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Kauto Star

Anyone would think the horse was being sent to an abattoir rather than a luxury relaxing dressage yard. He's a f*cking ex-racehorse, not a mental patient that requires round the clock care from those that have been with him for eight years.

He still will be going to parades at racecourses etc so nothing has changed other than he'll be doing something new and exciting rather than sitting in a field in inbred country, occasionally attending a Countryside Alliance country fair for the rest of his days.
A wonderful opportunity has been missed to promote British racing. KS could have been used at all sorts of events, not just sporting ones, to achieve this. The horse if allowed to stay at Ditcheat would have been ridden out each day by Clifford or Donna, would have helped in educating they young horses and been kept in tip top condition in an environment where he was entirely happy. Many charities benefited from the proceeds of stable tours mostly taken by people wishing to see KS “at home”
I trust Hamm, this answers your question.

I'm not sure I completely get this, DG. I saw an interview with Clive Smith on RUK this evening and he seemed adamant that the horse would show up to as many racecourses as wanted him to be there.

I can't see how his whereabouts or what he is doing between those appearances will make a huge amount of difference to racing to be honest - assuming he is cared for wherever he is obviously. The stable tours may have raised some money for charity, but I can't help thinking they benefited Nicholls and the yard more than they did the sport.
I'm currently on my 8th horsey share and 7th trainer. The next time I am asked for my opinion on a horse's plans/career by a trainer will be the first time. Nicholl's ego hurt cos Clive didn't wait to be told what to do do. Fuq him.
I'll just give you my experience with Brave Inca. It doesn't mean its right or wrong but it's what we did. Our syndicate was not in a position to take him home. I also feel that while he's our horse, he was the yard's baby if you know what I mean. They live a breathe a horse for seven or eight years and I think that if they want to keep him, they should be allowed to. Colm wanted to keep him and ride him out during the winter. He started doing the racehorse to riding horse class in the RDS to give him something different to do during the Summer but he always went back to the yard in the winter.

If Kauto was mine and I had other horses with PN, I'd leave him there but I'd get them to do something different with him during the season. Maybe a little eventing or dressage or whatever. Then back into the yard to mix with the other horses. But he's not mine so it doesn't matter. I can understand why PN and the staff are upset. Why shouldn't they be. It's easy to say its the owners horse but the staff probably saw him more often in a few months that Clive Smith did in his whole racing career. It can't be easy losing him.
I can't believe there are staff from the yard on Facebook calling Clive smith a c*nt - how the **** does she still have a job??!! Regardless of what the ins an outs of the situation are, that's not the kind of attitude I'd want staff to have - they aren't showing the yard in a good light at all.
I'm currently on my 8th horsey share and 7th trainer. The next time I am asked for my opinion on a horse's plans/career by a trainer will be the first time. Nicholl's ego hurt cos Clive didn't wait to be told what to do do. Fuq him.

No-one is coming out of this well, are they? Hilarious stuff about pronouncing the name wrong.
I can't believe there are staff from the yard on Facebook calling Clive smith a c*nt - how the **** does she still have a job??!! Regardless of what the ins an outs of the situation are, that's not the kind of attitude I'd want staff to have - they aren't showing the yard in a good light at all.

A disgraceful attitude to the people who ultimately pay the wages. Surprised whoever said that (presume I know who) is still in a job tbh.

PN might also want to look at the views some of those at Ditcheat are expressing via other forms of social media.

Do we know who it was? As far as I can see nobody from the yard has been on FB or Twitter today yet, I know they are having a quiet week racing wise, this issue aside, wonder if they've all been warned off posting ?
Something positive, Kauto at his new home.

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I can't believe there are staff from the yard on Facebook calling Clive smith a c*nt - how the **** does she still have a job??!! Regardless of what the ins an outs of the situation are, that's not the kind of attitude I'd want staff to have - they aren't showing the yard in a good light at all.

