Irish Derby Weekend

Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@Jun 29 2008, 04:08 PM
To be fair Tartan Bearer never quite looked like he was going to do it.
He travelled very strongly indeed ~ traded at 8/11 for good money even before the straight.
Watching the replay a few times, I think AV's backend went into the rails just before he started all that - anyone else see that? No doubt we shall get endless replays.

I think it's impossible to say that Tartan Bearer wouldn't have won if he he hadn't been put off like that - it's very difficult to keep going at *top* speed if you are thrown off line and balance like that , imo Ryan id d very well to keep him going forward so well.

Very hard luck on Curtain Call, he was going very well but yes I'm convinced too he is a 1.2m horse
Only just found out the result. Mixed feelings. I had highlighted FF as the one to take out of the Dante but didn't look closely at the race beforehand and couldn't even have told you FF was running. I'd probably have backed him EW or place-only as I'd backed him at Epsom (9/2 place only) after laying off my bet on New Approach. He was never going at any time at Epsom but was entitled to get reasonably close to TB on York form.
McCabe moved off the rail to let Allessandro up, and looked round to make sure he was there, team tactics it's seems, shortly after that McCabe makes no effort on Hindu Kush.

Never noticed it watching the race but well done Chapman for highlighting it.
McCabe didn't move off the rail though? At least it wasn't visible from the angle that Chapman had. He stayed off the rail and looked around - Chapman was asking what he would have done if Tartan Bearer had been where Allesandro Volta was, as if you can prove team tactics through hypotheticals.
Frozen Fire has given me my biggest pay day in some time. He was interferred with as well and looked the best horse on the day to me.

Tartan Bearer looked slow, took an age to get past the others and not up to Chris's gallop reports.

Weither any of them are up to taking on the older animals is open to question.
Well done to Frozen Fire backers, he's clearly a talented horse, as I thought on his debut when I stuck a large P on him. I've got to find some positive to take from the race!! I'd maintain he's not an easy or straightforward ride and think he will test the skills of O'Brien to the limit as he walks on a tightrope with regards his temperament, but as he's shown with George Washington, he couldn't be in better hands.

The best horse won at the end of the day.
I think FF was the best today
I was on him, it was a silly price.

Also think New Approach would have won today.

Alessandro Volta
team tactics employed on him in the same way they did in the Queen Anne, bordering in the ilegal.
If you've got 5 horses int he same ownership and trainership, it's stupid not to expect team tactics, however heavily they are disguised. The other trainers shoudl have told their jocks to keep well away - easier said than done I know!! esp if a horse veers right across the track

Has anyone any opinion on whether AV did bump the rail as he started to come back to them?
Take your hat off to Jamie Spencer on French Riviera, you won't see another well judged ride like that in a while LOL
Not in my opinion Colin. As far as I'm concerned he's one of the best jockeys riding in the UK at the moment and I find the slagging he gets on the various forums rather tiresome.
Well to be honest, have you ever seen a race at that trip run at such a strong gallop, the horse looked like it was gonna collapse crossing the line.

The fact is Spencer, is one of the worse champion jockey's there has ever been, and to be honest he rides like a 7lb claimer, no judge of pace whatsoever. A winter in America would do him the world of good.
Originally posted by an capall@Jun 29 2008, 04:31 PM
Yes. I have an opinion on that one.
I was watching TB so closely in the race and the re-runs, and then Curtain Call, I'm not sure if I really saw it or not - so I'd like to know if anyone else saw what I *think* I may have seen... It was very brief - and it's a genuine query AC! :rolleyes: so I'd be grateful if you would deign to honour us with your opinion
He needs another season then - bit like re-taking the driving test :P

He doesn't use his brain enough and loses on far too many by giving horses much too much to do -
and he keeps making the same mistake over and over, how so anyone can think he's 'one of the best' as opposed to 'potentially one of the best' escapes me. There is no doubt horses will "go for him", which makes his repeated showboating out the back all the more infuriating

Thanks for the company today guys, really enjoyed watchign with you all
Must go and re-do my big pots outside now :D Better late than never, and it's "Summer" tomorrow
David, for one of the best riders around he does seem to get himself into some horrible positions.

He is a top rider obviously and seems to have wonderful hands but all the slagging he gets just can't be down to people talking through their pockets.

The number of mistakes he appeared to make when riding for Ballydoyle is well documented.

I'm not sure if his problem is over-confidence or an occasional lack of confidence in his own decision-making.

He sometimes gives the impression that he feels he always has something to prove.
Now I have to admit I haven't actually seen the race yet, but from what I've read I'd like to ask Powerscourt and Gareth Flynn if they think that Hindu Kush was ridden to achieve the best possible position?
Originally posted by Colin Phillips@Jun 29 2008, 06:43 PM
Now I have to admit I haven't actually seen the race yet, but from what I've read I'd like to ask Powerscourt and Gareth Flynn if they think that Hindu Kush was ridden to achieve the best possible position?
Jebus Colin, will you get off this hobby horse ~ Hindu Kush was a pacemaker. Using pacemakers is perfectly within the rules. The only issue is whether he materially interferes with the chances of another runner, which he didn't. Steering three wide off the bend to ensure a clear run for whomever is following is acceptable ~ Ryan Moore could easily have been there had he so wished.