Horses we would like to see retired...

I know, Shadz - I'm only avinalarf. Which I need at the moment - I'm so well pissed off with a couple of ishoos right now, it's as well we have gun control in this country.

Vair droll, Trax: and are there any you'd like to see brought back? (While we're wandering off down side lanes, might as well ask!) What's surprised me (posted on Atacanta by jinnyj) is the number of NH horses who, having 'retired', are actually very busy PtP'ing. I didn't know that TANK TOP had toddled off into that arena, after an initially fair start but not quite keeping up to that potential. In fact, I'm quite amazed at how many of the horses we thought had gone into retirement are still treading the boards pointing, even at an advanced age. That's good - as long as they're fit and happy doing it, why not.
When I think of horses I'd like to own, I can only think of horses that I would have liked to own that retired safe and sound; to think of it in the present would turn me into a bigger nervous wreck than I am already. The horse that I would like to own, going back in time is Grey Abbey. But with a different trainer [same jockey].
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Jeysus! Unlucky so - what did he go for and did you pick up anything in his place?

Just 7k. I wasn't even shopping that day but he was a lovely fella and I felt I had to have a go. I had done some homework on him. Yup, to the second bit. At other Sales, but not as good.
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I really did mean this thread to be about horses that ought to leave racing, Steve, not a polemic about the whole industry... :(

:) ...careful what you wish for. I'm very pleased to see horses continue racing (which they were bred to do) while they can. I've had my say.

So in answer to your question. Horses that I would like to see retired, I'd say none, unless they need to be... when they generally are.
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The ones I feel sorriest for are the flat rejects who are tried over hurdles as a last resort, even though it's quite obvious they're going to be equally useless over jumps. You see them being hounded around the gaff tracks at the rear of juvenile hurdle fields.

It is not pleasant watching them get tailed off through exhaustion but nevertheless being forced to finish in order to get their handicap mark.
Grey, that's a particular bee in my bonnet, too. I think that they shouldn't even be accepted for hurdling if they haven't won over distance races on the Flat. David Arbuthnot's CODA AGENCY (one of AGNES WORLD's few success stories) is a grand distance horse, won loads of times, and was supposedly destined for the flights, but his owner today said no, his handicap would probably be too high, so they're keeping him to what he knows and does best. But take some little scrap that's wheezed its way home in barely a mile, and off they go - usually with piss-poor prep, so that they're tanking wildly, heads in the air, reefing away, and in the way of the few that really should be in the race. It's very unfair, it doesn't put racing in an attractive light, and it's occasionally downright dangerous.
None of us is actually going to leave over the sniffy moments, though. That's the difference between now, with the odd wee squabbly bits, and the previous daily insanity...
I cannot think of any at this point, but had this query been posted a little while back I would have said My Will. Was very pleased to not only see him retired but see him go to a great home with the lass who looked after him. Gorgeous and kind horse, must be a dream to ride. :)
Well, our wish came true eventually for DEANO'S BEENO, didn't it, Isi? It took a lot of sulking and churlish behaviour, but he got there in the end! And having been thoroughly soured of the track, has resolutely refused to be 'retired' into any other career - sensible boy!
He is a funny horse. I used to get so peeved about McCoy in those days, poor old Deano. But AP has mellowed. Can't say the horse has, still has definite ideas about everything. Greatwood is near us and I see him often. He does like a visitor now, has finally figured out that no one is going to make him race! Used to stand at back of his paddock, plant himself and ignore everyone. :<3:
GAVROCHE GAUGAIN - on the deck for the fourth time in five runs at Sedgefield. It's not funny, Mr Murphy. FFFor God's sake, give the poor animal away to someone as a nice hack.
Record Breaker badly in need of an inclusion to this list. A horse I've always had a soft spot for but his decline in the past 12 months has been pretty rapid. Last few efforts suggest he has very little enthusiasm for the game these days either.
GAVROCHE GAUGAIN - on the deck for the fourth time in five runs at Sedgefield. It's not funny, Mr Murphy. FFFor God's sake, give the poor animal away to someone as a nice hack.

I dare say that might happen soon, but it isn't a trainer's choice alone. Don't you think that the owner might want a bit of say in that decision?

It's easy to say a trainer should overrule an owner, but if that owner has several horses no trainer can afford that kind of fall out.

I know nothing of this particular situation, just pointing out that things are not as simple as you portray.
He has a decent engine.

Training is (amongst other things) about teaching horses to jump. School him. Give him a spin over hurdles. Hunt him. He's a NH horse, so I wouldn't give up on him if I were the owners, unless the trainer told me to do so.
i would have said palypso de creek before saturdays race. he is a cause of much laughter in the nack/clark household!
Cjboy, and Bar: the thread's about horses which we'd like to see retired, not the trainers or the owners, who in GG's case, clearly don't. You can have all the engine in the world, but if you can't jump without falling over, you really ought not to be in jumping. I'd have thought that Ferdy would know more than some about training them and I'm sure the horse hasn't kept falling to the ground at home as well, since it would take a particularly perverse person to keep presenting him for competition if he did.
Have just previewed the 5.40 at Wolverhampton on Friday. Decided it was high time Grand Palace was retired, and then almost lost the will to live when reviewing the 19-race "career" of Frill A Minute. Have a gander if you like.
What's the betting she'll be sent to some old codger standing for 800 guineas, producing yet another outstanding record-breaker, Rory? Aaargggh! The only not very good thing one can say is that they haven't thrown her into a hurdles race as a last resort.

Poor old GRAND PALACE - yes, you'd think that he might at his age prefer to do something else like go hunting. Over a year since even placed, so really, at 8 years old, time to stop disappointing him. THE TATLING he ain't.