
No, it wasn't much of a deal according to all that was reported. It did knock him for six thus affecting him if not to a great extent for much of the season (but enough) though in my opinion; much the same way as we can feel low for a while after a bout of illness. Hopefully he's fully recovered now and the sign that he is carrying condition is a very good one and points towards a recovery.
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Yeah, I would say a heart problem is potentially more difficult!

It was not a heart problem as such but a fibrillation of the heart, which is treatable. His problem last year was due to weight loss deriving from this, which is not the issue now... i.e. the heart thing is not an issue.

Barnbrook Again had the same recurring thing throughout his career... it didn't stop him in Grade 1 events.
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Ahhhh.....where's Headstrong when you need an expert to put you straight on how serious fibrillation of the heart is and how serious the treatment is?!?!? :lol: :lol:
I'm actually coming round to your way of thinking that he's a bet for the Hennessy too... Keep the faith flaxen one.
This is also fair enough. I've not taken this price (but also would not put those off who want to back him). I'd prefer to watch him run a decent race and finish thereabouts (which is why I'm looking round for something else for the Hennessy). I have earlier taken all of the 9/1 and 8/1 that I can for the Gold Cup though. I believe he has a better chance of winning the 2010 Gold Cup than the 2009 Hennessy. I wouldn't rule out him winning both however.

14/1 for the double, currently.
It was not a heart problem as such but a fibrillation of the heart, which is treatable. His problem last year was due to weight loss deriving from this, which is not the issue now... i.e. the heart thing is not an issue.

Barnbrook Again had the same recurring thing throughout his career... it didn't stop him in Grade 1 events.

I hope you're right Steve - Denman's main asset IMO was his ability to go off in front and gallop them all into the ground.

Fingers crossed that is what happens on Saturday.
I'm sure I read somewhere recently that they wouldn't ask Denman to race prominently and try to gallop the rest of them into submission.
Thanks Gareth - IMO that was the main reason he was winning as he was and would show that they still have some niggling concerns about his wellbeing.
worse again gareth he said "In terms of 6-1 for the Gold Cup or the Hennessy, you'd have to say the Gold Cup would be the more realistic price," he said. Whereas the horse will be given a sympathetic reintroduction at Newbury, at Cheltenham it will be "all guns blazing".
If you want to give the horse a sympathetic introduction, why run him off top weight in a Hennessy where you would expect it to be impossible for him to win without having a hard race.
If you want to give the horse a sympathetic introduction, why run him off top weight in a Hennessy where you would expect it to be impossible for him to win without having a hard race.

I would have thought so too... He must be pretty straight if they have planned this as his 'comeback' race. He can't just be in it to keep the weights sweet for the other two (...can he? :))
For me this race comes down to whether you believe Denman is back to his best. If you consider the Hennessy 2 seasons ago, if Denman was carrying 13 pounds more, only Dream Alliance would have possibly caught him and he'd be a long way clear of the rest. Even then you'd fancy Denman had more in hand than the 11 lengths and would have probably found more if needed.

I think 5/1 is a cracking bet if he drifts.