Forum horse connections

Here are a couple of articles by Wayne Bailey, who has a share in one of Cantoris's other horses, Tropical View, who is one year younger than Raise The Beat. They give a good account of the whole experience of getting involved in owning a share of a horse.

Unfortunately Tropical View is on the easy list at present while recovering from a stress fracture (I think), but the lads in the stable think quite a lot of him.
Only The Best runs in the 4.10 Tows tomorrow. He's been off the track for a few months so will improve for the run. Safe and sound.
Disappointed with Sail Home really, she was a bit on edge in the pre-parade and being a bit frisky in her box but nothing untoward.

Cathy said she didn't stay the trip chasing that pace, not too sure about that as she looked like she'd get a lot further than 1m3f on her two previous runs. My idea is to go up in trip and try and dictate matters from the front in future. Still think she's a very promising filly.
Disappointed with Sail Home really, she was a bit on edge in the pre-parade and being a bit frisky in her box but nothing untoward.

Cathy said she didn't stay the trip chasing that pace, not too sure about that as she looked like she'd get a lot further than 1m3f on her two previous runs. My idea is to go up in trip and try and dictate matters from the front in future. Still think she's a very promising filly.

I don't think the pace was the problem G.S. as the time was very slow - just not her day - all the best.
Not rated the card up SC but they did go what seemed like a fair pace for the trip, the whole card was quite slow so suspect it may actually come out quite quickly.
Kimberlite King - Story??? Grey and Cantoris are inauspicious in their absence:rolleyes: Even the guesser O'Brien has tipped him up.
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Sorry, OTB, I don't have an involvement with Kimberlite King, only with Raise The Beat.

Cantoris has said to me before that the horse seems to have quite specific ground requirements. He wants it not only heavy, but loose as well. Today it was tacky.
Murphy also worked Raise The Beat (at Leopardstown this morning), who goes for the Weatherbys Champion Bumper though he has not raced since winning at Naas in October.
"He worked over a mile and a half. All went well and we're very happy. It's more than likely he'll run in the bumper," the County Wexford handler went on.
Sorry to say it but Ericht of Henderson's is some beast, Grey. In fact the first three home in that Newbury bumper look very useful animals, Bygones in Brid and Peckhamecho filling the places. I'm still amazed at the acceleration produced by Ericht on very tiring and cut up ground.
Sorry to say it but Ericht of Henderson's is some beast, Grey.

Sure aren't they all machines, Shadow? I agree that Ericht looked good the other day, but so did Samain, Lovethehigherlaw, Ebanour... I could go on. Our boy has been impressive too, have a look at the replays.

Spit it out Grey, do we back him for it now or not!!

You know as much about his chance as I do myself. I have him backed at big odds to pay for any celebration that might be called for.
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I'm not knocking your fella Grey, just saying how deeply impressive Ericht was. On all I've seen so far this season I was most impressed by him, even more so than Knight Pass. The way he accelerated on that ground - and away from two useful animals - was a 'wow' moment.
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On all I've seen so far this season I was most impressed by him, even more so than Knight Pass.

I was impressed with him myself, and I agree that he's done more than Knight Pass.
Christ I thought he had it. A whisker in it if anything. That was one hell of a bumper and 25 /1 on the book and more on the exchange. A nice starter for Chelt.
Wow! Totally thrilled for you, RO - what a great charge from him, especially after presumably lengthening TJ's arms by a couple of inches. So keen to rumble! Like the depth of him, too, but without grossness, and a very nice action over pretty soft going. He should have a grand future.

Is it "toe-ee" or "tow-ee" ("ow" as in "ouch")? And who is Mike Towey? There's got to be a story there.
That was hard luck, Roddy, I honestly thought your boy had won. He ran a very nice race, but looks like he'll be even better with a fence in front of him.
Won his ptop in Ireland so guess he can jump a bit Kri. It was the film of this that made me buy him about Nov 09. At the time there was a liittle discussion on various forums about who Mike Towey was . Have to recheck it but can`t remember the answer. Thanks for the compliments.

By the way, No Panic should be back tomorrow at Ludlow and Ballyvesey Fri at Newbury or Sunday at Huntingdon.All are fit and well.
Ah, sorry, Roddy - hadn't trawled the RP database to see his history - in that case, he really should have no problem! Good luck with future outings - he'll be lovely to watch, I've no doubt. (And good luck to NP and B/v, too!)