Findlay Warned off for 6mths

Mark Johnston also had a column which he found after a while to be a lot more trouble than it was worth.

He packed it in in protest at the Post's campaign for better treatment of stable staff. I have always thought that it was a very short-sighted move on his part as he deprived himself of a very useful way of getting his views across.
I think at some stage there is likely to be a relaunch of the betting.betfair stuff.

Hamm - I'd be amazed if that were to happen, the print media is slowly, but without doubt surely, dying.
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I worked briefly as an editor on the betting.betfair site in its infancy and have contributed to it since.

I am very firmly under the impression that it justifies its existence in terms of increased traffic to Betfair itself (despite what you might infer from the shortage of customer comments!) and is not just a philanthropic gesture.
I worked briefly as an editor on the betting.betfair site in its infancy and have contributed to it since.

I am very firmly under the impression that it justifies its existence in terms of increased traffic to Betfair itself (despite what you might infer from the shortage of customer comments!) and is not just a philanthropic gesture.

I see their timing of your article last week was what you were hoping for!
I think at some stage there is likely to be a relaunch of the betting.betfair stuff.

Hamm - I'd be amazed if that were to happen, the print media is slowly, but without doubt surely, dying.

You're right of course - I should have made it clearer I was saying that without ever believing it possible and that the content on there would be preferable for a morning read when having a coffee (I'm not the type to drag a laptop around London all day so am stuck with what is available in print).
I worked briefly as an editor on the betting.betfair site in its infancy and have contributed to it since.

I am very firmly under the impression that it justifies its existence in terms of increased traffic to Betfair itself (despite what you might infer from the shortage of customer comments!) and is not just a philanthropic gesture.
You'd be correct in that assumption Pruf - btw I liked the article you wrote previewing Friday's Totesport Mile :p

edit: I see Hamm beat me to the latter point!
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Agree with TDK - The only reason I know about it (And i've been betting on BF for years) is because of Pru posting up links to it.
...more commonly referred to as spamming!*

As others have said it's a quality site. The one thing that always strikes me is that whilst there are any number of links to Betfair from the betting.betfair site, I don't recall having come across many (if any) linking from Betfair back to betting.betfair which I find very strange.

*so long as their primary commitment is to writing for the forum, we'll let it slide I say! :p
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Interesting to read Findlay's comments in the RP today

"There's no fallout between either myself, my mother or Paul Nicholls. For a long time other people have tried to make our position untenable and they have succeeded."

Findlay having a dig at someone there. Interesting that he will still have runners despite his previous statement that he was out. I wonder, when the next sales come up, will they be put up for sale or will he stay in.
I hate it when people do not actually say what they mean, or worse, contradict something said earlier ....

I find it hard to belive that he now says it is someone else's doing that his Mother said in the press they were taking the horses away, or not having them anymore at paul's due to his lack of support. So, how is that because of what anyone else has said or done?

Is it just me or does Harry never make any sense? :confused:
Maybe that someone is his mother? :lol:

She is the only person I see that has made comments/actions that made their relationship anything other than straightforward
I don't think that's true Ardross - HF simply doesn't have the resources to remain involved in the yard, and his reasons for being involved in the first place (with Garruth) are now no longer relevant, so his departure is quite possibly a case of discretion being the better part of valour. It's certainly expedient.
I don't think that's true Ardross - HF simply doesn't have the resources to remain involved in the yard, and his reasons for being involved in the first place (with Garruth) are now no longer relevant, so his departure is quite possibly a case of discretion being the better part of valour. It's certainly expedient.

Interesting information rory , shame his mother chose to suggest it was due to a lack of support.
Harry Findlay and Nic Coward apparently a "verbal sparring session" in the parade ring... unable to glean more as my machine is blocked from the meaty stuff.
ATR's on-the-ground reporter Jim McGrath said Coward told him that Findlay kicked off at him verbally with "you've ruined my life" and "resign, resign!" and that he, Coward, told him that there was a proper way for things to be reviewed, that they had been, and that Findlay had had his case properly reviewed.

I dunno - we're a bit soft over here, aren't we? In Mexico, half the course would've been shot up by henchmen and at least 20 stunned racegoers taken hostage in the restaurant.
is this the guy that people were drooling over not long ago? :)

aye..he's a good old stick..nice bloke an all :D..been hard done too etc
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