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Fox Hunting

As far as I can tell, they don't ! Personally, I couldn't care less one way or the other but what I do object to are blanket bans which are hypocritical and nothing but diversionary, cheap vote catching tactics - something every party does and to which I object, no matter which party it is.
You call it "cheap vote catching tactics"........were as most others would simply call it what parliment and the country on a whole want. Indeed it would be much easier for Blair and co to simply ignore the hunting issue.
I am appalled that K went to basingstoke and her " son " did not even invite her in for a snifter
I was appalled that I went to Basingstoke, too, Arders, but only because I added an unwanted 30 extra minutes to an already tiresome trip! I'm SURE that next time the Proton wilfully steers itself into the hinterlands, my ickle boy will invite me in for crustless cucumber sandwiches and a cup of Earl Grey. I brung 'im up right, yer know.

On the other hand, the sight of a dust-covered Proton filled with the dry grass and mud of last season's Plumpton, cast-off Pepsi bottles, ancient cassettes, wellies, and a very old riding mac or two, isn't everyone's idea of a bijou image...
Having been chauffeured in the said vehicle it seemed ok to me even with that tall bloke in the front
The whole hunting debate comes to one thing - a class war. I grew up in South Wales and the pack I hunted with were on the whole members of the working class. Anyone with airs & graces were pretty quickly ostracised and those left were total passionate about their rural way of life and the countryside. These people with their livelihoods under threat will not take a ban lying down. I have said for some time, that blood will be shed over this issue & it won't be the foxes. The current master of this hunt is Dave Handley who has been prominent in the haulage revolts. The rest of the Welsh boys behind him are a pretty volatile lot and I can forsee a lot of trouble brewing.
I've noticed many times how Tony Blair and all his mates have conveniently forgotten about the Burns Inquiry findings which (as far as I remember) showed that there was no rational evidence for a ban on hunting, and in fact there were serious problems with animal welfare with all other methods of control.

The positive about hunting as a method of control, compared to shooting, trapping, etc (apart from the obvious in that its much harder to efficiently shoot and kill a fox) is that it is like natural selection. The fox has no natural predators, apart from humans, the usual animals that are caught are those old or infirm who are unlikely to survive. Shooting is an indiscriminate method, this would affect any age of the fox and they would be killed at a higher rate.

We are all concerned about what happens to the ex-racehorses once they have finished racing, (I remember a lot of you were disgusted that top trainers advocated putting horses down as a solution), how many times do you read in the RP that XYZ has "retired to a life in the hunting field"

For those of you who are against hunting as a class issue, get real, as JinnyJ has stated there are many other people who enjoy a day out other than the member of the upper classes. Who do you think will be affected the most by a ban, the people whose livelivhoods are gained in this industry, (kennel staff, hunt grooms, and the secondary industries related to hunting) who will lose their jobs and unskilled in other forms of emplyoment or the la di dahs who will miss out on a few days riding?

As for the antis, they are nothing but scum, its already been mentioned how they attact horses and riders at the meets, i've also known them to lay down a fake scent onto the main road, which the hounds then followed and it caused an accident, they let of smoke bombs near to fences, therefore endangering the lives of horses and humans....animal lovers? I dont think so
I'm shocked that mater was on my manor, but never gave me a bell - I'm getting increasingly worried that she'll be leaving my inheritance to ''Buck,'' her new 20-year-old, 6' 4'' muscleman gardener. :lol:
Jinnyj & LE are dead right.....what a lot of it boils down to is a class war - pathetic really as most of the followers are grooms or farmers who probably earn less money than your average shelf stacker in Sainsburys and live in tied accomadation that goes with their jobs! Jinnyj has it spot on when she talks about backlash over a ossible ban too - President Tone really hasn't thought this one through properly & if a ban does go through he'll spend the remainder of his term in power (which won't be long) regretting every minute of it. A possible ban will not be taken lying down, that's for sure - for starters the CA have got their lawyers working on it & they will counter attack with legal arguments.

And as for the Brackenll thing - sorry Terry, I hate the bloody place!!! Admittedly, it's for the wrong reasons - that slag my Dad left my Mum high and dry for lives in a nice salubrious council estate there with her horrible bratty bloody kids and I hate the bitch!!!!
Much like the RSPCA's full page anti hunting ads then - and thats using old biddys who think they are donating to save beaten and neglected dogs and cats money.............. h:)
Class war? I really do think so of ye give little thought or interest (respect maybe) to what others are saying.......

Class war.....get a life......I would just as quickly oppose my local pound hunting down stray dogs with a pack of dogs and then ripping it apart as I would fox hunting. I see absolutely no difference when you consider so many dogs in pounds eventually get shot.....humanely....yes humanely. Some fox hunting isn't. But if you find comfort in bringing up the "class war" card, feel free. So we have town versus country, rich versus poor....what next......
The naffing fox is dead, if and when it gets "torn apart"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's too bloody early to get into this one.....especially as I didn't get in till 7.30am..... :what: :confused: :cry:
Go the boys!!! :D B)

Jockeys and stewards protest against hunting ban

by Andrew King

JOCKEYS at Stratford teamed up with the stewards on Sunday in a protest over the proposed ban of fox hunting before the third race on the card.

Robert Thornton, David Dennis, Anthony Evans and Paul Flynn headed the parade up the course with a placard declaring, "National Hunt Jockeys Oppose Hunting Ban. Will Blair ban racing next?"

All the jockeys returned to applause and cheers from racegoers and the race was only delayed by three minutes as a result.

Explaining the protest Tony McCoy said: "It is very important to the countryside and to us that this proposed ban is shown up for the attack on civil liberties it actually is, as it's going to cost plenty of people their jobs.

"We are all 100 per cent against the ban - who knowswhat will be next - racing?"
If anyone thinks the majority of jump racing enthusiasts are, by default, pro-hunting, is deluded.

One of my many paradoxes is that I like point-to-point racing but deplore hunting.

Venusian has explained to me 18,723 times - in his inimitably polite and non-patronising way :lol: - why drag hunting is no substitute for the real thing, but I reckon his opposition to ''drag'' stems from the fact he's mislaid his slingbacks. :lol:
Erm....sorry to be pedantic, Ian....but what exactly do you think will happen to PtP if hunting is banned??!!!! :brows: Am I also alone in finding a PtP fan who deplores hunting just the tiniest bit hypocritical? PtP would not exist if it were not for hunting and it will seast to exist if hunting were banned. In posting the above article I do not recall mentioning anything remotely suggesting that the majority of NH fans are pro hunting; however anyone who suggests that all Point to Point folk are not pro hunting is most definitely deluded. My tiny brain keeps telling me that if you are fervently against something you do not continue to give money to the cause that you are trying to ban as that would amount to nothing but total hypocrisy, surely? Every single PtP meeting is run by a Hunt, for the good of the Hunt and the Hunt benefits from any profit. :brows: :confused: :ph34r: :D
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Sep 12 2004, 05:58 PM
PtP would not exist if it were not for hunting and it will seast to exist if hunting were banned.
whats seast is that the opposite of nwest

or am i just been pedantic