
I would like to see that one.

I recall a long drunken wild night with a us embassy official in Berlin (he claimed he worked in the post room at first... Bollocks) who wanted more than anything to teach Shakespeare. He calmly explained why it is peerless. Why it has a hold over all theatre and writing unlike anything else.

It's taken a while but I see it clearly now.

As an aside, when you think about it, by far the biggest playwright in the 21st century world is one from 500 years ago
Went to see Richard III the other week with Martin Freeman - amazing cast and venue. Trafalgar Studios on Whitehall quite steep so not great for anyone with vertigo and if you take seats in the first two rows they issue you with protection t shirts from the stage blood that abounds in Act Two.

I agree though everyone should watch at least one Shakespeare play a year live - the modern interpretations can really bring them a new lease of life
Watched the Lego movie on DVD, good fun, and I enjoyed it. Seems to work on several levels. I reckon kids would enjoy it but plenty of adult strands and jokes. As Moe says it has a touch of South Park.
Continuing a South Park theme I went to see The Book of Mormon. Original,irreverent, clever,funny and totally entertaining. It had been highly recommended by my son but I did not have high expectations however it soon became clear why it has been so successful.
Off on hols next week meaning 24hrs+ in the car for 4 boys 10-16. Any thoughts on cheap films to get for the journey and also for the whole family to watch in the evenings? This is what I've got so far (all on Amazon 2nd hand with the most "expensive" £1.10 + £1.26 p&p!):

  • Top Gun
  • Uncle Buck
  • Wedding Crashers
  • Independence Days
  • Happy Gilmore
  • The Princess Bride
  • Blues Brothers
  • Cool Runnings
  • Lethal Weapon
  • Big
  • Shawshank Redemption
My son loved Home Alone when he was young. I can watch Shrek over and over again [the first one]. And The Neverending Story. Which the older ones will pretend not to like but they will really.
The Book of Mormon was advertised so much in the Observer that I assumed it was rubbish and no one was going to see it. May need to reconsider.
Thanks all
They already love Home Alone and Guardians of the Galaxy & Mrs Doubtfire were a bit pricey, so have gone for: National Treasure, Police Academy, Blades of Glory & The Never Ending Story
I saw Dallas Buyers Club for the first time last night.

Matthew McConnaughey was incredibly good in it (which is not a sentence I expected to find myself saying). Did he get an Oscar for it?
I saw Dallas Buyers Club for the first time last night.

Matthew McConnaughey was incredibly good in it (which is not a sentence I expected to find myself saying). Did he get an Oscar for it?

He won Best Actor and Jared Leto won best supporting actor as far as I know. There is a triple dvd out for about £11.99 that has Dallas Buyers Club, Mud and Killer Joe on it, well worth purchasing.

I saw Expendables 3 other night, good if you want to just switch off and watch people blow stuff up but wouldn't win any awards for acting or storylines.
Continuing a South Park theme I went to see The Book of Mormon. Original,irreverent, clever,funny and totally entertaining. It had been highly recommended by my son but I did not have high expectations however it soon became clear why it has been so successful.

I was thinking of Richard 111. I have seen the film with Ian mckellan which is quite superb

Mate saw Book of Mormon and absolutely hated it
Saw Two days one night today. Raved about by the critics and its a very decent social realism (which i like) piece. Bit Ken Loach like but without the bigotry

Great overall theme and twist at the end but without being able to put finger on it, it felt a tiny bit flat and whilst the performances were nicely understated in their realism they didnt always convince either.

But wouldnt put anyone off
Watched The Secret Life of Walter Mitty[sp] last week; really enjoyed it. Watched Noah the night before [oh dear]. Doing a long haul flight in a weeks time [gulp] so hoping I'll get to see some of the films I've missed.
For Moe , if she's back from her trip across the pond, and others who haven't seen it - Sexy Beast is on 4 tonight at 11.20
I've bitzed Lovefilm as I got tired of the shitty discs, plus the Amazon takeover meant their customer service went down the toilet.

I'm on Netflix now and my first film was The Frozen Ground. A true story based on a serial killer in Alaska. Pretty harrowing at times, not sure on the casting though.