Forum horse connections

Thanks guys. He was fancied for the 2015 Punchestown Land Rover Bumper and pulled up lame on his final bit of pre-race work. It's been a long wait but Willie has always said he had talent. Promising trainer that fella.
A little different but thought a few of you might find this interesting:

As many of you know, Bay of Freedom was found to have a recurrence of his ulcer issues when he ran at Fairyhouse. This is a video of the Gastroscope two days after the race. It is over five minutes long but you only need to watch 45 seconds to get the a sense of the issues (watch between meals)

After that we put him in a field and he existed on grass (not that there was much of it) and hay for the next six weeks. This is the video taken six weeks later:

Pretty amazing transformation; even the vets were surprised. It reminded me a lot of this report:

as Bay of Freedom had also been on Gastrogard all winter (Apart from that, as I will readily acknowledge, there is absolutely nothing he has in common with Always Dreaming!)
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