cleopatra in aug and Arthur millers the crucible in a couple of weeks
Theatre for me at the moment

Saw Lear at the national and it was very impressive but nit as much as Julius ceaser at the globe today . Working my way through shakespear live performances and this was the perhaps he one I've enjoyed most to date. Fantastic political play. Great staging and gripping all the way through

Anthony and cleopatra in aug and Arthur millers the crucible in a couple of weeks

Saw The Crucible last week. Richard Armitage - yum, yum , yum, yum.
I saw Cold In July last week and I'm still unsure what I think of it. It ends up being a very different film to what it starts out as and reminds me of 8mm. It develops quickly and some parts of the plot seem to get left behind but it's still quite an enjoyable watch. Impossible to watch Michael C Hall in anything now though and not think of him as Dexter.

Absolute farce in the cinema though. About 20 mins into the film an Asian bloke comes into the film with 4 kids, all aged about 5 years old and the film is a 15 certficate and includes some pretty gory scenes not for kids. One fella tells him the film is a 15 and not for kids but he takes no notice anyway. Another fella goes out and reports it to management. They come in, check his ticket and let him stay sat there with the kids. About 10 mins from the end there is a scene involving lots of shooting, blood and guts etc, the kids start crying and he takes them all out in tears. What a joke. Loads complaining to management after the film.
Captain Phillips is absolutely riveting. Hanks is superb as ever and final scene is as a memorable pice of acting craft as I have seen He's a great actor. Greengrass is a master

Great film

Watched this on Sky last night.

Brilliant film, so tense all the way through. The Somali Musa was a fantastic actor and I always expect Hanks films to be good but this one was way up there.
Saw The Crucible last week. Richard Armitage - yum, yum , yum, yum.

It was one of the best theatre experiences I have ever had. Absolutely riveting . Superb in every way

3 plus hours flew past.

What a engrossing play and what performances. Brilliant
Saw nick cages film Joe today

Not much to the plot but very atmospheric. Cage is excellent for just playing it right but good performances throughout. Good film
Good to see Nicholas Cage back on form again.
Isn't it weird how his performances range from completely over-the-top hamming in really poor films like Season Of The Witch, Trespass, etc, to truly inspired acting in the likes of Leaving Las Vegas or Moonstruck.
Does any other A-lister's career contain such a bizarre mix of the excellent and the execrable.
Good to see Nicholas Cage back on form again.
Isn't it weird how his performances range from completely over-the-top hamming in really poor films like Season Of The Witch, Trespass, etc, to truly inspired acting in the likes of Leaving Las Vegas or Moonstruck.
Does any other A-lister's career contain such a bizarre mix of the excellent and the execrable.

He is either money mad or just doesn't care - it's hard to make proper sense of.

Adaptation was his best role(s). What a film.