Jockey News

The Racing Post has just announced that tragically Lorna has passed away. Just awful news. Sincere condolences to her family.
That’s really sad. She’d been doing ok up till a few days ago as well, joking with her friends - seems to make it worse somehow.

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Think its the first jockey death that I've seen 'live'. Didnt look that terrible a fall. Poor family.
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Desperate news, and it did seem initially she was doing okay from a friend's report of a phone call with her. All best wishes being sent to her family and friends.
What an absolute pillock. He had the racing world at his feet, too. There seems to be a real drug problem in the jockey ranks which has been evident for some time and the BHA ought to be cracking down hard.
They do already have spot testing with no indication when they are going to turn up on a racecourse to test. Any jockey who turns up, sees the testers there and promptly leaves automatically gets penalised. They are doing it Pointing as well. We have warned jockeys not to be complacent in their recreational use.
Drugs have long been a problem in Lambourn and Newmarket (and probably elsewhere) and don’t think it’s only the jockeys! Although they obviously are not in charge of a racehorse during a race but I could probably name you half a dozen trainers who partake.
Aye, Jinny, but it’s clearly not that effective in inhibiting use. So, if it’s because their testing programme is not as “secret” as they think then they need to do something about that. If it is sound then the penalties are simply not enough to stop it, in which case they’ve got to be much more draconian.