
Cheers Steve - and I agree, it wasn't the betting, it was seeing Denman win like that, being part of the atmosphere and being a part of the reception. It was emotional alright.
Great performance today but when I saw Ruby bustling him up at the start I was going to place lay him for everything.
He took his time to get going, alright, and he certainly didn't attack his fences at first but I think that only helped him, in the end, as he didn't waste energy when he didn't need to.

He was absolutely extraordinary, today - the way he took the last and then scooted away from it was just ridiculous, given the weight he was carrying. Fantastic.
He is amazingly quick away from the fences for such a big horse.

Those who've been blowing his trumpet can enjoy this day for a long time to come.

I will be very keen to analyse the race in due course but if you asked me right now, I'd say I'd still fancy Kauto to beat him come March.
It really is amazing the resolution shown by Denman and Kauto Star in their respective debuts this season. Such a classy and genuine pair.

I really no longer care which of Kauto Star or Denman wins the Gold Cup - I just want the third beaten 15L, and for there to be less than a neck between them at the finish. :lol:
I really no longer care which of Kauto Star or Denman wins the Gold Cup - I just want the third beaten 15L, and for there to be less than a neck between them at the finish. :lol:

Couldnt agree more. Its quite a priviledge to be witnessing these two genuinely great horses

Do you think flat racing conjours up the same emotions Grasshoper?
Fantastic performance , and good job Nicholls making him coming back to his best.

In the Gold Cup distance I rate him as a better horse than Kauto Star.
I watched it this afternoon with my fingers in my mouth on the first circuit and daring to believe he was actually going to do it. Watching him over those last few fences was emotional to say the least and I was a near gibbering wreck! I have just watched it again there and he was even more impressive the second time around. What an absolute legend he is and how fortunate we are to have witnessed him, roll on March big lad.
Do you think flat racing conjours up the same emotions Grasshoper?

Depends. I mean, if Zarkava had stayed in training watching her take on Sea the Stars would have been special.

With the jumps you do get a lot more emotionally involved with the horses to the point that the betting doesn't seem as crucial.

But equally I love that moment before the Guineas and the Derby when anything seems possible and new stars may be crowned.
He did look a bit rusty to start with, didn't he but he soon warmed to the task. Congratulations to the horse and all concerned.

Yes, I noticed this but on watching it again, I don't think Ruby was expecting that the starter was ready to let them go and think he was stood a bit further back than was the plan when the tapes went up.
Yes, I noticed this but on watching it again, I don't think Ruby was expecting that the starter was ready to let them go and think he was stood a bit further back than was the plan when the tapes went up

I don't agree - when Denman had his gallop at Exeter he nearly planted himself at the start and he needed a heck of a lot of stoking up. He galloped very lazily until he was really rousted to go on.

He was being chivvied while they were waiting at the start today. I just think that these days he needs revving up and I suspect Ruby wanted to
be in a stride when the tapes went up. He's just lazy* - until he gets it into his head that he's really racing ...

* Edit - or maybe not lazy - just wants to do it his way, not the way somebody tells him to do it!!
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Denman was outstanding today. Far far too good for a class field which included several that could have been well in at the weights.

The astonishing fact is that he might not have even been at his best.

If Nicholls can eke just a little bit more improvement out of him then they won't be able to live with him in the Gold Cup once he finds that rhythm.

I love Kauto Star, a great consistent and superbly versatile horse, but you can't rate Denman his inferior. Kauto wins race after race for sure, but they generally tend to be small field events run at a soft pace at level weights.

For a horse to do what Denman did today - in one of the toughest handicaps of the season and after all his problems - was truly astonishing.
Very impressive and heartwarming but Newbury suits him down to the ground .I think he is 7-10lb better there than anywhere else.

Still think at the GC if they both turn up in peak form that Kauto will just have too much foot for him.
I am very happy to have 'The Tank' prove me wrong today.

I hold my hands up, I didnt think we would see DENMAN back to his best ever again. In the Hennessy he was possibly even better than we have seen him! Outstanding stuff, bring on the rest of the season.

Top 3 in the Gold Cup betting - Kauto, Denman & Cooldine - who is the jockey? RUBY WALSH!

He could maybe give A P a lend of one for the day!!
Interesting to see which Ruby would choose on the day if all three line up.

I saw Denman in the paddock yesterday and there was still a bit to work on. Even so, his appearance was still a massive improvement on last season. Well done to the Nicholls team.

That was some performance giving 12lb+ all round and 22lb to the runner-up. There was still a bit in the tank at the end, too.