Novice Hurdlers 2016/17


Geraghty was 100% jocked-up on DDS yesterday on the Post website, and I backed him accordingly. I note this morning that he is now jocked-up on Charli Parks. How the fu*ck can that be? It's changed overnight!!
It's logical though that JP would want Charli Parcs to run here. If he's going to decide on targets, and he may need to split them, he needs to know if CP acts at the course. He already knows Defi does.

I presume Defi will now run at Sandown next weekend for his final prep, or he may even go straight there.
Fist isn't just speculating there, that is the official line. Only significant rain will see Defi run.

Cheltenham area due to get it from lunchtime today all through the night though, heavy this afternoon too so your money not lost yet Grass.

Geraghty was 100% jocked-up on DDS yesterday on the Post website, and I backed him accordingly. I note this morning that he is now jocked-up on Charli Parks. How the fu*ck can that be? It's changed overnight!!

Hendo was adamant in his Stan James Blog that he wanted to get a run into CP to see if he handles the course, we already know the other does.
It's logical though that JP would want Charli Parcs to run here. If he's going to decide on targets, and he may need to split them, he needs to know if CP acts at the course. He already knows Defi does.

I presume Defi will now run at Sandown next weekend for his final prep, or he may even go straight there.

I'm well aware of that, Paul.........but if the entries show DDS with Geraghty jocked-up, and no-one on CP, then it becomes rather less clear, does it not?
Here's what I know Frank Berry called Nicky and said whatever you want we will back you 100% as long as you do what we tell you to :lol:
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Been dry all week here in Cheltenham with a stiff breeze since yesterday, 3ml and 5ml of rain forecast up to start of racing
Frank Berry: Hi Nicky so what do you want to do?

Nicky: Not sure why don't we ask Grassy?

Frank: Who the hell is Grassy

Nicky: Live next door to Alice

Frank ; Alice? Alice? Who the fook is Alice

Nicky: its a girl he fancies

Frank: Is that the one that he's been living next door to for 24 years and still hasn't got his end away ?

Nicky; That's the one

Frank; No sense in asking that dumb fluck anything lets ask Fist

Frank: Oi Fist what do you think

Fist: I think Charli is the best little orsie in da whole wide wurld it raining still?

Frank: Yes a bit, You sound surprised...............and worried :D

Fist: Don't you fooking start
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The horse Defi beat at Chepstow is some tool, and to beat it like that despite jumping erratically is excellent form. Seem to remember someone saying Charli's time wasn't going at Kempton. Master Blueyes hasn't done much for the form since, getting beat at Huntingdon.

Basically I'm with Defi today at the prices
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Frank Berry: Hi Nicky so what do you want to do?

Nicky: Not sure why don't we ask Grassy?

Frank: Who the hell is Grassy

Nicky: Live next door to Alice

Frank ; Alice? Alice? Who the fook is Alice

Nicky: its a girl he fancies

Frank: Is that the one that he's been living next door to for 24 years and still hasn't got his end away ?

Nicky; That's the one

Frank; No sense in asking that dumb fluck anything lets ask Fist

Frank: Oi Fist what do you think

Fist: I think Charli is the best little orsie in da whole wide wurld it raining still?

Frank: Yes a bit, You sound surprised...............and worried :D

Fist: Don't you fooking start

The horse Defi beat at Chepstow is some tool, and to beat it like that despite jumping erratically is excellent form. Seem to remember someone saying Charli's time wasn't going at Kempton. Master Blueyes hasn't done much for the form since, getting beat at Huntingdon.

Basically I'm with Defi today at the prices

Spot on, Benny.

I'm generally not one to go overboard about juveniles, but I think DDS is just about the best Triumph Hurdle horse I've seen in a long-time. He has a ways to go yet, but I wouldn't be surprised to see him rated up there with Our Conor and Jair Dui Cochet at season's end.

His overall form is rock-solid, his track-form is rock-solid, he goes on any ground, he is a strong traveller, he has stamina, he has scope, and he a turn-of-foot. Just about the only thing you can possibly crab about him to-date, is that he clattered three in the straight at Chepstow, and I'm personally happy to write that off as the clumsiness of a horse that had so much in hand, he wasn't really paying attention.

I respect Charli Parks, and I thought it was a good performance at Kempton. So good, in fact, that I backed him for the Supreme Novices (12/1) right after the race. In my view, he would be better-suited to the marginally-less exacting (in terms of stamina and quality) test on the Tuesday, and that's where I expect him to run. I figure connections already know that the Triumph is more-or-less in the bag, as long as Defi gets to the tape unscathed, and they will split their chances across the two races.

Wylie's filly is a potentially high-class individual, and in a weak year, I'd be looking to have her onside, but as I've alluded to, I think there are two strong contenders this year in the McManus pair, and I'm not convinced Mullins will want to risk bottoming her. I would have thought that the Mares Novice might be a better alternative for her, but she isn't even in the betting for that race. Maybe Juveniles are excluded from it - I don't honestly know. Regardless, even if she does run, I would still fancy my chances with Defi. I'm quite confident that DDS is better than anything else we've seen in Ireland this season.

I will be seriously disappointed if he doesn't win convincingly today, and cannot see him beaten in the Triumph.
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Not a major concern, reet.

Jonners is familiar with Defi, and it's the sensible split, if McManus wanted to avoid bringing in a new jockey for CP. I don't think it reflects a perceived pecking-order - we'll see in a couple of hours, if that's the case.
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