
Have you never had a row with your missus then? stop whining pal, get out the house , all this Tory bashing is tiresome, you wont beat the system pal.
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Have you never had a row with your missus then? stop whining pal, get out the house , all this Tory bashing is tiresome, you wont beat the system pal.

Very true that. And how dare that left wing rag the Guardian bring it to our attention. At least the BBC, once it was out there, had the decency to keep it as #2 story for most of the night.

Phew! Back to normality. I've just had my Daily Star delivered with the headline "Seagulls held us hostage for 6 days" :lol:
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Would the Guardian have been so keen to print if it was Corbyn having a row with his old bint Abbott :lol:
Tory leadership race day 1

- Police in midnight call to Johnson flat over row with his partner
-Police trying to cover the incident up,till exposed by the guardian
- Minister Mark Field suspended over physical handing of protestor
- Tory whips investigate abusive texts between Tory MPs
- Tory MP ousted by constituents over expense fraud

Plus the recent yougov poll of tory members voting for johnson 61% not bothered about longterm damage to economy just to get brexit through same percentages for no union with scotland ir ireland..:lol::lol::lol:

The truth is out there,the right are getting exposed...this splodge not only a troll but predictably a rightwing idiot who wouldv'e thought it seething on it as well when showing how corrupt the tories are pal which we knew anyway pal!!Sorry pal...old pale and stale men running the country is bad pal,we can all see that pal they seem to think they can do what they like pal,finally the media ae exposing them pal..
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A bad few days for the "nasty" party. But, never mind, let`s all blame the messenger (The Guardian). How dare they print the truth!!

Lucky the guardian exists,more worryingly the police now lieing for the tories,i wouldn't say a bad couple of days they've been doing things like this for years just now they are getting more exposed thankfully due to more dilligence..Thankfully jihnsons neighbours recorded it,couldv'e been abusing her etc maybe he was,luckily they had the wits about them to record it so johnson couldn't call them liars..just waiting for the girlfriend to make some sort of deflectory statement about it all...:rolleyes::ninja:

LOVE rat Boris Johnson has been married twice — and had a string of infamous affairs.He wed first wife Allegra Mostyn-Owen in 1987 after meeting her at Oxford University.But they got divorced in 1993 after he had an affair with lawyer Marina Wheeler.He married Marina the same year but was caught out over his four-year affair with society writer Petronella Wyatt.She was one of Mr Johnson’s columnists when he was editor of the Spectator.He denied reports of the affair as an “inverted pyramid of piffle”, but Petronella later revealed she had an abortion and suffered a miscarriage.Pals claimed their romance overlapped with an affair with Times Educational Supplement journalist Anna Fazackerley.Then, a year after Mr Johnson became Mayor of London in 2008, his love life blew up again when he fathered a child with arts consultant Helen Macintyre.Rumours about his latest love Carrie Symonds first circulated when his separation with Marina was announced last year.On Valentine’s Day 2018, Carrie had been heard telling pals she’d spent a night with him..

A thoroughly despicable person,just the tip of the iceberg no doubt as well not forgetting that poor woman being stuck in iranian jail after another disastrous bout of foreign secretary...
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so im a right winger now, because i dont agree with mr know it all :lol: the L abour party never do anything dodgy do they ? INFACT they dont do anything, corbyn is anti establishment he doesent want to be prime minister he is a coward.
Nick Cohen
Talked to a Tory MP last night who was backing Johnson
"Do you think he'd be any good as PM"
"What on earth will he do about Brexit"?
"No one knows"
"Why do you want him, then?"
"He's the best hope we've got"
"By 'we" you don't mean Britain do you?"
"No the party, of course" :lol::lol::lol:
Giggs don't forget to watch the Andrew Marr Show this morning, Ash is on it (and her ear lobes will soon be touching her shoulders if she continues to wear those earrings for any length of time:lol:)
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Giggs don't forget to watch the Andrew Marr Show this morning, Ash is on it (and her ear lobes will soon be touching her shoulders if she continues to wear those earrings for any length of time:lol:)

Was in bed,watched it through her twiittter feed as usual different class she also has a great sense of humour if you read her twitter feed she's no shrinking violet...:thumbsup:
Day three

New evidence suggesting close links between Boris Johnson and Donald Trump’s controversial former campaign manager Steve Bannon can be revealed, calling into question the former foreign secretary’s previous denials of an association with the influential far-right activist.

