Forum horse connections

KINCRAIGHE 3rd today at Southwell, so some prize money in your pocket, Chris. Big shame that PLACE THE DUCHESS came up against some fit and experienced battlers in a big field - pity she wasn't in the previous 5f scurry where one of the already small field left his jockey in the stalls - she wouldn't have won, but she might've grabbed a place.
Imo he is a shoe in. He has been working well (as usual) and he absolutely hacked up last run even though he covered twice the distance of the other runners so 8lbs shouldn't stop him. John Potts franked the form after as well. The only real danger imo is the horse himself as I have said before he is an absolute rogue but undoubtedly very talented. 6/4 is a good price although I did see there was 5/2 and 2/1 about him last night which was very very generous.
Thanks very much thought we were in bother when Winged Assasin went passed and am pleasantly surprised to see him come back and battle like he did won with a bit in hand as well in the end. Touched 440/1 on betfair!!!!
Thanks very much thought we were in bother when Winged Assasin went passed and am pleasantly surprised to see him come back and battle like he did won with a bit in hand as well in the end. Touched 440/1 on betfair!!!!

Well done Sir,I backed him in a few doubles and it turned out to be a nice bet. Did look to be saving a bit for himself in the end, so possibly one the handicapper will get it hard to tie down.
Vincitore did it brilliantly today -- what a little star he is! A belated 1st winner of the season for me after many disappointments. Still time for another!
A very belated 'well done' to STRONG VIGILANCE - whose win I've just seen c/o the 'ride of the week' feature on ATR, and a roll of Polos to VINCITORE, living up to his name for Michael O. Smashing to have a couple of super wins on the card for the 'forum horses'. Lots more to come, I wish for you all.
Monitor Closely runs tomorrow in the Silver Bowl at Ripon. Looks like it should be a 2 horse race between MC and Kings Gambit. Hopefully the ground is on the quick side which will suit and we can get him back on track with a win.
Monitor Closely runs tomorrow in the Silver Bowl at Ripon. Looks like it should be a 2 horse race between MC and Kings Gambit. Hopefully the ground is on the quick side which will suit and we can get him back on track with a win.

We are in a rarified place - 110 rated horse WOW! He's a smasher as well Kauto - Best of luck tomorrow - he should have the measure of KG.
3rd place, with the RP analysis saying 'took keen hold'. Did he over-race some of his energy away, do you think, Kauto? But never mind, 3rd is better than 4th or last of the five, although the prize money looked a bit poxy for a nice race like that.
TRY THE CHANCE is no longer entered for the Irish 2000 Guineas, so I won't be over to the Curragh in May, but a very sincere thanks to all who supplied useful accommodation suggestions, which I'll keep for possible future use. (TTC doesn't have another entry elsewhere, either.)
3rd place, with the RP analysis saying 'took keen hold'. Did he over-race some of his energy away, do you think, Kauto? But never mind, 3rd is better than 4th or last of the five, although the prize money looked a bit poxy for a nice race like that.

He did pull a little but think it was more a case he blew up. He is a rather gross heavy topped horse that is difficult to get fit. The run will bring him on a boat load and the real positive was he travelled like the best horse in the race and I suspect he probably traded reasonably short on betfair. Hopefully onwards and upwards for the big fella.
Hadn't put this up until now after him going lame the morning of the race the last time he was due out but Aim For The Stars goes in Division 1 of the 3m Open Maiden P2P at the Pytchley meet at Guilsborough (near Northampton) tomorrow, looking at the runners we have Annamcqueen (Nick Pearce) and Gunmoney to beat providing they both turn up. He had to have a month of box rest with a tiny fracture just above his hoof so fingers crossed for tomorrow.

Unsure who rides at the moment as Tom is due to be at Barbury tomorrow so last I heard we were still looking for a jockey - looking forward to seeing him again, off the back of the last run I imagine he'll be long odds-on but as long as he runs well and comes back safe I'll be happy :)

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