I Recommend

Just for the lads, seeing as they love this resembling Cosmo's Beauty Corner....

Today I am mostly recommending ylang-ylang, in particular the Body Shop's ylang-ylang body wash. Having just had a long hot shower with the stuff I am glad that I let the effeminate lad behind the counter bully me into buying some when I was buying some essential oils yesterday ("Ooo, ylang-ylang!! It's lovely isn't it - you must try our body wash, bath foam and massage oil....") although I did just get the body wash in the end!

As an aside to the earlier comments, the baby oil gel is good too and is better for drier skin but it can be quite greasy. I wouldn't recommend using it before getting dressed though as most of it will end up soaking through the clothing!! (behave you lot....no sniggers at the back!!)
Kri, if you hold down the alt key and type 129 on the numbers keypad you should get 'ü'.

You can experiment with this through a whole range of numbers to get lots of 'foreign' writing characters and take a note of the ones you reckon you're most likely to need.

If you're off-forum and using Word, you can do likewise by holding down Ctrl+shift while striking the colon key, then (release the 'Ctrl+shift keys and) type whichever vowel you wish the diaerisis to appear above.

Have fun :D
Talking of Body Shop stuff, my mum gave me some of their Almond body lotion. It smells blooming wonderful, almost good enough to eat.
Thank you, DO. I just held Alt and 129 and what I get is ü - and the first time I've ever used the numbers keypad! :D So, thank ü very much! Hee-hee - this is going to make for hoürs and hoürs of innocent fün!!
It is seriously thick stuff. I used to buy it in France all the time but it is available here now.
Oh hello - a very hot bath hovering an inch below the bathtub rim, full of almond & coconut Original Source con un vaso de vino blanco - happy days!
I suggest that drinking white wine out of a vase is not a good idea - especially if the daffs are still in it .
Penguins stopped play by Harry Thompson. A tale of a village cricket team's challenge to play cricket on each of the seven continents. Hilarious with a poignant ending.
The New Covent Garden Company's (or whatever they're called!) celeriac & leek soup with horseradish - it's superb.