Netanyahu's victims

Reporting from someone who was actually there unlike "universal reporting"

Convenient to call him a liar now isn't it?

And it's only "unbelievable" because that is how you want it to be.

The strike is good news for Hamas and bad news for Israel. That cannot be denied. But of course that makes it "unbelievable" that it could either be an accidental hamas shell or worse
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.As far as I can determine 6 Israelis have been killed in rocket attacks since the start of July-
As I said to you before -- it's not for the want of trying by Hamas.

Do you know what ........................
I'm beginning to think that the critics of Israel on here and in general believe that a "proportionate response" should mean no response at all. Just let the rockets rain down without rebuke or reply.
I've been trying to get the opinion of those same critics as to what they think would be a "proportionate response" from Israel that would be acceptable. No-one is willing or is able to tell me.
Reporting from someone who was actually there unlike "universal reporting"

Convenient to call him a liar now isn't it?

And it's only "unbelievable" because that is how you want it to be.

You can be a smart guy but you are making yourself look quite silly.
As I said to you before -- it's not for the want of trying by Hamas.

Do you know what ........................
I'm beginning to think that the critics of Israel on here and in general believe that a "proportionate response" should mean no response at all. Just let the rockets rain down without rebuke or reply.
I've been trying to get the opinion of those same critics as to what they think would be a "proportionate response" from Israel that would be acceptable. No-one is willing or is able to tell me.

Iron Dome is destroying at least 90% of rockets launched -a more then adequate response.
Iron Dome is destroying at least 90% of rockets launched -a more then adequate response.

90% of 13000

That's leaves 1300 getting through

Yes that perfectly acceptable


There is certainly a belief that "they should take it" . Is there a precedent for at country anywhere being lectured that they should accept missile attack without responding in any way?
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Iron Dome is destroying at least 90% of rockets launched -a more then adequate response.
So, do nothing then -- even when under attack for ten years.
It's just as I suspected; the Israeli-critics idea of "proportionate response" is no response at all.
90% of 13000

That's leaves 1300 getting through

Yes that perfectly acceptable


There is certainly a belief that "they should take it" . Is there a precedent for at country anywhere being lectured that they should accept missile attack without responding in any way?

Why would anyone want to lecture Israel for killing 1100 plus Palestinians as a response to the deaths of 6 Israelis.
I think its pretty certain that Israel is not carrying out such an operation. Hamas are not exactly denying the attacks are they
Are you trying to say the Italian journalist is right, and there is everywhere else a huge conspiracy against Israel?

Give it a rest.

He reported what he saw. No one outside of Hamas and Israel knows the truth about this
You are aware Israel have admitted all the UN schools and hospitals bombs, aren't you?

There is no doubt. Zero.

With that in mind, what do you think of it?

Because if they have, I have missed it. Certainly not all. If any

And most certainly not the last one
The "technicality" is that the UN schools are being used as storage for weapons (and it would almost appear to be with UN connivance) as well as probably bases for attacks

I want to know what the UN's role is in this. I cannot believe for one moment they were not aware of this. To my mind this is more relevant

Under these circumstances, i see no reason at all why Israel should take a blind bit of notice of want w*nk the moon or whatever his name spouts

Ottawa (AFP) - Canada's top diplomat on Tuesday called for a UN investigation of the discoveries of weapons caches at schools it operates in the Gaza Strip.
"I was appalled to hear reports, one as recent as today, of stockpiles of rockets in a school run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency in Gaza," Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said.
"Even more alarming were reports that in the first case, officials with the United Nations returned these weapons to Hamas (which Canada lists as a terrorist organization), once Israeli officials discovered their location," he said. Baird did not specify the source of these allegations.
Baird went on to say, "Canada unequivocally calls on the United Nations to launch an immediate independent investigation to determine the facts surrounding these reports. Canada also calls on the United Nations to ensure that in the second case, no rockets are returned to Hamas.
"Anything less than an independent investigation would be absolutely unacceptable."
UN officials had earlier announced the discovery of weapons in a vacant school in the Gaza Strip, the second time in a week.
Clive, by all means argue your beliefs on rights and wrongs but you are coming across as stubborn to the point of stupidity to not see the atrocities Israel have committed in the past couple of weeks.
I will ask a question -and I don't know the answer.In the history of the UN how many times has it allowed itself knowingly to be part of aggression against a member state.
Thread has become similar to saying moon photos are fake and the US attacked itself in 2001...
There is nothing farcical other than statements made which are simply made up

Of course its going to upset a few here if there is a suggestion that hamas either deliberately or not fired a missile. But unlike the the response, it is a valid open question
The thread has descended into farce and needs locked down, imo.

There is only one reason you want it locked down

If the two questions that have been raised trouble you, then answer them

No one has stated that hamas fired those shells but no one knows for certain otherwise. This isnt conspiracy in the slightest. Its one sides word against another, with an addition from an indepenedent journalist


As for the UN involvement, that is a very serious question in the context of the war. it has been overshadowed by the reporting (as has the Hamas execution of 30 palestinian peace protestors) but is unlikely to go away
there is a suggestion that hamas either deliberately or not fired a missile.
It would not surprise me ! ( Not saying that they did, but I wouldn't put it past 'em).

Hamas , as well as embracing the philosophy of their hero Hitler to wipe out the Jews from the earth, have also followed his pattern of crazed annihilation of his own German people to fulfill some mad dream. Hitler, in the closing days of WW2, was willing to sacrifice the entire (remaining) German population to realise some mad dream of destiny.
Hamas are prepared to do similar -- willing to sacrifice the lives of countless Palestine lives in a lunatic strategy to embarrass and disgrace Israel.