After that poor nurse did what she did last week has nobody the cop on to take a step back and remember EVERYBODY HAS FEELINGS , just give people space to live and do not take living too seriously, esp living OTHER PEOPLES LIVES.
This is gone far too far.
And just what have I said (especially in that bit you've quoted!) that has gone too far??!!!

Or is it ok to call someone who has paid a big part in the success of a yard a c*nt just because he wants now retired horse a bit nearer??!! Don't forget it was Nicholls who told him to take the horse immediately - not the other way round, yet the whole staff are blaming the owner!

Anyway, far as I'm concerned the best article about this whole sorry affair has been in the guardian. I can't post the link cos I'm on my phone, but its the best balanced thing I've seen about it.
Not having a go at you or anyone Trudi.
We all can say or text or tweet or post things we should think out first, before personalising it.
The way the world is however we all have a voice and opinion and are enabled and empowered and can literally destroy people,reputations and friendships with a silly word.
Not getting at you personally or anyone else either. Life is much too short for that!
Pity with all the troubles facing people that this episode is taking up such space and high emotion.
A person being fired would not take up such space.
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Anyway, far as I'm concerned the best article about this whole sorry affair has been in the guardian. I can't post the link cos I'm on my phone, but its the best balanced thing I've seen about it.

This is the article to which Trudi refers and is written by Greg Wood of The Guardian

he news of Kauto Star's abrupt departure from the Paul Nicholls stable for a new career in dressage with Laura Collett was the perfect raw material for a Twitterstorm. It broke at a time when people were logging on in their lunch break, it had a 12-year-old celebrity caught up in a tug-of-love drama, and best of all, it was purely and simply a matter of opinion.

We can't ask Kauto Star where he wants to spend his retirement from racing, which could well be longer than his actual racing career, and so 140-character judgments could be swiftly formed and then imposed on the unwitting ex-racehorse on his behalf. His move into dressage, and away from the Nicholls stable, is either a Good Thing or a Bad Thing, according to your point of view, but unless Kauto Star himself decides to bust out of the Collett operation and head for "home", there is unlikely to be any objective way to tell whether he is enjoying the change of scenery and discipline, or missing his old box back in Somerset.

Kauto Star's main priorities in life are food, shelter and warmth, and Collett's highly professional operation, which is advised by the noted horse guru Yogi Breisner, is more than able to provide all three. Once his basic welfare is assured, Kauto Star also needs to have his brain exercised, and learning a new discipline will take care of that.

Kauto Star does not understand that the business, and personal, relationship between Nicholls and Clive Smith, the gelding's owner, have broken down. He does not understand that horse racing is a hugely popular spectator sport that is enjoyed by millions of people and keeps tens of thousands in employment. He does not understand that he won two Gold Cups and five King Georges. He does not understand that he is a horse.

This is essentially a human dispute, played out through the medium of a 12-year-old ex-steeplechaser. It also says something about the nature of the relationship between a racehorse owner and its trainer, which can appear to be the happiest of marriages when the horse in question is winning, but is often less harmonious behind closed doors.

It is trainers and their staff who do the hard work of turning a raw young horse into an outstanding champion like Kauto Star. The owner "just" pays the bills. But without that huge, ongoing financial commitment – Kauto Star cost more than £300,000, and Nicholls's weekly fee can't be much below £400 – the horse would not be there at all.

Both sides of the equation are essential, but that does not mean that it is a relationship of equals. Smith is Kauto Star's owner, pure and simple. As long as his horse's basic welfare is assured, he can stable him where he pleases, and Collett's yard in Wiltshire is much closer to his Surrey home than the Nicholls stable in Ditcheat.

The problem is that while the financial input is entirely Smith's, the emotional investment by Nicholls and his many staff, all of whom hoped to see Kauto Star spend his retirement in the yard, is immense. Smith will have been well aware of this, but presumably weighed the inevitable distress at Ditcheat against his own pleasure in having his horse just down the road, and came down in favour of himself. People are often like that. And if there was also an element of rubbing Nicholls's nose in it a little, and reminding him who is the boss, well, people are often like that, too.