Video evidence obtained by the Observer shows Bannon, who helped mastermind Trump’s successful bid for the presidency but was later exiled from the White House, talking about his relationship and contacts with Johnson, and how he helped him craft the first speech after his resignation as foreign secretary, in which Johnson tore into Theresa May’s Brexit strategy.

The revelations will pile new pressure on Johnson after the Guardian reported that police had been called to the flat he shares with his partner, Carrie Symonds, in the early hours of Friday morning after neighbours heard a loud altercation involving screaming, shouting and banging.

Reports of Johnson and Bannon’s relationship were first published last summer. When asked about it at the time, Johnson said: “As for the so-called association with Steve Bannon, I’m afraid this is a lefty delusion whose spores continue to breed in the Twittersphere.

He said he had met Bannon in his role as foreign secretary and found the accusation that he was ‘with Bannon’ to be ‘perplexing’.

The unpublished footage was shot in July last year by Alison Klayman, an American film-maker who followed Bannon over many months for a new documentary called The Brink. It sets out Bannon’s account of how the two had been in close contact particularly around the time of Johnson’s resignation from the May government

The clips were shot in the week Johnson resigned over Brexit, when Bannon was in London meeting leaders of the European far right, including Nigel Farage. They are not included in the final film, which is being released in July, but Klayman passed the footage to the Observer.

The first clip shows Bannon reading a front page story in the Daily Telegraph about Johnson’s resignation speech with the headline ‘Let’s Make Britain Great Again’. He says: “Today we are going to see if Boris Johnson tries to overthrow the British government. He’s going to give a speech in the Commons.”

Bannon then says: “I’ve been talking to him all weekend about this speech. We went back and forth over the text.”

Klayman asks him if they’ve been speaking on the phone and he says: “Talked to him initially over the phone then it’s just easier to go back and forth on text. It’s just easier. I’ve been telling him one of my recommendations is that he gave one of the most important political speeches of 2016. Was his closing speech, a three-to-five-minute speech in June 2016, his closing argument on national TV for the Leave campaign ... And it was magnificent.

“And all I was telling him all weekend was just to incorporate those themes. Those same themes. Basically, he was saying that June 23 was independence day for Great Britain. Their independence day being like our July 4.”

Bannon adds: “This is the tee up, right. He’s back.”

He then describes Johnson’s career, saying: “He wrote a really great book on Churchill. That’s one of the things I told him over the weekend.”

Bannon says he got to know Johnson after the US presidential election when he was working as Donald Trump’s chief strategist. “Right after we won, Boris flew over. Because their victory was as unexpected as ours. I got to know him quite well in the transition period,” he said.

The video is bound to raise further questions about Johnson’s openness and the extent to which he has relied on Bannon for advice at key stages in his bid for Downing Street. Bannon has described the far-right activist Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – known as Tommy Robinson – as the “backbone” of Britain

A spokesman for Johnson said: “Any suggestion that Boris is colluding with or taking advice from Mr Bannon or Nigel Farage is totally preposterous to the point of conspiracy.”

Bannon, who has previously said that he believed Johnson had “the potential to make a great prime minister”, declined to comment further. Alison Klayman, the film-maker, said that Bannon had been “unequivocal” about his communications with Johnson. She also said that Bannon had met Farage, a close associate, several times during the same visit.

The clips also raise further questions about Bannon’s role in the EU referendum. Bannon, a former vice-president at the data firm Cambridge Analytica, had launched a British version of the rightwing news site Breitbart to support Ukip and Farage, and had been its executive chairman during the referendum. Breitbart has been funded by Robert Mercer, the American hedge fund billionaire, who partly owned Cambridge Analytica, and was also the single biggest donor to Donald Trump’s campaign.

On the day that article 50 was triggered, Nigel Farage was filmed with a pint of beer thanking them both. “Well done Bannon. Well done Breitbart. You helped with this. Hugely,” he said.Other clips shot by Klayman show Bannon talking about the close contact between Breitbart’s editors and the Leave campaigns, including Johnson’s Vote Leave campaign. In one, he says: “Here we kind of trained folks that it takes years to build stuff and get it operating and that’s what I think we proved in Brexit with all the work we did in Breitbart London.”

