Frankie Dettori Retirement Year Thread

How did he know you were stone cold sober? had he been monitoring your drinks?

Who was the secretary that said that to you?

How did you know he grassed you up?

Which horse did he ride at Windsor? Were you the trainer?

Who was the jockey caught in traffic?

Leonardo Di Caprio to play Frankie

Joan Collins to play Jinny
How did he know you were stone cold sober? had he been monitoring your drinks?

Who was the secretary that said that to you?

How did you know he grassed you up?

Which horse did he ride at Windsor? Were you the trainer?

Who was the jockey caught in traffic?

Oh for goodness sake! What’s this? The Spanish Inquisition?

1. Because we (he and I plus his entourage) sat in the club at a table drinking and I was on lemonade due to the fact I was driving (I’m sorry but don’t have the number of the barman so you can’t check that I wasn’t secretly topping my drink up with vodka shots!)
2. Her name was Lizzie Hare. She had a horse named after her who was actually his first winner. Luca named the horse after her because he was very “fond” of her...he married another of his secretaries.
3. Because she came out of Lucas house after breakfast to tack up for second lot and told me that this has been the topic of conversation over the breakfast table (jockeys and Secretaries included in that, mere staff not). This was why I was angry!
4. The horse was Pirandello. Yes I trained him. If you look at the comments it says “plenty to do” and I had expressly told him not to sit out the back on him. Bit like I told Sam Hitchcock not to go up the inner at Musselburgh the time before and get blocked but hey, what do I know!
5. The jockey was Gary Hind who rode for me and was better at following instructions.

Are those answers sufficient?
Leonardo Di Caprio to play Frankie

Joan Collins to play Jinny

I find this offensive. I am four years older than Frankie, not 54 years. I am not 89, nor am I brunette, nor have I had extensive plastic surgery.
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Oh for goodness sake! What’s this? The Spanish Inquisition?

1. Because we (he and I plus his entourage) sat in the club at a table drinking and I was on lemonade due to the fact I was driving (I’m sorry but don’t have the number of the barman so you can’t check that I wasn’t secretly topping my drink up with vodka shots!)
2. Her name was Lizzie Hare. She had a horse named after her who was actually his first winner. Luca named the horse after her because he was very “fond” of her...he married another of his secretaries.
3. Because she came out of Lucas house after breakfast to tack up for second lot and told me that this has been the topic of conversation over the breakfast table (jockeys and Secretaries included in that, mere staff not). This was why I was angry!
4. The horse was Pirandello. Yes I trained him. If you look at the comments it says “plenty to do” and I had expressly told him not to sit out the back on him. Bit like I told Sam Hitchcock not to go up the inner at Musselburgh the time before and get blocked but hey, what do I know!
5. The jockey was Gary Hind who rode for me and was better at following instructions.

Are those answers sufficient?

Thanks for that insight Jinny.
I find this offensive. I am four years older than Frankie, not 54 years. I am not 89, nor am I brunette, nor have I had extensive plastic surgery.

I was offended on your behalf, jinnyj!

Any film would need to be set back 30 years so it would need to be an actress in her early 20s with enough gravitas to do you justice. Not easy to find, I'd imagine.

On the other hand, you could probably train a monkey to do Dettori.
One day at Ascot, before the redevelopment one of my best friends, LOVED Frankie, she knew nothing about racing (!) wanted to get his autograph on the racecard. One race he finished out of the first 4 so unsaddles out of winners enclosure etc. Go and ask him now I said as he walking back in. Obviously no cameras etc. My friend asks can you sign my racecard please? Sorry have to weigh in. I said nothing. Next race, ditto. I said there's no rush as you finished out of the first 4, again. My friend says that's it I'm not asking you again. Richard Hills laughed his head off. He still refused to do it. Jamie Spencer, says Hi I'll sign it if you would like? Yes thank you my friend says, thank you very much. After she says to me who was that? I told her; she says I love him. Lesson learned :)
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We shouldn’t expect our sporting heroes to be nice because a ruthless will to win doesn’t necessarily equate to being a nice person. Having said that, the irritating thing about Dettori is the way he has cultivated his cheeky chappie lovable image.
A bit like AP, who comes over as a complete c*nt.