Perhaps a lesson that we could all take from this is that if a horse moving from one stable to another can be a cause of such anger, we may be guilty of investing too much emotion ourselves. Kauto Star has, at least, come through his racing career unscathed, and has not been asked to continue in a risky business once his chance of winning at the highest level was gone. His sprawling fall four out in the 2010 Gold Cup with his head bent under his body could easily have broken his neck. How much worse would that have been than a career-change into dressage?

Perhaps the strangest reaction to the news, in fact, was the apparent belief among some racing fans that performing to music is somehow an ignominious way for a tough steeplechaser to end his career. One picture that did the rounds on Twitter was a horse in a tutu. It seems that for some, it is a little like Tony McCoy signing up for Dancing On Ice.

As it happens, McCoy's strength and balance might well make him a serious competitor on the ice rink, although the outfits and sequins might take some getting used to. But leaving that aside, what could possibly be demeaning about a horse doing something horsey? Dancing may not come entirely naturally, but then, neither does jumping steeplechase fences. If it did, they would not need to be schooled.

It could be much worse. Consider Corrida, who won the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe in 1936 and 1937. In June 1944, she was spending a happy retirement at the Haras de Fresnay-le-Buffard stud, not far from a beach in Normandy. She disappeared from her paddock shortly after D-Day. It is believed that she was eaten by retreating German soldiers.
As said above, no one is coming out of this well. If that person on Twatter was my employee, she'd get a written warning. Unacceptable. Paul still needs to learn to curb his temper and mouth but I know he has had severe provocation that hasn't been reported in the media - even so, you'd think by now he would employ some restraint!

Clive Smith is not a gentlemen in my opinion but, as said exhaustively elsewhere, it's his horse and he can do what he likes with him. Don't think dressage will be the horse's forte myself but no one knows for sure. Horse is obviously going to be very well looked after but nobody - absolutely nobody - will ever love the horse like Clifford does and I feel most sorry for him.
My, my, all things come home to roost....

I'd respectfully suggest that if any businessman wants to bad mouth a customer - or even multiple customers - that they're careful to ensure these things don't make their way back...

Lets get a grip here, a lot of tripe is being bandied about. As at least one jockey & at least one trainer have said, the horse hasn't been taken out & shot on the muckheap at dawn, which is the general idea you'd get from the amount of fuss made over it.

Clive Smith owns the horse, pays the bills, is trying to do what is best for the horse & can send it to whichever 5* establishment he chooses (& he's chosen a exceptional one).

If my staff or my offspring were slagging off ANY owner in my yard, let alone such an important & contributory one, on Twitter or Facebook they'd receive a major bollocking & a sacking.

As a last point, some people are making themselves look exceptionally silly when it comes to ignorance of who the legend Yogi Breisner is & the amount of respect & gravitas he commands within any equestrian circle.
My, my, all things come home to roost....

I'd respectfully suggest that if any businessman wants to bad mouth a customer - or even multiple customers - that they're careful to ensure these things don't make their way back...

Lets get a grip here, a lot of tripe is being bandied about. As at least one jockey & at least one trainer have said, the horse hasn't been taken out & shot on the muckheap at dawn, which is the general idea you'd get from the amount of fuss made over it.

Clive Smith owns the horse, pays the bills, is trying to do what is best for the horse & can send it to whichever 5* establishment he chooses (& he's chosen a exceptional one).

If my staff or my offspring were slagging off ANY owner in my yard, let alone such an important & contributory one, on Twitter or Facebook they'd receive a major bollocking & a sacking.

As a last point, some people are making themselves look exceptionally silly when it comes to ignorance of who the legend Yogi Breisner is & the amount of respect & gravitas he commands within any equestrian circle.

welcome back SL;)

as regards Yogi..although i always thought he had a smart mouth..i always liked Boo Boo better