Jockey News

Positive update

Aspell said: "All the tests and scans came back clear and I've been discharged from hospital this morning."I'll probably feel a bit groggy for a few days, but otherwise I'm fine.
"I was unconscious for about a minute, so I'll have to have a concussion test before I come back."
Any truth in the rumour that Joseph O'Brien is to retire at the end of the season and take up training NH horses for JP? Just read it on Facebook.
Any truth in the rumour that Joseph O'Brien is to retire at the end of the season and take up training NH horses for JP? Just read it on Facebook.

Appears to have started with AP's VC column

[FONT=open_sansregular]McCoy said: "Joseph is a big lad and he’s quite keen on the training side of things. I think he will be very good at it. J.P. has got a number of horses with Aidan up on the hill. If you were talking from a selfish point of view, I would be very happy if Joseph gave up riding and went and trained horses on the hill for JP."[/FONT]
Indeed, best of luck to Choc Thornton. He obviously would have preferred to continue in the saddle, I hope he can find fulfilment in a new career.
Had a couple of tremendous years at the festival but the writing has been on the wall for a long time now.His challenge us accepting the glory days are gone.
Ryan Moore Rides Deauville in Royal Lodge, Alice Springs in Cheveley P G1 & Seventh Heaven in Maiden, all at Newmarket Saturday
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