I'll reply to this, Danny, but after that I'm bowing out of the thread since expressing political views is the quickest way, alongside religious ones, to create friction.
For clarity, the following is not directed at you or anyone on here personally.
The view you expressed is the type that makes my blood boil.
I hear it from taxi drivers and punters in the pub or bookies or people in lounges on holiday.
I don't know where these people get these notions from. The Mail, Sun, Express, Telegraph? I really don't.
It is indeed a truly Conservative view of our society of how privileged working class people should feel to get by off the back of efforts by the rich.
It's ignorant and abhorrent to me.
" The quickest way to create friction" I've been on here a number of years Maurice we've conversed at times about horses racing and I don't think I've ever been abusive, resorted to name calling or even fallen out with anyone so I'm going to take that's a general slant on how political or religious discussions go with others. I can easily debate either subject, I'd know more about religion than I would politics and the economy but I'm happy to discuss either without resorting to personal insults. Whats more the fact people get outraged during discussions really tells me how few real problems they have and how convinced they are that their own view of the world is correct. I on the other hand I'm almost happy to lose an argument as it means I learned something.
I certainly don't read newspapers and my view is formed from the world I've seen and my life.
The working class should feel "privileged", I feel is the wrong word but should at least feel grateful that they live in a world where there is employment, pay, rights and a structure to society. People aren't flocking here in their hundreds of thousands to be poor. Poor is even the wrong word to band about in this country. If you've got a roof over your head and food in your belly then on a worldwide scale you're blessed. People who creates services for people, businesses and employment deserve all the riches that come to them. Once they've created jobs they have to fill them and since the slave trade was abolished in this country Employer and employee come to a mutual agreement on how much pay they'll accept to do a task. If its a simple task that anyone can do then it'll be lowly paid the more skilled you are the higher your value. You don't want a brain surgeon who's on minimum wage and who in their right mind pay's their cleaner 500k per year.
Jeff Bezos created a service that probably half the world has found helpful, in doing so he's created thousands perhaps millions of jobs why shouldn't he be rich beyond belief ? Not everyone can be a rock star. If you're only discernible skills are to have a strong back and be good on a shovel , what the hell are you gonna do in life if someone hasn't created a business for you to shovel at ? You also need to have most of the money with the smartest people because you know what stupid people do with money ? Stupid stuff ! There a a vast amount of lottery winners who's live have gone to bits once they've become a millionaire. Never mind the costas there are enough takeouts, off licences, vape store and drug dealers in every deprived area to say that the working class or "the poor" as you put it are not spending their money wisely. Enough people eating themselves into wheelchairs smoking and vaping themselves onto oxygen tanks and enough lads sniffing there way into heart wards of our hospitals.
If you want to help the poor in this country its not about handing them money. It's about education. But real education teach them about finances, nutrition, show them other ways of life and places in the world and nurture creativity instead of stifling it and trying to turn kids into robots.
You said it wasn't personal towards me but my views are
Ignorant - lacking knowledge and awareness in general, uneducated or unsophisticated.
I'd already said at the beginning I hadn't much of a clue about politics and it wasn't really my thing so admitting to my own ignorance on the subject. But if you want to call me ignorant you could at the very least try and educate me to why I am. You said you didn't want to get involved in discussion you had that choice you didn't have to. But you've got involved insulted my opinion without any better solution and left the room.
Seriously ? What was the point in that Maurice ?
I find that abhorrent.