
Sheikh Mo isn't wrong about us being allowed to write what we want in this country - unlike Dubai, where a brand-new edict has come into force forbidding any criticism of the way the little sheikhdom is run, or of its rulers - on pain of imprisonment. One assumes that'll be one reason why his entourage only talk in complimentary platitudes. ("You criticise my 2 y.o.'s campaign? That's three years for you!")

Thanks for the insights, written and pictorial, GA.
I can not eat as much as i would like to spew (SORRY!)
Yesterday the fine Godolphin management happened right in front of my eyes - Peligroso in Cologne.
Not that the horse looked really bad, very very very fit - about three galops too much, in return a little less feed than normal.
And then after his hard race in Munich two weeks ago Peligroso stumpled home -second last, eleven length behind the field- the lapidary comment from the spokesman was: 'it was not so bad at all' and 'look at him, he is still a baby'.
That makes me speechless although I just would like scream blue murder...
"This decision by Sheikh Mohammed to race nine graduates from Peter Snowden and Lee Freedman's stables on the world stage is a massive compliment to everybody associated with racing our team in Australia, from Peter and Lee to the staff who work in their stables," Ferguson said.

I know Godolphin have had some real low points in the past couple of seasons, but surely today is the worst? To see a horse lauded as the best in the world finish like a no hoper, the same fate being taken by their other runner, and hardly a horse left to look forward to at Ascot after one race (Gold Cup aside, where their success comes down to whether Yeats has an off day) is embarassing.

I never thought Sheikh Mo would make radical changes and sack people before , but now I think it's the only option left. It must have been a humiliating experience today, even bearing in mind the old agae 'these things happen'.

What next?
I can't believe the BBC or RP haven't touched upon it.

It's hard to make comparisons but its ten times worse than say Mike Ashley and Newcastle's demise. The media have an obligation to viewers, punters, readers etc. to hold them to task over it.

I had pennies on him today but it was a sickening sight.

Sheikh Mohammed is an intelligent man and he needs to sort things out. It's no using having shiny Meydan opening if his flagship training operation is known around the world for ruining racehorses.
Instead of sorting out his problems he is looking for other talented horses especially Sea the Stars ... (dear god - please let this not happen)

From the RP-Page:
The Sheikh was also asked about the health of the Godolphin operation, moments before Gladiatorus was well beaten in the Queen Anne with stablemate Alexandros further back.
"It is good," he said. "I am very happy with it. Things are moving and we are looking to the future."

Is this the response of an intelligent man? I do not really think .

He only ever owned the name, which he leased to the Mirror Group. The whole lot was since sold on to the current owners.
Presumably, it's time for Mr Suroor to move on and engage in another activity now. One hopes his next career step, or indeed change, will suit him well and that he will enjoy himself doing that.
The Sheikh may have a developing interest in exploring the training talent outside the UAE; some people who, perhaps, could be persuaded to demonstrate their talents and pass on their expertise to the younger ones. It would be an interesting area to explore.

The Sheikh knows how to read and certainly would not miss any writing between the lines: one hopes, gentle reader, that your own eyesight has the same measure of perspicuity.
just to add that Cocoa Beach came last as heavy favourite on her reappearance on Sunday night in a listed race at Belmont. In the space of little over a week, 3 of their shining lights have faded. Can things get worse for Godolphin?