Forum horse connections

Well, well, well. I realise that's four years ago, and he seems to be better-behaved now, but that was wicked. Don't know how I missed it back then (if I did - it wasn't a very good year for me and my mind wasn't always focussed on racing), but there is no excuse at all for that. The idea that he deliberately brutalised the horse in the hope of wiping out a prior ban shows a sadistically sly turn of mind, too. Thanks, Hamm. One learns all the time.
Well, there's quite enough in trouble at the moment without adding another alleged fraud to the list! I imagine that every jockey's been in the little-whip scenario at some time - in fact, I'd be amazed if they hadn't. If you want to start out in the business and then keep in the business, you soon learn to comply with the yard's edicts, especially if it's a gambling one. I wouldn't pull just one jockey out of the hat for that sort of ride.

(Oops - I think we're probably about to veer wildly across the topic and take out the rails. The issue of over and under-whipping jocks could probably fill three pages with histories!)
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Before I forget, congratulations again to Flame for his win with MAJOR ERADICATOR under Charles Bishop at Brighton last Friday, in the Apprentice Hands & Heels over 10f. The visor certainly focussed the horse and Alastair Lidderdale got the win out of him that Robert Cowell previously searched for. With a fair battery of duck eggs behind him, Al was called to the stewards' room to explain the improvement. I said, just tell 'em it's all that Bute and Lasix you've been throwing at him.

Colin - we could do that - "Cowboy of the Week" instead of "Ride of the Week"?! Jamie was a standing dish and took the heat off a lot of numpties; I see JP Guillambert isn't everyone's top jock, either; the Brothers Hills have been done to death; Ahern is now known as 'Slasher'; Richard Hughes has been pilloried to the point of now arriving in a hair shirt and be done with it; Philip Robinson is over the hill; there are four to be brought before Torquemada in October; Kieren's been a bad, bad boy in the past and who knows when again; Robert Winston ditto; Tom Queally is far from everyone's No.1 (JACQUELINE QUEST still lives in the memory - or at least mine); Ryan Moore is a misery if true ride-anything type; Frankie is an arrogant little twerp/massively gifted wonderboy; Chris Catlin is A Miserable Sod II... and this is just for starters!
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We do have a thread praising the best jockey riding at the moment though.

Drop me a PM if you'd like the lowdown on Eddie's shenanigans.
Just watched Mike and Quattro's smooooth performances on the ATR replays. Different jockeys, different riding styles, two cracking results. Note to Mike's lass: I'm not that fond of braided tails, but he's got such a lovely roundy bum, you've shown it off a treat. Just the sort of rear which invites blowing raspberries!