At a speech in South Carolina last year, Bannon previously said that Farage and Ukip were foundational to Trump’s success: “I said, ‘That’s a canary in a mine shaft. We have to get a group there that sets up and covers that every day like Breitbart covers politics here. Because by following Ukip, we’re going to understand the evolution of the Tea party.

More corrupt and disgraceful lies..
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No release of the recordings yet,more suspiciously johnson not answering any questions about it and his partner of no denial i wonder how long it will be before the right get hold of the recordings Aaron using his hush money(nap) recordings gone or tampered with,one thing they must be pretty bad as johnson wouldv'e pased them over as a joke or insignificant..Not a peep from the pair of them,get ready for another coverup..
43% of Conservative Party members "would prefer to not have the country led by a Muslim."
45% believe that "there are areas in Britain in which non-Muslims are not able to enter."
67% believe that "there are areas in Britain that operate under Sharia law."
39% believe that "Islamist terrorists reflect a widespread hostility to Britain amongst the Muslim community."

How dumb are these conservative members :lol::lol:

Day 3

A photo released of johnson and girlfriend holding hands,somehow his hair had grown 4 inches in one day :lol::lol: yesterday they were moaning about interference in johnsons private affairs today trying to bit of spam with photo that isn't even recent what a load of chumps they are...

Scottish independence voting intention (ft. scenario prompting Boris Johnson being UK Prime Minister):

Yes: 53%:ninja:
No: 47%

via @Panelbase, last week

163 replies 1,174 retweets 2,430 likes
Reply 163 Retweet 1.2K Like 2.4K Direct message

Britain Elects

Jun 23
Scottish independence voting intention:

Yes: 49% (+1)
No: 51% (-1)

via @Panelbase, last week
Chgs. w/ May
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I've been very conflicted over the last few days trying to work out which is the most disturbing. That 157 conservative MP's think Boris Johnson should be Prime Minister, or that (and apparently in all seriousness) 8 thought Esther McVey should be? I mean, what is wrong with these people? If ever there was a case for 'recall' it has to be against these 8

I'd also love to hear from the approximate 120 who weren't prepared to back Boris in 2016 when he could muster only 30 odd, and was forced to withdraw from the race, what they think he's achieved between then and now that has marked him out as a potential Prime Minister?

The answer of course is self-interest

Until Theresa May proved otherwise, the parliamentary conservative party didn't regard Jeremy Corbyn as an electoral threat. Now that she's demonstrated that he is, a whole boat load of frightened Tories have decided to vote for the candidate who they think is most likely to save their job, than the one who might actually do the best job. I've got news for them though. Boris Johnson is just as likely to make a titanic mess of the job, and more likely to cost them their seat (they haven't worked that out yet). When (or if) they do, you could actually find they swing behind Jeremy Hunt and find themselves in this ridiculous position of pleading with their own membership to try and put right an error that they had within their own gift to settle in the first place
It was always going to be this way,think numerous times went over their options on threads 9 months ago they had numerous possibles all of them absolutely terrible they just happened to have chosen the worst,my dads a staunch tory gave me a strange look three months ago when i told him johnson would be leader it was an actual look of disgust, now if my dads doing that he's in his mid 70s then you know it's bad..Absolutely no chance my dad will vote johnson as PM,this is what i don't understand my dads a lifelong tory and won't vote fir him the same with my partners dad he thinks the exact same so why the majorty of members will vote for him is beyind me...Although in saying that,25,000 new members obviously brexiteers joined up which is what makes it inevitable.. Plus now we have pritti patel the ERG making an alliance with farage come election time that either will stand down in seats they can't win,looks like we could be heasding for an ultra right with johnson being the puppet..
Day 4

Johnson even gets outed by the rancid nick ferrari over photograph not being recent,all day the Brexit Broadcasting Company were spamming johnson in a positve light,that 1/4 about johnson looks like a 1/20 shot...
Day 6

Great to see the Brexit Broadcasting Company giving full continuous coverage of johnson throughout the day...sigh so predictable..
Day 6

Great to see the Brexit Broadcasting Company giving full continuous coverage of johnson throughout the day...sigh so predictable..
Looking on the bright side, I'd have thought that Labour would be relieved that it takes the spotlight off the disgraceful decision to reinstate Chris Williamson. I've been ABC (Anyone But Conservative) for over 40 years now but, with the current lot in charge of Labour, the Lib Dems and Plaid are the only options left.

