
Good feeling isnt it when working for prats?

I cant do it now working for myself but id rather spend a week in the dentist chair watching formula one whilst every tooth is pulled out without anaesthetic than work for someone again
Oh yes, Clivex.

Until yesterday I had had a headache and stomach ache for the past 3 days. Handed my notice in on Tuesday, felt better yesterday and almost euphoric this morning.

I had been working freelance until pressured into taking this job - very much against my better judgement. As a result my health has been severely damaged and my temperament badly affected. I am usually a happy-go-lucky person with a good sense of humour, but that has been lacking for a couple of years.

I'm freelancing again and, while it can sometimes be a bit precarious financially, I really enjoy having no ties.

Roll on October. The start of the NH season proper and my return to freedom!
Thanks all, much appreciated. I might even start enjoying racing again.

(Anyone need a secretary? :p When I get my new digital machinery you can dictate straight down the telephone!!)
Its working for me but it does take ages to get the contacts moving. Heavy networking for a long time and even jointly run my own event now and even then, you need people to have confidence in you

But it snowballs when you do a job well and build good relationships

Even today talking to a client i generally consult with they had two questions aboyt expanding their business. One about a new area and one about getting an ISO. straight away i knew two people who had run a business in that area and another who had recently got an iso. Contacts add value to whatever you do and they were well pleased

I wouldnt swap what im doing for anything

Arranging finance for a new bakery in gluten free market (they will be big and you should see the owner...christ shes hot), a big paper importer and a ad agency in film industry this week. Three big meetings in three days and all good. Loads of other stuff on too

Not larging it but point is compared with trotting out some pointless report for some cnt who wont read it anyway, its a world apart.

I look forward to mondays and happily do stuff at weekends. Cant be bothered with a holiday but still take off decent time

you live once and if you can work happliy alone and motivate yourself easily, enjoy the challenge and can network with ease...then it has to be done

but if you miss security, office life (surprising how many do...not me) and are ugly and smell then its not for you
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Nice one, redhead.

I'm 5 years self-employed this coming 30th September, and if I ever do look back, it's only to roar my knackers off laughing at my good fortune in telling 'the Man' to poke it up his rear-end.

Best of luck in whatever you do next.
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I just resigned straight out of the shower with a towel aroubd me using a cut-paste-edit from google.

Thank you all for your good wishes. I used to freelance but got "persuaded" into taking this job - and how I wish I hadn't. My health has suffered greatly and I now tire much more easily than I used to. So much for the National Health Service!

Looking forward to the end of September (am only staying to get another month's pay in the bank to cover setting-up costs). Have already been offered a couple of jobs, so am working on those at the weekends and in the evenings. Knackered but happy!

Trudi - Dougal will be kept in the style to which he has become accustomed, I promise. He now has six beds scattered around the house, four different plates with different food in different places, and has just adopted my brand-new blanket.

Thank you too for all the good advice, I still need it as the market has changed quite a bit since I last worked for myself. Still, I do have a target market, so hopefully should be one of the first to do this, before a lot more follow me next year.
The S.O. pointed out the other day [this is from things I'd said about work] that the NHS must be the worst place to work because everyone seems to be off work sick, and I think he's right. Except that [touch wood] I'm never off sick and seem to always be covering for people that are. Good for you, redhead. As long as the Govt don't move the goalposts again I might actually retire next year [September, in fact; I'm counting the days....]
Go harry!

Great feeling isn't it?

I gave 5 weeks notice and it is only just starting to get exciting now that I only have 2 weeks left to go.

I had originally planned to hang on until the New Year, but couldn't. So all of the planning that should have been done between now and Christmas has been crammed into the past 3 weeks. I very nearly forgot my password to the Racing Post because I've been so busy!

Totally cream-crackered but very, very happy.

Hope it goes the same for you harry.
Moe, I'm leaving because I have spent the summer covering for other people and managing to do a full-time job in my 30 hours per week.

Some of my colleagues are taking full-time pay for doing part-time jobs, due to the incompetence of the manager we got rid of last year.

We have been divided into teams and have to cover each others' work when we go on leave. Fair enough, I did that all summer.

The crunch came when one of our team was injured. As my consultant was on leave, I was asked to cover the bulk of her work but two of my colleagues were given one job from that office each.

I felt such a mug the following week when I saw the Supervisor's allocation list by chance. My two colleagues had done the allocated jobs, but then asked me for help with their own work because they were "snowed under". Like a fool, I obliged because I don't like to see anyone struggle.

So much for teamwork. I have no intention of carrying the lazy and incompetent any longer.

I can't wait to see the state of their offices come Christmas - especially as one of them is taking over my job!!!