
Lol I needed a walk to clear my head moehat ha. I'm never one to get plot lines easily. I only tuned in an hour into it to be fair, realised what it was all about quite late but got lost really. Think I will go back to watching my old midnight express DVD :)
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Just watched Cast Away for the first time on BBC2. Very good and held my attention throughout. Must get round to watching the one Moe mentioned on another planet, it was about the 1976 F1 season - James Hunt. Could be a while till I get round to it though, if God spares me.
I missed that [I'm spring cleaning so tend to flit from room to room]. Tom Hanks doesn't seem to make bad films. Road to Perdition is probably my favourite. I'm ashamed to say I've never seen Forrest Gump. My bucket list includes watching so many films that I've got on dvd or video that I'm in danger of getting something stress related from worrying about not seeing them. Not to mention all the books I want to read. And they've just started showing The Inbetweeners right from the start so I have to watch that. It makes me chuckle when they warn you that it contains 'adult humour' cause I never thought of teenage boys as being adult and the humour certainly isn't[but it is funny].
Are you late with the spring cleaning or early? :lol: I know what you mean about not getting around to things - I blame these damn forums :p At least I'm not wasting a load of time on TRF like I used to, only to be bored by people like fatty Lake < that's not an insult to him btw :whistle: Nathan seems to be distancing himself away from here, his loyalty will always be with the Scottish one and that's just the way it is.

Haldon Gold Cup day at Exeter races Nov.4th. ;-)
He said he was having trouble logging on here. Darn it. 'The Missing' was on one of the film channels tonight. I've wanted to see it for years. And I missed it....[I'm always spring cleaning; I live in a Miss Havisham house that's so full of junk and clutter it's always a mess but I've actually managed to throw some stuff away this week...]
Nobody else is having trouble logging in, that was just his excuse ;-)

Sad because he's like a son to me and Jon is like a dad :-(

Love those guys.
Cheers Grasshopper - Moe said something along the lines of it capturing the spirit of that time, so I will check it out sometime.
It might be more of a 'see at the cinema' sort off ilm but what I liked about it was that it was a subject matter that I wasn't interested in but found myself enthralled by it. Has anyone seen Pacific Rim? With my spring cleaning I've just found a newspaper article I'd kept saying how good it was. Still haven't seen 71. Annoyingly Jack was at our cinema on Friday talking about it and I only found out afterwards.
It's certainly difficult subject matter. Making a film about godawful f1 is like making a film root canal treatment of cleaning the bogs out at a football ground
I took my teenage nephew to see Rush when it came out and we both thought it was excellent. (Nephew is now reviewing films for Nottingham Uni on their radio station)
Agreed Harry.......I put one of my mates onto it because he said one of his favourite films was Wall Street which was an excellent film in it's own right.

After watching Leonardo he said "Different Gravy, One of the best films ever"

I just watched the start of Hercules..............Yikes!!!! I doubt if I'll watch the end
Finally got to see 71. Bit like Zero Dark Thirty except for the fact that I didn't know how it would end. Did actually jump out of my seat a couple of times. Still can't believe that out 'local boy made good' is turning into a superstar. And I see that Jennifer Lawrence has a new film coming out soon as well. Hope to be back in the routine of lots of cinemagoing again soon.
Finally got to see 71. Bit like Zero Dark Thirty except for the fact that I didn't know how it would end. Did actually jump out of my seat a couple of times. Still can't believe that out 'local boy made good' is turning into a superstar. And I see that Jennifer Lawrence has a new film coming out soon as well. Hope to be back in the routine of lots of cinemagoing again soon.

I watched 71 last week, thought it was ok but lacking something. Could say the same about Fury that I just watched tonight. Not a bad film but again just lacked something to make it very good. There is a Cineworld Preview Screening on Monday night of Nightcrawler, hoping to catch that as it looks excellent. Also looking forward to the new Tom Hardy one that stars James Gandolfini, unsure if that was his last film before he died or if he'd made any others. The Babadook is out this week, has fairly decent reviews but I can't help thinking I'll have seen it all before. Probably the same for Annabelle. Horrors these days are all about creaking doors rather than great killer characters like Freddy or Jason.
I'm the worst scarey film watcher in the universe and yet I laugh at all the annabelle trailers I've seen (after the first one that popped up in the middle of Rizzoli and Isles, that made me jump!!) even I'm not bothered by it, so it can't be too hideous....(still not going to go and see it just in case mind.... )
I still han't seen Blair Witch project, mainly because when it came out it was during my daughters pony phase and I spend a lot of timeon my own in fields in the dark with corrugated iron rattling [the stables were a bit spit'n'sawdust]. It was on telly the other week and I still didn't dare watch it.
I wondered about fury and almost went yesterday but gather it's all action and gore. That bores me a bit. Still surprised so many like wolf. I thought it was erratic and often boring. Whatever I suppose. Def seeing mr turner this week .
I'm the worst scarey film watcher in the universe and yet I laugh at all the annabelle trailers I've seen (after the first one that popped up in the middle of Rizzoli and Isles, that made me jump!!) even I'm not bothered by it, so it can't be too hideous....(still not going to go and see it just in case mind.... )

Think the Last I saw was the exorcist. I'm no good with them at all I will admit. It was so long ago that most of the audience lit up fags every time they entered that room
I wondered about fury and almost went yesterday but gather it's all action and gore. That bores me a bit. Still surprised so many like wolf. I thought it was erratic and often boring. Whatever I suppose. Def seeing mr turner this week .

Each to their own Clive, for example I thought Gravity was the dullest film I'd ever seen.
One man's meat is another man's poison.