Findlay Warned off for 6mths

Can you tell me what 'social class' is, Luke? I've always been confused by this particularly English obsession with social standing. Findlay with his dosh can hardly be termed 'working class', although that's still used to determine someone who mangles the spoken word one way, rather than another. I can't think of how one would determine 'class' any more, well, not since the days of the cotton 'barons' from the North, who rivalled any amount of dukes and earls for stately pleasure domes.
Mr Findlay's been refreshingly open about his use of drugs. He had to put one of his "doobies" out to be interviewed by Clare Balding prior to Denman's Gold Cup.

Didn't he also get nicked outside the Royal Lancaster hotel for smoking a joint before the derby awards?
I can't believe anyone gets seriously fussed about someone toking up - blimey, half a day's shopping in Brighton, and you sure come home in a mellow mood! It's time the world grew up and realised that mellowing out with a bit of weed doesn't turn us into crackhead junkies. A lot of people have smoked the stuff, in lieu of tobacco, since their teens, and are still functioning at home and work. Far too much hoopla made about it, while thousands die from baccy-induced diseases every year. And tokers generally use it way less than regular cigarette smokers. I suspect it's also much more organic and better for the environment, too!
My views on cannabis are probably similar to yours, krizon.

Nonetheless, if I were to be nicked having a toke in central London I would not claim that the police were "bang out of order" (for ultimately letting me off).

And if I were the editor of a racing paper I would imagine a leading owner acting like this in the full glare of racing's biggest 'Do' would be ever so slightly newsworthy.

As others have pointed out, this risky behaviour and refusal to take blame could be seen as a harbinger of things to come...
Have to admit to not knowing anything about HF's recreational activities, which could be a lot worse than inhaling a few spliffs, of course. Did he whine that the police cautioned him? I think most people only get a caution these days, unless they're packing loads of the stuff for sale.

He's acting like a deposed Alpha Male, isn't he? Whether he's always been flouncy, I don't know - perhaps that's part of his personality anyway, regardless of what he ingests. Someone who goes all drama queen when they can't do everything they want to do, whenever they want to do it. Perhaps he didn't spend enough time on the naughty step when he was a wean? :D
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Harry comes across more like a whizz-freak than a stoner to me.

Although his oafishness can be a bit tiresome, and despite the fact his defense can be described flimsy at best, he was pretty fearless when it came to campaigning his horses. I wouldn't know for certain, but I suspect he was instrumental in Denman going for his second Hennessy, and I think he should be applauded for that.

If he's on his uppers, I think it's an all-too-predictable shame. I like to think that the barney with the official last weekend was simply a smokescreen to allow his pack of urchins to go about their business, relieving racing's great and good of their pocket-watches and leathers.
Well, he can't be too down on his luck if his Mum's still running a few, can he? I don't know her history (financially speaking), but I doubt the old dear's got that many thou to simply play horsey with - the backing for hers surely comes from his pockets? And I'm sure he's the time of chap who will pull himself out of any rut eventually, sort himself out, and get back to the good times.
Lots of words among those last few posts that I have not heard before, but can I say what I believe, hashish, to use an old term, fries your brains. Some don't have many brains to start with, so obvious problem there, others think they are so clever that they can handle it; no they bloody can't!
Everyone I've known over more years than I care to remember who has smoked this shit has come to grief by some means or other.
Well, can't agree with you, Walsy - people who smoke the stuff recreationally don't do themselves any more harm than the 'recreational' drinker. By that I mean someone who mainly has a couple of drinks out with friends, not the loner who downs a bottle of hard liquor a day. Anything taken to excess usually causes some sort of damage - food, alcohol, tobacco, gambling - anything which becomes excessive usually means addiction. Just ask lifelong cigarette smokers to give up and see! There are literally millions of people worldwide whose health is terrible because of ciggies and booze. I can't say I've heard of millions of people dying because of the occasional use of wacky baccy. And even more die because of dumb sexual practices - millions gone and going with AIDS because their partners won't strap on a rubber. I think the odd toke here and there hardly stacks up against the serious plagues of the modern world.
If for one week every drinker in the land smoked dope rather than drink the world would be a better place.
A few quotes from today's Racing Post:

Findlay "...don't for one minute think I haven't got the full support of the general public" (the clear evidence here and elsewhere is that he is wrong)

"I will not have my horses run in my colours with Coward and Roy at the helm"
(which is very different from stating that you will never have another horse run in Britain. Period)

"...I genuinely believe that I have been so badly wronged that I would defy anyone not to act in similar vein" (the thing is that 99% of people, however upset they might be, would manage to show more decency and restraint)

This isn't all just a cunning ruse to make us sympathetic towards the BHA and for us to lay off Coward/Roy is it?
Lots of words among those last few posts that I have not heard before, but can I say what I believe, hashish, to use an old term, fries your brains. Some don't have many brains to start with, so obvious problem there, others think they are so clever that they can handle it; no they bloody can't!
Everyone I've known over more years than I care to remember who has smoked this shit has come to grief by some means or other.

Ill-informed nonsense, walsworth.
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How long an individual stays melted, is usually dependent on the tolerance of said individual and the strength of the gear he/she is smoking.

The best rule-of-thumb is to not drive at all after smoking marijuana...........unless you're planning on taking a combine harvester for a spin through a built-up area - that would be a hoot. :cool::lol:
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