Gold Cup 2009 (was: Denman)

Even if Denman relishes the return to the track and is in A1 condition he wont set the same ferocious pace as last year - which will probably set the race up for one of his quicker rivals.
They can't think much to the chances of Barber's Shop, or they know that he's going for the Ryanair, because Mr Geraghty has already agreed to ride Star De Mohaison.

Taken from Weatherbys, this is most recent......Geraghty is looking forward to his first Cheltenham Festival as part of the Henderson team and nominates Barbers Shop, Zaynar and Punchestowns as his best chances of success.
I've been told it.

If he thinks Barbers Shop has a good chance of success then I can only presume they're going for the Ryanair where Barry will ride.
From ATR - Harry Findlay

"On the day at Cheltenham, when Denman turned for home he was gone. When Denman jumped the last he was completely gone. I think he was a gone horse well before the last," he said.
"Because of what happened, I said within 24 hours of the race Neptune Collonges was the value each-way this year. Top sporting events, be they equine, canine or human, leave big scars.
"I don't think we'll see the real Denman again. I hope we do and he is in the greatest hands you could possibly have, but if I was betting on it, I don't think he's a certainty to run."
Reflecting on Denman's long-awaited reappearance, when he was well beaten by Madison Du Berlais, he added: "The race at Kempton was the last piece of the jigsaw.
"But once a horse has won a Gold Cup and had a heart problem - Paul (Nicholls) said two months before the start of the season he couldn't move. He took two and a half months to get over it. We all know what we saw (at Kempton)."
Nicholls, who was also on the expert panel, added: "For the first time this morning (Thursday), Denman really sparkled. I was going to take him for a racecourse gallop, but I don't think there's a need to now.
"Kauto Star is a brilliant workhorse, Denman isn't. Paul (Barber, Denman's other part-owner) is keen to run and the way it is at the moment, there's no reason not to."
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More interested in what Nicholls says here, but why not take him for a racecourse gallop anyway? He seems to be saying he's so well it's not worth doing. I can't quite believe that.
All this crabbing by Findlay might look a tad dodgy if Denman actually wins the thing.

I was thinking the same. Although I'm not quite feeling it yet, if Denman does line up he'll certainly look the value at current odds against Kauto, Neptune and MdB, who are the only serious alternatives.
I don't think he will turn up. I think in the background they'll be giving him every chance to make it to the track but in the end the decision will be to put him away. I haven't had a bet on the race yet, but right now i'd agree with Findlay, Neptune Collonges ew at 6's is the value and will be even moreso should Denman be announced a NR.
Denman won the battle but Kauto's won the war, those french breds are some tough cookies I tell ya.
Denman 8/1 in betfair now

betfair should open a market predicting when Nicholls will declare him a non runner
Perhaps all those trying to make me look silly for my opinions regarding Denman's problems (which were based on some extensive research) might be looking less smug themselves before long. Personally I hope he doesn't run but comes back at his best next season (and if he does and wins then I will also be inclined to smell a rat! - not that I think PN would play those sort of games)

Btw Simon, nobody, least of all me, ever said he had a 'bleeding heart'. I don't know where you got that idea, his problem - an episode of fibrillation of the heart which has taken a very long while to get over - has been possibly the best documented since 'Arkle's hoof'!
Headstrong I have been in your boat for a long time but the people with their fingers in their ears just don't listen, at least treat your self to a nice drink with a smug smile on your face because I am.
this article says it all
the man who owns the horse and has had a huge gamble on him in the last 2 festivals has backed Neptune......

the writing is on the wall: "NON RUNNER"
Nicholls thinks he's a different horse since being reunited with former work rider Jess Allen. Maybe the same will be true when Sam Thomas gets aboard in a couple of weeks?
this article says it all
the man who owns the horse and has had a huge gamble on him in the last 2 festivals has backed Neptune......

the writing is on the wall: "NON RUNNER"
What huge gamble last year Suny? I can assure you that Harry didn't have a fortune on Denman in last year's Gold Cup. It's telling that the horse actually drifted on the day in face of support for the supposedly injured Kauto Star.
He may not have had a huge gamble on him, but he was (outwardly, at least) utterly certain of victory.

Denman is drifting both with the bookies and on the exchanges ahead of the Cheltenham Gold Cup.

The reigning champion has been pushed out to 7/1 (from 5/1) by Ladbrokes and has lost his position as second favourite to stablemate Neptune Collonges (6/1).

And it's a similar story on Betfair where Denman is available to back at around the 8/1 mark.

Ladbrokes report a near total lack of betting interest in him as he seeks to land back-to-back wins.

Their spokesman David Williams said: "We've barely laid a bean on him since his reappearance at Kempton. It's a far cry from the Denmania of this time last year.

"Of the three Nicholls superstars Denman is currently the least popular.

"After his win last March nobody could have imagined him being only the third favourite in the betting, but his run at Kempton coupled with mixed reports from the camp have combined to scare punters off."
Could you imagine the day before the race Denman was 20-1 and Harry had 500k e/w at 20-1 and Denman went on to win, that would be the biggest gambling plot ever. Sorry just been reading a book on 500 greatest gambles/gamblers hehe
Could you imagine the day before the race Denman was 20-1 and Harry had 500k e/w at 20-1 and Denman went on to win, that would be the biggest gambling plot ever. Sorry just been reading a book on 500 greatest gambles/gamblers hehe

Harry might have had a total of £200k on Denman winning the RSA a couple of years ago, but that would be adding up a lot of individual bets, rather than one lump. For all his heavy hitting, he has rarely, if ever, backed anything to win as much as £500k in one hit.
I can't imagine Shadow Leader's reaction when she heard it was Bet365 that laid him 500k e/w @ 20/1.