
View from the Bridge on in April; will book our tickets for the 'encore' preformances, which are a lot cheaper. 'Bout time I did more theatre.
I'm glad you watched it simmo. I was going to suggest we all watched sections of it to see if it was worth persevering with but you've saved us from that. Sounds like an 'Emperors New Clothes' film that none of the pundits dared criticize in case they looked stupid.
I'm glad you watched it simmo. I was going to suggest we all watched sections of it to see if it was worth persevering with but you've saved us from that. Sounds like an 'Emperors New Clothes' film that none of the pundits dared criticize in case they looked stupid.

Great description. I thought it was pure luvvie bollocksology.
My money is on Krizon making a comeback to announce it. :D

Hands up and admitting to watching 50 shades !

No its not Oscar material, no its not going to win any awards for cinematography/best actors/story/screenplay etc but its not pretending to be anything more than what it is - 2hr romance with a few rauncy scenes that seem pale compared to some from Game of Thrones (Khalessi wedding night/Joffrey with a crossbow.....)

Its aimed at a specific audience of middle aged women who grew up on M&B (thats Mills and Boon!) and for that it more than hits the mark (as does Mr Grey's whip a few times!). Is the script perfect no - but then again its an improvement to the book which I admit that even having read it wasnt the greatest work of literature but it lends itself better to screen than some book adaptations.

Jamie Dornan does a great job of a character who starts off with little redeeming qualities in his control freak way but there were a few times you wanted to shake Dakota Johnson and remind her to speak properly without the breathy sounds.

Overall its a 7 out of 10 but I reckon the DVD market is going to be the place that it really delivers as hopefully they will be able to add a few deleted scenes and stretch out the scenes played out already.

Now to wait for Darker and Freed......
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Its aimed at a specific audience of middle aged women who grew up on M&B (thats Mills and Boon!) and for that it more than hits the mark (as does Mr Grey's whip a few times!). Is the script perfect no - but then again its an improvement to the book which I admit that even having read it wasnt the greatest work of literature but it lends itself better to screen than some book adaptations.

Does anyone seriously read M&B??? I couldn't begin to read it or 50 Shades - if a book is poorly written that's it for me. However I have several friends who have read it and that's probably pretty much all they have read bar trashy magazines so for them literacy excellence doesn't come into it and I think its this market the books have captured.
Thanks for the intelligence test Jinnyj - so getting away from the real world and all its cr0ap by reading a book that has a happy ending and makes me feel good automatically means I have low intelligence?!

And M&B has moved on a lot since the 70s - some of them rival FSG for content :)
Thanks for the intelligence test Jinnyj - so getting away from the real world and all its cr0ap by reading a book that has a happy ending and makes me feel good automatically means I have low intelligence?!

And M&B has moved on a lot since the 70s - some of them rival FSG for content :)

Is anyone else struggling with the urge to make a "happy ending" joke here or is it just me?
I'm having great difficulty watching most things since I've had my Game of Thrones box set. In fact, I would love to see some of the episodes at a cinema ; 'The Watchers on the Wall' for example. As for the last in the series, 'The Children' which is a homage to Ray Harryhausen [sp] with the added bonus of Peter Dinklages acting [which is second to none imo] I don't think I've seen anything better anywhere. I am slightly tempted to watch FSOG to see how anyone can make a film out of such drivel [which I assume the book is] but I'm not prepared to pay to see it when other writers/producers/directors/actors get paid a pittance for far superior work.
Thanks for the intelligence test Jinnyj - so getting away from the real world and all its cr0ap by reading a book that has a happy ending and makes me feel good automatically means I have low intelligence?!

And M&B has moved on a lot since the 70s - some of them rival FSG for content :)

I read plenty of chick lit! And yes its to escape into a happy fluffy world with a happy ending. Most of it wouldn't win anything award wise but they are all pretty decently written. FSG is appallingly written - IMO!
My post does state that I dont believe its a well written book either but as a screenplay its better than the original source - at the end of the day its not trying to be clever or arty its just a nice film to watch and forget the terrible things that happen in the world which is the main reason to watch most films?!

The relaying of theatre to cinemas is very successful . It is funny because the audience actually feels more like a theatre audience too. Has that vibe. The digital transmission is superb but it will of course never quite be precisely like being there. Nothing beats live theatre

view from a bridge is an absolute must see. I really do wish I had seen it live I have to say. It's a stunning production in its simplicity and impact. Arthur Miller is just simply a great playwriter. The performances were top class. No wonder it's been raved about like no other London production at the moment

booked a couple of productions at young vic for the summer. But nothing will top this stunning play
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Thanks clive; you've reminded me about booking the Arthur Miller play...I hope I haven't missed it. I prefer the repeat showing of the live performance cause you are so close up to the actors at the cinema it gives me stage fright [eg what if they fluff their lines!]. Had so much family stuff going on lately, both good and bad that we need to get back on track with films and plays. Our little theatre in Derby is doing quite well at the moment and we are going to start supporting them again. A few good films are starting to filter through after a lean spell. There's a very good film on BBC2 early on Sunday morning that Kermode has recommended; a ghost story..going to get up early to watch it [at least, try to]
Two French films over the last few days.

Blue is the Warmest Colour. Brilliant, just the sort of long, drawn out story I like. Coming of age, prolonged bouts of scissoring, boobs. It had it all.

Two Days, One Night. I love Marion Cottilard as you can see from my av and she was excellent in this but the premise of the film was just boring. Almost committing suicide over a job? Bullshit.
First I want to see . But not with a box of tissues

i thought the second was pretty overrated in truth too. It's ok but left no lasting impression and was a bit too predictable
Popped out to see we're so young today. Genuinely funny with some great lines. Same director as the excellent Francis ha. Not often I laugh out loud at films but this has some great moments as well as a good underlying theme.
Might give that a go; really liked him in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Tickets booked for the theatre thingy [21st]. Going to se the dog horror film on Monday
Some cracking titles on Netflix, much better than Lovefilm and without the hindrance of scratched discs.

The Duellists. Keith Carradine and Harvey Keital in a mid 70s affair about two French Napoleonic soldiers who duel up their way up the ranks. For some reason I thought I had seen this before and it had Malcolm Mcdowell in it. No matter, it was ok.

Locke. Tom Hardy in a car for 90 minutes making life changing decisions/phone calls and trying to atone for a mistake he's made. Really enjoyed it primarily because Hardy is a brilliant actor.
I enjoyed While We're Young [and got a super little free booklet with it called Little White Lies]. Trouble is, I'm struggling a bit hearing wise and find it hard to sometimes catch the dialogue so some of what was happening passed over me. I'd like to rewatch it on dvd when it comes out.Not the S.O's kind of film so needed someone to explain some of the ideas thrown around in it; I did get the younger peoples obsession with old stuff [can see that in my own family] but struggled with the deeper messages. Did, however, watch a film on Ch4 last night called The Savages which I loved; annoyingly fell asleep towards the end and did the same when I tried Ch4+1 so hope it's on catchup. Phillip Seymour Hoffmann is/was SO watchable in everything he does/did. Had a bit of a Nebraska feel to it