As a centrist Remainer, I have no time for either the loony left or the rabid right. Both are insistent that the BBC favours the other so they're probably getting the balance about right.
I wouldn't just say they are just biased they are far worse than that they have had an agenda through all this brexit fiasco rightwing driven,clare fox makes as many appearences as anyone along with rightwing thinktanks its completely transparent..there have been 10s of thuodands of complaints..Because the media are going so far to the right,anysort of left wing balance gets written off as bias,it's a complete joke when i say left i mean liberal..
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Stormzy got a 100,000 to shout f uck boris more than will actually vote for him in the tory membership..:lol::lol: no doubt Brendan O'neill will be writing something about it in spiked :lol::lol: 1.01 :lol::lol: how did the Brexit Broacasting Company let that get through,you can't beat live music..:lol::lol:
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Senior civil servants200 apparenty discussing corbyn:lol::lol: have become increasingly concerned about Jeremy Corbyn’s health and warned that he may be forced to stand down as Labour leader because he is not up to the job “physically or mentally”.

The future of Mr Corbyn, 70, was openly discussed at an event attended by mandarins this month amid suggestions that he has become “too frail and is losing his memory”.

They say they are increasingly worried about the prospect of him becoming prime minister because he is being “propped up” by his advisers and lacks a firm grasp of both foreign affairs and the domestic agenda.

One senior civil servant said: “When does someone say [he] is too ill to carry on as leader of the Labour Party let alone…

The Times another absolute piece of filth from murdoch,they are trying everything what with mike pompeo in America as well,sooner murdoch fucks off and dies the better what a lowlife this man mention of Johnson being obese.,promiscuous can't even remember how many kids he's got forgets everything that he's said previously and lies conastantly surely must have mental health problems...
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Jeremy Corbyn has raised concerns about the neutrality of the civil service after anonymous senior officials claimed he was too frail to become prime minister and may resign as Labour leader over health concerns.

The civil servants told the the Times that Corbyn, 70, could be forced to stand down because he was not up to the job “physically or mentally”.

According to the newspaper, the future of the Labour leader was discussed at an event attended by mandarins earlier this month amid suggestions he was “losing his memory”.

Corbyn said in a statement on Saturday that the briefing given by civil servants against his suitability was “something that should be very concerning to a lot of people”.

“The civil service has to be independent. It has to be non-political and has to be non-judgmental of the politicians they have a duty to serve.

“I would make that very clear if we were elected to government. We have a very clear framework of things we want to do in this country … We would explain those to our colleagues in the civil service and expect them to carry out those policies. That is the way British democracy must work.”

Corbyn also denied suggestions he is considering resigning as party leader due to his health, insisting he is “a very fit, a very healthy and very active person” who enjoys his job.

ITV News

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has hit back at a national newspaper after it published claims about his health.

He said it is 'very concerning' civil servants had briefed journalists on the matter.

Read more:

3:48 PM - Jun 29, 2019
261 people are talking about this
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He told ITV News: “There must be an investigation into which senior civil servants are spreading fictitious information to the press and in the process compromising the integrity of the civil service.”

“I think it is a farrago of nonsense that the Times have written.

“I think its diminishing of what was once a great newspaper that the front page should be full of tittle tattle from civil servants and people who either don’t know me or don’t understand me.

“I love what I do, I love my community and I love being outdoors.”

The Labour leader’s comments came after MPs and activists rebutted the report, asserting that Corbyn ran more than 5km several times a week, cycled and exercised at an outdoor gym.

Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi, the Labour MP for Slough, wrote on Twitter: “Give us a break – where do they get these headlines from!

“Along with his parliament duties, Jeremy Corbyn is campaigning up and down the country, enough to put many of us seasoned campaigners to shame. I see and chat to him almost every week - there’s nothing frail about him.”

The shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, told Sky News that Corbyn ran every day.

Jeremy Corbyn has raised concerns about the neutrality of the civil service after anonymous senior officials claimed he was too frail to become prime minister and may resign as Labour leader over health concerns.

The civil servants told the the Times that Corbyn, 70, could be forced to stand down because he was not up to the job “physically or mentally”.

According to the newspaper, the future of the Labour leader was discussed at an event attended by mandarins earlier this month amid suggestions he was “losing his memory”.

Corbyn said in a statement on Saturday that the briefing given by civil servants against his suitability was “something that should be very concerning to a lot of people”.

“The civil service has to be independent. It has to be non-political and has to be non-judgmental of the politicians they have a duty to serve.

