Jockey News

Brian Toomey is moving to the high dependency unit, so while he's out of danger he's still not in a great way.
Doesn't young Jamie have a daunting task in living up to his famous dad's surname and reputation in his debut ride aboard Pivotal Rock in the 14:55 at Killarney this afternoon?
He'll always be judged comparatively with his father. Sometimes a famous name is more of a handicap than a help. :)

Anyway, I hope he does okay in his debut ride. Maybe placed?
I'd say that in racing it's almost the other way round, your surname needs to be on the list of those already associated with the racing industry if you're to stand a chance.

By the way is this lad a son or a grandson of Lester?
No fault to find with young Jamie's effort, in my view. :)
Settled his horse nicely in 4th/5th during the early stages. His style is compact and not over-flamboyant. Stylish enough.
Not his fault for the finishing position; horse just wasn't near good enough.
He'll get into the winners enclosure sooner rather than later, I do think.
Well given the choice (and concussion is horrible enough on its own!!) - I'd go for concussion and a dislocation over a fracture any day.... (Tho fracture is probably less painful!!)
Lol, well I've done the concussion - and they aren't certain I didn't injure my pelvis at a different time, but its not uncomfortable enough for me to worry about investigating that (tho we do know about bits of me that I have had confirmed as previously broken!) - I can vouch for normal fractures and concussion - thankfully not dislocated anything that I'm aware of and Im pretty sure Id have noticed.

I was thinking generally tho with my comment - i'm presuming he will be back quicker from concussion and a dislocation than a fractured pelvis....
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Dislocations are supposed to be just about the most painful thing you can do and I think the comparative recovery time depends on the seriousness of either the fracture or the dislocation. The trouble with dislocations is the associated ligament and muscle damage
I think fractures are meant to be pretty painless all round - certainally mine havent been as bad as Id have expected them to be at all. I know when I knackered my ligaments years and years ago the doctor told me that Id be in less pain if Id fractured something...

praps if we ask him nicely, next time he can dislocate one hip and fracture his pelvis on the other side - then we can compare recovery times, Im really curious now what would heal faster !!! Hopefully we wont ever find out though (just in case anyone thinks Im serious!)

Funny old thing the body - as long as hes back on his feet and well again soon its all good.
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It also depends if the dislocation is posteria or anterior as well as the ligament damage, that will affect recovery time as well.

I had a warmblood stomp on my leg, luckily he was barefoot, and the Drs were amazed it didn't break, but boy the haematoma was special, as were the nerve damage and ligament damage, who knew a stomp on your calf would cause a badly sprained ankle!! I'd have been far better off with a plain fracture.....same with horses, it would have been better for my youngster to have fractured a fetlock (simple obviously) than the massive hole he put in his suspensory....

I hope Gary makes a full and fast recovery poor boy.

Meanwhile Brendan Powell posted this image of his broken arm on FB

Update on injured jockey Brian Toomey: Out of a coma, continues to make progress. Can move all four limbs and no longer needs respirator, although his breathing is being assisted by a tracheotomy.
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