
Watching Batman The Begining on Sky right now, never seen it before. Its awesome, definitely going to see the new one this week.

I'm really not one for Batman, Spiderman, Star Wars and the like. However I saw Batman Begins at the cinema and thought it was brilliant. I'd quite like to see TDK as well.
Just seen Batman. They dont make films as good as this often!

I fancied seeing it based on all the rave reviews. Then I saw the trailer on TV. The Batmobile looks like a Ford Fiesta with a hangover. That just put me off the film altogether. The Batmobile is supposed to be an iconic supercar, not a dodgem.

I might watch it when it hits the terrestrial TV screens in a couple of years.

I saw the first three Batman films but can't see past the 'original' (with Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson) if I can call it that. I really enjoyed that.
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I've just watched Something Wild. If you liked Ray Liotta in Goodfellas, or you like 80's road movies with 80's soundtracks, or preferably both... then you'll like this.

I also watched No Country For Old Men the other night. Something Wild was better.
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Just seem Batman.....AWESOME! Bloody hell am shattered after it! So dark...I love it.

Desert Orchid...go see this in the cinema...absolutely a must see.
Watched Speilberg's "Artificial Intelligence" for the first time last night.

Grasshopper's review: Shite
Saw Summer Hours yesterday. The type of film only the french seem to be able to make.

Juliette Binoche gets more beautiful every time i see her
Saw Batman on Saturday - really good but just a little bit on the long side imo. Heath Ledger was brilliant though - really scary for most of the film and then just one bit that was just so funny. Don't want to spoil it for those that haven't seen it but it was hilarious.
Watched Speilberg's "Artificial Intelligence" for the first time last night.

Grasshopper's review: Shite

Tuned in about half way through and lasted 5 minutes before going to bed.

Desert Orchid's review: Shite.

Getting away from the modern stuff, my brother lent me 'My Darling Clementine' (the old B/W John Ford film starring Henry Fonda, Victor Mature and Walter Brennan) on DVD the other day. It's a while since I'd seen it but it is a masterpiece.
Getting away from the modern stuff, my brother lent me 'My Darling Clementine' (the old B/W John Ford film starring Henry Fonda, Victor Mature and Walter Brennan) on DVD the other day. It's a while since I'd seen it but it is a masterpiece.

Brill film. Saw The Apartment recently as part of my film club. Excellent stuff. Also Duck Soup, which was awful.
Id agree with u there Grasshopper. Is there a hollywood star that dazzles like Juliet? Christy Canyon maybe...but she wasnt quite Hollywood i suppose

Laura Morante, a not too well known Italian actresss (Dancer upstairs u may recall) is quite stunning too
YAY !!!

(sorry - as you all know, Im a COMPLETE child about Harry....!)

I went to see Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging on Wednesday - ( I know, I know - its bound to be rubbish...) it was actually very good...

Anyone who has ever been a teenage girl will TOTALLY relate to most of it...

( Batman and Mama Mia had sold out - thats how we ended up there!)
Went to see Mamma Mia last week and was it hysterical, if you like cheesy comedy... the only really unbearable bit was Brosnan trying to sing... cringe a minute stuff! :eek:
Been catching up on a few movies, having not watched any for 3 months. So far:

BEOWOLF - awesome animation and, disregarding a few 'cheesy cliches' and 'plastic comments', this will go into my all time best 100.

EICHMANN - if true it gave some interesting insight into the monster that he surely was but as a movie - not compelling

10000BC - good effects, poor story

Looking forward to 'There will be blood' and 'No country for old men'

I think Hidden and Beat that my heart skipped are 2 of the best films I've ever seen.

Watched Russian Dolls last night ... worth a look.