
The Lives of others is another german classic . The stasi officer who comes to understand that the ideology that he's been conditioned to accept is wrong . His gradual awakening while he listens to other peoples lives is deftly portrayed and gradually his conscience is revealed The role is superbly played by another german actor who unfortunately has passed Ulrich Muhe. He was terribly ill when they won the oscar for best foreign film
Can't remember the winner that year but I'm not one for oscars anyway. To me it's daft they even have a separate award. They don't at Cannes and other festivals. It's just a film FFs
As far as 'Lives of Others' is concerned, I will third that too.

Probably the most impactful post-Iron-Curtain film to date.
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They ought to put it out again just before the election. This will be comrade millibands state. You have been warned
The Imitation Game: Benedict continues to impress as an actor. It sticks mostly to the truth. Turing really an incredible man, all his personal foibles aside.
Knightley as wooden as ever the only downside.
Just seen Mr Turner. Have to agree with an capalls sumary of the film I'm afraid. Was incredibly bored. I've been watching some of the programmes about WWI, the best of which was one by my favourite poet, Simon Armitage. Still on iplayer I believe and incredibly moving. It didn't help tonight that we have someone with learning difficulties that goes to our cinema, and he laughs throughout the films. It's a really difficult situation because going to the cinema is obviously a very important part of his life but you can't pay to see a film and have someone making strange noises throughout the film. It happened in one of the smaller studios one night when we were there, and a young girl who'd gone to the cinema on her own was quite unnerved by it [I go on my own sometimes if Mike's away or the film is too gory for him]. I feel that I need to say something but then feel like a complete bitch if I do.
It lost credibility for me at the point where, whenever I saw his servant I started to think of Mrs Overall....
See I actually really enjoyed Mr Turner (I went with my ma) but then I paint so possibly seeing it from that point of view, you have a different perspective? Beautiful cinematography throughout and I hadn't realised quite how bitchy and competitive all his fellow artists were. I appreciate that it wouldn't be for everyone though.
Even some people with all their marbles laugh at parts of Mr. Turner. A female friend of my from oop North seen it with her wife, both intelligent women and they laughed, so she said.

Edit to post the comment from said friend Adele, seems like she enjoyed the film

Mr Turner is a superb and superbly FUNNY film too. Why were only me and the mrs A laughing out loud.....?????!!!!?? Ok..its not everyone's cup of Victuals.........but for those who miss it the doctor's reccomendations of the 3 Bs......Bed Balsam and Broth for anyone feeling under the weather have surely stood the test of time... pass the Vick please....
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I'm amazed anyone would find it boring Though. even just as a character study, it was gripping. and he was a unique character at that . a sown to earth, earthy , genius . Ok an interest in art helps but as wolf says, It was genuinely funny in parts. The film shot by.
I don't think that seeing the film has given me a greater understanding of the man or his work and. having just wikipedia'd him it doesn't seem to be very accurate in the portrayal of his relationships either. I'm just rather puzzled by it.
Saw Interstellar last week, very good until the last 15 mins or so and all goes a bit weird and ruins the end of the film. Also watched Fruitvale Station on DVD, that's a good film but very short, based on a true story and very sad when you find out the "punishment" the police officer got at the end. I'm off to see The Drop tomorrow, really looking forward to that as Dennis Lehane is a fantastic crime writer. Will try catch The Imitation Game later this week too.
I watched the original Pitch Perfect with the preconceived certainty that I was going to hate it -- it being a musicalcomedy 'n all.
But I actually enjoyed it. It's a feel-goodmovie, excellent ensemble cast.

But do follow-ups equal the originals? Most times, no.
I watched the original Pitch Perfect with the preconceived certainty that I was going to hate it -- it being a musicalcomedy 'n all.
But I actually enjoyed it. It's a feel-goodmovie, excellent ensemble cast.

But do follow-ups equal the originals? Most times, no.

I have great expectations after watching the trailer, so they'd better not disappoint me.