
Well, I managed to watch a few films on the plane, but realised that I couldn't quite catch the dialogue and didn't want to see a film if it stopped me watching it properly and enjoying at at a later date. However, before I realised that, I watched Locke and wasn't all that impressed. It wasn't the content or the acting but, having had a couple of kids myself it just didn't ring true and there was a glaring anomaly about it that I can't quite get over [unless I misheard something]. Having given up on dialogue I watched Godzilla [not to be seen by nervous flyers was the warning, but, nervous flyer that I am I'm not too worried about being snatched out of the sky by a dinosaur like creature]. It almost [but not quite] helped me to sleep for a while. I then watched Maleficent [sp] which I absolutely loved; perhaps the change in time zones made me several decades younger. Now to catch up on a lot of films and watch every film ever made in the locations I've been to [which could take some time]! ...although I do have all night to watch them, still being unable to stay awake during the day. My daughter saw The Grand Budapest Hotel and loved it which means I probably will, too, but that's way down the list at the moment.
Saw The Equaliser yesterday as Mr W is very watchable but have to wonder why he accepts roles like this. Then again I thought Training Day was awful and he won an Oscar for that.

Just by the way the trailer for The Fury looked dreadful.
It's funny with trailers. I watched grand Budapest hotel trailer and it was the only one ive walked out of. I knew I would prefer root canal to that film

Want to see gone girl .. Hopefully friday
Gone Girl; the reviews I read were good but Affleck can't act, it's a bit too long, the lead woman's character is totally unbelievable, and there are so many holes in the plot you could drive a fleet of buses through them. Kim Dickens as the lead cop is good though. Give that character a series.
Watched Hope and Glory on Film4 last night. Can't believe I've never seen it before. Loved it.
Watched Hope and Glory on Film4 last night. Can't believe I've never seen it before. Loved it.

I don't know why I find anything with Sarah Miles in it very difficult to watch.

Came out the same year as Wish You Were Here which , in memory, overshadowed it a little because of Emily Lloyd.
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Watched Hope and Glory on Film4 last night. Can't believe I've never seen it before. Loved it.

Fabulous film. A real favourite of mine.

Popped out to see 71 this afternoon. Recommended. Tense and atmospheric and is acute in observations whilst being perfectly balanced politically. Perhaps a couple of minor aspects were unconvincing and perhaps one or two of the castings didnt ring true but well worth seeing
Saw Perriers Bounty last night. Suppose it's very much in the In Brugges style of film and I only stuck with it cause I like Cillian Murphy so much [sigh] but I thought it was good. Was a great night, watching wise with that, Peaky Blinders and [my favourite at the moment] The Detectorists. Now about to start watching series two of Breaking Bad [I had to wait till I knew I had time to spare as, once I started watching it, it would be addictive].
Ive not tried Breaking bad and dont watch too many mini series but given Damages a go on netflix is it is addictive. Glenn Close as a lawyer. Nice twists and turns and light and shade with a lot of characters. Good stuff

Also tried a Jude Law Richard E grant film on Netflix. Dom Hemingway or something
Jaw droppingly bad. 20 mins was enough. Quite unbelievable that someone was actually paid to write the script. Also drifted off the Last Quartet. Expected a little more but didnt grip me even though it is a cast and subject that i would normally enjoy
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Even though I didn't really watch Grand Budapest Hotel properly on the plane I spent most of it trying to remember Jude Law's name [that happens to me a lot these days]. I always think of him as Johnny Gigolo in AI.
Ive not tried Breaking bad and dont watch too many mini series but given Damages a go on netflix is it is addictive. Glenn Close as a lawyer. Nice twists and turns and light and shade with a lot of characters. Good stuff

I loved Damages. GC is fantastic in it.

Couldn't get into Breaking Bad at all.
Isn't she just? It hasn't had the publicity of some series (although I'm not a great one for this stuff) but it's gripping. She captures the role perfectly
I watched the first series of damages when it was on telly - confused the hell out of me but I did enjoy it even though I didn't have a clue what was going on most of the time!!
I gave up trying to understand what was happening in most films/series a few years back. It makes life less stressful [and I can pretend that,if I DID try I WOULD understand it].
What concerns me is what actually 'does' entertain me these days; it seems to be Don't drop the Baby, Grand Designs, Homes Under the Hammer [I even watch that at the gym although it is because it coincides with the time of day I go there] and Embarrassing Bodies. At least I don't watch X Factor or soaps....yet....
I watched the first series of damages when it was on telly - confused the hell out of me but I did enjoy it even though I didn't have a clue what was going on most of the time!!

Scandal is like that but also so ridiculous it's brilliant, but what on earth is supposed to be going on..........
I want to see Northern Soul. Apparrently the story is the usual stuff but it grabs the whole atmosphere well. couple of mates of mine from the north are well into it.
Watched Ken Loach's 'The Angel's Share' when we were away during the week.

It was excellent.
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Watched The Curious Case of something or other..with Brad Pitt for the first time, bareable for the most part but couldn't watch it all. Depressingly self indulgent and quite boring theme. (sorry).
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