
I tend to avoid Nicholas Cage at the cinema these days, never having quite forgiven him for playing Captain Corelli [although, to be fair everything about the film was awful apart from, perhaps, John Hurt's performance]. Did read a good review for Joe yesterday, though. But, having missed so many good films over the past few months I'm going to start again in the autumn, when I get back from me hols.
I'ld be keen to hear the views of TH film fans on a movie showing tonight on BBC2 .....................
Mel Gibson's 2006 "Apocalypto"
Reason I ask is that the review in my paper guide (Daily Mirror) gives it just one star out of five.
Which kind of throws me.

The first time I saw Apocalypto, I watched open-mouthed. I had never seen anything quite like it before, and haven't since tbh. I thought it was spellblinding, with breathtaking images and visuals. It's portrayal of an ancient Mayan civilisation was brilliantly realised, I thought.

Anyway, have you any views on it?
(I'll probably watch again tonight for maybe the 5th or 6th time). :eek:
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I'ld be keen to hear the views of TH film fans on a movie showing tonight on BBC3 .....................
Mel Gibson's 2006 "Apocalypto"
Reason I ask is that the review in my paper guide (Daily Mirror) gives it just one star out of five.
Which kind of throws me.

The first time I saw Apocalypto, I watched open-mouthed. I had never seen anything like it before, and haven't since tbh. I thought it was spellblinding, with breathtaking images and visuals. It's portrayal of an ancient Mayan civilisation was brilliantly realised, I thought.

Anyway, have you any views on it?
(I'll probably watch again tonight for maybe the 5th or 6th time). :eek:

Have never seen
Thanks for the heads up, I will watch with interest.
It was real edge of seat stuff. Trying to recall when I first saw it but think I turned the telly on part way through and didn't quite know what was happening, then found it so scary I could hardly bear to watch it [may have even turned it off for a while] but saw the end and then bought it on dvd. A film that I'd like to have a bout of amnesia so I don't know anything about it but then be brave enough to watch it from beginning to end. I thought it was an amazing film. Funny things, film reviews; wish I could get the hours wasted from my life by watching rubbish films that had got 5 star ratings [Uncle Boonmee who can Recall his Past Lives, for example, or The Headless Woman, which was just as tedious but, thankfully not quite as long].
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Funny things, film reviews;
Indeed, this is so true. The Daily Mirror critic canned Apocalypto as an "obsessively sadistic jungle rumble". :blink:
So out of interest I went to and noted that the film has a rating of 7.8 which is very high. That's more like it. Personally, I think it is a unique masterpiece.

Heh, I too watched Uncle Boonmee ( simply because it had won the Palme d'Or at Cannes). :)
The only thing I could say in its favour is that it is "original". But it is also probably the most pretentious, self-indulgent mess I have ever experienced in cinema.
I knew right form the start that I was in for a tedious night at the cinema when the first scene was of a water buffalo stood in a field for, what seemed like, hours. The last dire film I saw was Robert Redfords 'All is Lost'. Even a boating friend of mine agreed it was absolute drivel. There was one about a Wagon Train that was pretty bad as well.
The most tedious/boring film I've seen in recent years must be 2011's "The Tree Of Life".
I know it was meant to be "abstract" and deep etc, but where was the narrative structure, the story, the interest?
And it had a stellar cast -- Penn, Pitt, -- and directed by the masterful Terence Malick.
But what a shambles.
I found that watchable but, given the fact that I'd completely forgotten about it till you mentioned it means that it was instantly forgetable. Mind you, the S.O. felt the same about Life of Pi as did my SIL about Nebraska, which shows how subjective it is. When it comes to film critics they do seem to suffer from 'Emperors New Clothes' syndrome.
Thought for a moment that Sexy Beast was on BBC3 - Turns out that it's some sh1t called Sexy Beasts:(
You're not wrong there, Clivex. Great performances from Winstone and Kingsley and a very decent support with the likes of Ian Mcshane who's always very watchable.
I did watch a bit of it, didn't I, late one night but wasn't all that impressed; however I'm prepared to give it another go when it's on again. However, I'm looking forward to watching the cartoon version of 'Balto' tomorow night with my animal mad grandson. And possibly The Lego Movie [which is brill].
Just watch what you want Moe, it's a free country :) think I'll give the Lego Movie a miss myself :D
Cheers Moe, I've watched the trailer :)

Loads of films that I like the look of when reading the reviews, but never seem to get round to watching them.
I keep catching the odd episode of The Inbetweeners when I'm channel hopping and it's brilliant [as is Bad Education]. Haven't seen the films, though. We loved Balto tonight; although it was a soppy cartoon adaptation of the real story I still cried at the end.
Antony and cleopatra at the globe today. I just love the globe. Everyone has to go once

First half of play is wonderful. Eve best is incredibly horny as cleopatra. Some performance

I'm getting quite addicted to Shakespeare.
My neighbours grandson is in a production of A Midsummer Nights Dream at the Minack this [or was it last?] week; would love to have been able to get down there to see it.