Be careful, he is Irish.:blink: On here that is sacrilege.

I don't think I have read such vile and spiteful remarks about a jockey from people who I thought were decent individuals, that is only a few on here, some comments are enlightening to me about this man. Why the nastiness though? I know some think it's clever to always view a popular figure in the negative, those people, usually journalists, think they are being smart, but they really aren't, they are just snidey f**ks.

FFS life is so short, do any of you posting vile comments think they make you look good? They really really don't, in fact they make you look ugly, really ugly, individuals. You will be perfect I assume?
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Be careful, he is Irish.:blink: On here that is sacrilege.

I don't think I have read such vile and spiteful remarks about a jockey from people who I thought were decent individuals, that is only a few on here, some comments are enlightening to me about this man. Why the nastiness though? I know some think it's clever to always view a popular figure in the negative, those people, usually journalists, think they are being smart, but they really aren't, they are just snidey f**ks.

FFS life is so short, do any of you posting vile comments think they make you look good? They really really don't, in fact they make you look ugly, really ugly, individuals. You will be perfect I assume?

Don't go over old ground EC1...I found the Dettori stories well worth reading. He's not the happy go lucky chap he pretends to be obviously.
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Don't go over old ground EC1...I found the Dettori stories well worth reading. He's not the happy go lucky chap he pretends to be obviously.

Where did he pretend to be a happy go lucky chap? That seems to be your perception, along with others. I seem to remember him owning up to substance abuse that most individuals would deny and pretend didn't happen. Would you be big enough to admit to substance abuse if you were a high profile individual like him??
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Where did he pretend to be a happy go lucky chap? That seems to be your perception, along with others. I seem to remember him owning up to substance abuse that most individuals would deny and pretend didn't happen.

Yes, my perception and the vast majority of people's i'd imagine. Substance abuse has nothing to do with it. Don't twist it to suit your agenda.
I've met Frankie, he was decent and friendly, same with AP.
When I met Ruby he was completely offish.
That said we all have our off days.
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I reckon the ones who are open etc about substance abuse are the ones who got caught.

Frankie has been brilliant for racing down the years but he does give the impression it's more about him than anyone or anything else.

The only time I recall his giving credit beyond himself was to Enable. At least he got that right.
If my memory is correct I think that someone’s asked Lester Piggott which jockey he would choose to ride a horse of his in the Derby and he said straight away that he would use Dettori.
Definitely. Dettori rides the track so much better than the rest, mainly because his tactics tend to be closest to Piggott's.
I think most people have a public and private persona. And just because they interview well and seem “nice” it doesn’t always follow. It’s the same with trainers too. ITV seem obsessed with one female trainer in particular always talking her up but I could write a book about how she is in real life (Barjon already well aware from PMs to this) including some continued appalling treatment of her staff. And I interviewed Paul Nicholls last night as he had a winner at the point to point I was covering and he couldn’t have been nicer to talk to and he’s always like that. But I am not 100% convinced that that is the real him. I do know that trainers get unbelievably stressed and likewise jockeys exist on fresh air to keep their weight down so that adds to their lack of humour.

Frankie obviously I have known for a long time and I still think he’s a twat. Yes to a certain extent he’s been good for racing in the fact that he’s stepped outside the racing industry and thus promotes it. But he definitely isn’t the nice cheeky chappie guy that ITV would lead you to believe and I find the fawning over him particularly vomit inducing.

On the other hand Steve Cauthen was utterly lovely. I got to know him a bit while living in Lambourn and saw him a bit when I moved to Newmarket. He remembered me when I bumped into him and had known I had gone to California to work for a while. This was a good couple of years after I had last seen him and I just thought how nice it was of him to remember.
Agree about Dettori, saw him at Yarmouth last season deliberately running away from paddock to avoid people who wanted his autograph/selfie etc

The one top jockey who surprised me as I expected him to be miserable was Ryan Moore who I saw first hand at Nottingham races being absolutely fantastic outside the weighing room with the kids