
I thought it was magnificent ! A true artistic masterpiece. The visuals ( and the madness ) will stay with me for a long time.
In these current times of CGI f/x and green-screen fakery, the authenticity in Aguirre is something to behold.

I know it's a different time and subject-matter, but Aguirre reminded me hugely of Apocalypse Now -- the journey up through the jungle rivers in search of El Dorado in Aguirre, and the hunt in a similar environment for Colonel Kurtz in Apocalypse.
(I can see where "The Mission" got its inspiration from too).
He wasn't acting the madness according to Wikidpedia...Klaus Kinsky was stark raving bonkers. Y'know I've never seen Apocalypse Now; annoyingly our cinema showed it the other year and I didn't go.
Then, you have an extraordinary cinematic experience to look forward to ! :)
But Coppola's great work really demands to be seen in a cinema rather than on TV for its full majesty to be enjoyed.
What is it about films that makes so many people turn into complete fud-mucking tossers? I've just seen the following quote about 2001: A Space Oddysey

"it breaks through all barriers of categorization and transcends even cinema itself to become something else entirely - a visual poem"

Just watched birdman. Incredibly over rated. In fact, I struggled to finish it.
Unbroken is quite good, based on a true story.
The gambler is very ordinary too, nothing really happens in it to be honest!
What is it about films that makes so many people turn into complete fud-mucking tossers? I've just seen the following quote about 2001: A Space Oddysey

"it breaks through all barriers of categorization and transcends even cinema itself to become something else entirely - a visual poem"

I was also disappointed there was no tits in it, simmo.
Just seen Wild. The S.O. really liked it but I found it a bit over sentimental [scenery was good, though]. Seeing the Jessica Chastain film in a couple of days; A Violent Year [or something like that]. Doesn't look like my kind of film but Jessica is a brilliant actress. And the robot film next week.
Has anyone seen Testament of Youth? Can't make up my mind as loved the TV series, and the book(s) and annoyed that in the film they say Victor died on their wedding day. Err no, they hadn't arranged a wedding. Why do they always have to b*****k up the truth? It's a sad enough story as it is.
Yes; the tv series was brilliant. I do want to see it cause kit Harrington is in it [sigh] but it hasn't had good reviews. I was very moved, a few years back to see the war memorial at Buxton cause I believe that's where she lived.
She was from Buxton indeed. A friend of my sister met her at a CND march in the late 60's and said 'she was an embittered old cow'. Not sure if the embittered was just because of the Nuclear issue or just generally.

Brilliant. Absolutely. Film of the year already. Riveting and smart. Plays with mind and asks questions. I don't know where to stop here.. It's a masterpiece.

Final scene is cinena history. Astonishing. Jaw dropping. MMasterful.

This is a great film. Truly.
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Just got back from an exhibition of Lee Millers war photographs. I must admit to never having heard of her before but the photographs were stunning [albeit very graphic and disturbing]. She then went on to photograph many famous artists including Picasso. She had been a fashion model working with people such as Man Ray.
Ice... Believe me it has to be seen.

Although I love jazz the subject matter is neither here nor there, it's a take on the teacher and apprentice relationship. There is not a wasted frame. It is incredibly gripping. The final scene is jaw dropping. Stunning

the reviews and my friends recommendation are right.

Like my film of the year last year, Locke, it's a mature engrossing original drama.
Clive, your highly positive review caught my eye. The most unambiguous review of a film I have seen in a long time. It certainly grabbed my attention.
But then, oh god, I consulted only to see the subject matter of the movie was just about the most unappealing subject I could imagine. Jazz; a drummer; a psychotic music teacher.
Of all the musical forms, jazz is about the only one I truly dislike.
Pointless me seeing the movie, tbh, for that reason. I just cannot appreciate jazz, and would be bored out of my mind with any film that used it as a backdrop.

( Although I loved "The Pianist", even though classical is not my preference). :)
Fear and loathing on now on itv4 think its on again later,i watch it everyerytime its on one of the funniest films of all time..
Popped out to see Inherent vice this afternoon. Not good at all.

i usually like his films, magnolia, there will be blood but this was frankly under par. The lead character is too unappealing to watch for more than a few scenes (and he is well played if that isn't a contradiction) and you simply couldn't care less about anything or anybody in the film. The plot is...well what exactly?

The atmosphere and weirdness of time and place is pretty well caught though. But that's about it