The Nicholls quote does add weight.......though only if you ignore the fact that Walsh has waltzed straight past Zarkandar towards Hurricane Fly - without even having to think about it.
Slim's point is well made re Nicholls. He is rarely pessimistic about his horses, and often positively talks them up. No bad thing you might think, considering the number of winners be bangs-in every season. However, for every accurate nugget uttered by him over the years, there has been - more or less - just as many confusing/contradictory post-race excuses/back-tracking, on offer. *
What Nicholls says or doesn't say is up to him. But taking it face-value in every case - as if he is an erstwhile 'Punters Pal' - is a dangerous business, imo.
* If anyone has stats which either back this up, or repediate the assertion, they should be f*cking ashamed of themselves