Frankie Dettori Retirement Year Thread

That was just to make people at home feel loved and cared for, Reet.
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Surely kissing a camera isn't a crime?? Do we expect all of our jockeys to be making a knuckle and showing no emotion on a big win?

Exactly. I am sure Frankie wouldn't complain if another trainer or jockey did it now and then after a win.

That's just friendliness.
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I've no issue with him doing it once in a lifetime or once a Saturday though. It doesn't bother me.
Aide from Jinnyj's comments, which I agree with, my main issue with him is that he has not been honest for at least 20 years. I worked with the organisation when he was their stable jockey 20 years ago and none of them liked him because the rot had set in. I've posted couple of examples on here regarding this and he's just reinforced the opinion as the years have gone by. All jockeys, top class or not, have bad days but they don't set out to be that way. He does and because majoriity believe the 'good old Frankie, come on me, jumping off horses for the crowd' face of him, he gets away with it.
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Brilliant jockey at his best, arguably still the best judge of pace and makes fewest mistakes [imo] in the races that matter.

And one of the biggest things ever to happen to UK - and probably world - racing.

Strikes me as a total arsehole, though.
Strikes me as a total arsehole, though.

That puts him in the same league as about 50 percent of our fellow human beings, at any given time I reckon.

Ones man's arsehole is often the next persons legend or hero or good friend.

The difference being most people don't get their characteristics debated, warts and all, on a public forum, on a thread dedicated to their career in racing.

I find it overly personal myself.

A bit like someone having an affair and being deemed scum of the earth for it.

As if no one else ever had an affair... And as if anyone knew all the circumstances involved anyway..

Maybe that's a bad comparison.
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I’ve met plenty of racing superstars over my time within the industry and many have been a real letdown and I’m sure it’s the case in many walks of life. Steve Cauthen however was anything but. One the nicest guys I have ever met and I met him many times including when he stayed for Royal Ascot one week where I was living and I did all the cooking (found him pilfering my trifle in the fridge one night :lol:....he was super embarrassed!) for the guests staying.

I know jockeys do have it difficult...little to eat, long hours, weight constantly under control to abnormal levels and having lived with one, it’s not an easy lifestyle. But he’s still a tw*t. I know him well enough to go up to him and say “hi Frankie, hows it going....” and he’d possibly reply “hey Kirsty, not seen you for ages....” but if there was someone more important to my left or right, he’d completely blank me. And that I find tw*tworthy........and when he rode for me he gave my horse an appalling ride just because he couldn’t be bothered :mad:
That puts him in the same league as about 50 percent of our fellow human beings, at any given time I reckon.

That's a really depressing figure for you, Marb.

I must be very lucky. The number of absolute arseholes I've met in my entire life you could probably seat on a handful of upside down bar stools.
There's 7 billion of us, DO. I would argue statistically there's a fair few arseholes of some calibre out there, depending on how you deem someone an arsehole of course. Why you would deem Frankie an 'absolute' arsehole when you probably haven't even met the bloke is beyond me.. But each to their own.

Neither does that mean 50 percent of the people I have met are arseholes either.

It's my perception of the species as a whole, not necessarily based on my own life experience.

Anyway, I have said my piece in defence of Frankie. I'll let the thread roll on, with the repetition of the Frankie is a twat, arsehole and whatever else, (for essentially petty and tedious reasons) rumble on.
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when he rode for me he gave my horse an appalling ride just because he couldn’t be bothered :mad:

This is exactly the issue with him 'cos he'd made his mind up before he sat on it he wasn't going to try. Has more excused lined up than my muppet eats stud muffins, and none of them anything to do with his riding.
There's 7 billion of us, DO. I would argue statistically there's a fair few arseholes of some calibre out there, depending on how you deem someone an arsehole of course. Why you would deem Frankie an 'absolute' arsehole when you probably haven't even met the bloke is beyond me.. But each to their own.

Neither does that mean 50 percent of the people I have met are arseholes either.

It's my perception of the species as a whole, not necessarily based on my own life experience.

Anyway, I have said my piece in defence of Frankie. I'll let the thread roll on, with the repetition of the Frankie is a twat, arsehole and whatever else, (for essentially petty and tedious reasons) rumble on.

There is a lot of truth in what you are saying Marb.
Will he be riding in USA/Japan next year?
Are you suggesting his retirement is'staged'?:)
From RP:
Gosden fuelled that fire.

"I know him well," he said. "He's doing it cleverly. He's not just stopping cold. He's doing it the right way. He's bringing it down gently. He'll be riding in Hong Kong, he'll be riding in California, he'll be riding in the Middle East during the winter. He ain't packing up, don't you worry. Where there are big races, he'll pop up.
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There must be something wrong with me because I can't get my head round Frankie being a great jockey

No the worst but not the best in my book. Trustworthy......way too many fukc ups for my liking

Lester, Cauthen, Swinburn, Eddery, Fallon and Buick were/are much more reliable IMO
Rom the RP:
Gosden fuelled that fire.

"I know him well," he said. "He's doing it cleverly. He's not just stopping cold. He's doing it the right way. He's bringing it down gently. He'll be riding in Hong Kong, he'll be riding in California, he'll be riding in the Middle East during the winter. He ain't packing up, don't you worry. Where there are big races, he'll pop up.
No-one can make the right decisions 100% of the time, particularly in something as unpredictable as a horse race. Add that to occasions when you do make the right decision only to find that your horse can’t or won’t follow your instructions. The end result is that you can often look like a pillock.

I think, though, that Moore makes the wrong decision on far fewer occasions than anyone else and when Dettori wants to, he’s the same.
I think making the fewest mistakes is probably the safest way to judge jockeyship these days and I go back to Cauthen as the ultimate in making the fewest.

Nowadays, the one who impresses me most in that regard is Buick but I also think these 'top' jockeys are in a privileged position of getting real quality horses to ride against inferior opposition and minor mistakes can go unnoticed because the horses get them out of trouble.

Strike rates among riders away from the high profile yards can also be telling. Rossa Ryan has an excellent strike rate. Hector Crouch is always on my radar too.
I think making the fewest mistakes is probably the safest way to judge jockeyship these days and I go back to Cauthen as the ultimate in making the fewest.

Nowadays, the one who impresses me most in that regard is Buick but I also think these 'top' jockeys are in a privileged position of getting real quality horses to ride against inferior opposition and minor mistakes can go unnoticed because the horses get them out of trouble.

Strike rates among riders away from the high profile yards can also be telling. Rossa Ryan has an excellent strike rate. Hector Crouch is always on my radar too.

Yes and by the same token, the top ones (agree about Buick) win more often than they should given the relative merits of the horses under them. Obvious, I suppose, but some maintain that if the horse is up for it a sack of potatoes in the saddle wouldn’t make any difference.
Just out of curiosity, I decided to check strikes rates of Moore and Buick.

I'm not going to suggest the figures are conclusive but I'd suggest they point to Buick doing relatively better for non-retaining yards:

Screenshot (47).png

Screenshot (48).png