“I would make that very clear if we were elected to government. We have a very clear framework of things we want to do in this country … We would explain those to our colleagues in the civil service and expect them to carry out those policies. That is the way British democracy must work.”

Corbyn also denied suggestions he is considering resigning as party leader due to his health, insisting he is “a very fit, a very healthy and very active person” who enjoys his job.

ITV News

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has hit back at a national newspaper after it published claims about his health.

He said it is 'very concerning' civil servants had briefed journalists on the matter.

Read more:

3:48 PM - Jun 29, 2019
261 people are talking about this
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He told ITV News: “There must be an investigation into which senior civil servants are spreading fictitious information to the press and in the process compromising the integrity of the civil service.”

“I think it is a farrago of nonsense that the Times have written.

“I think its diminishing of what was once a great newspaper that the front page should be full of tittle tattle from civil servants and people who either don’t know me or don’t understand me.

“I love what I do, I love my community and I love being outdoors.”

The Labour leader’s comments came after MPs and activists rebutted the report, asserting that Corbyn ran more than 5km several times a week, cycled and exercised at an outdoor gym.

Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi, the Labour MP for Slough, wrote on Twitter: “Give us a break – where do they get these headlines from!

“Along with his parliament duties, Jeremy Corbyn is campaigning up and down the country, enough to put many of us seasoned campaigners to shame. I see and chat to him almost every week - there’s nothing frail about him.”

The shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, told Sky News that Corbyn ran every day.

Former Ukip MP Douglas Carswell said: “I’d rather have my country run by democratically elected Jeremy Corbyn than the smug, self-regarding, incompetent Whitehall officials that briefed this to the Times,” adding: “Get these vile Sir Humphrys out!”

Jeremy Corbyn

Senior civil servants briefing a newspaper against a prospective government should concern all of us.

In government, we will end austerity and invest in our people and communities, and expect the civil service to carry out those policies. That is how democracy works.

4:31 PM - Jun 29, 2019
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3,489 people are talking about this
Corbyn has been the MP for Islington North in London since 1983 and became Labour leader in September 2015.

In March, Labour said he was receiving treatment at Moorfields eye hospital in London for muscle weakness in his right eye.

In a 2017 interview, the Labour leader insisted he had “loads of energy” because he ate porridge and energy bars and avoided meat and alcohol.

George Aylett, a Labour activist in Hull, tweeted: “Corbyn goes on 5-7k runs, campaigns up and down the country and there are videos of him rock climbing. I hope I’m that ‘frail’ when I’m 70!”

A party spokesperson said: “Jeremy Corbyn leads an active life, running and cycling regularly, and is in good health. Reports to the contrary are scurrilous and a transparent attempt to undermine Labour’s efforts to redistribute wealth and power from the few to the many.”

Labour figures also told the Times there was a culture of bullying and intimidation in the leader’s office, with a former cabinet minister alleging there was a “moral malaise at the top”.

The party spokesperson said the allegations were “clearly based on politically motivated anonymous briefings rather than fact. No complaint of this nature has been made through union or party processes, and if they were, they would be fully investigated.”Jeremy Corbyn has raised concerns about the neutrality of the civil service after anonymous senior officials claimed he was too frail to become prime minister and may resign as Labour leader over health concerns.

The civil servants told the the Times that Corbyn, 70, could be forced to stand down because he was not up to the job “physically or mentally”.

According to the newspaper, the future of the Labour leader was discussed at an event attended by mandarins earlier this month amid suggestions he was “losing his memory”.

Corbyn said in a statement on Saturday that the briefing given by civil servants against his suitability was “something that should be very concerning to a lot of people”.

“The civil service has to be independent. It has to be non-political and has to be non-judgmental of the politicians they have a duty to serve.

“I would make that very clear if we were elected to government. We have a very clear framework of things we want to do in this country … We would explain those to our colleagues in the civil service and expect them to carry out those policies. That is the way British democracy must work.”

Corbyn also denied suggestions he is considering resigning as party leader due to his health, insisting he is “a very fit, a very healthy and very active person” who enjoys his job.

ITV News

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has hit back at a national newspaper after it published claims about his health.

He said it is 'very concerning' civil servants had briefed journalists on the matter.

Read more:

3:48 PM - Jun 29, 2019
261 people are talking about this
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He told ITV News: “There must be an investigation into which senior civil servants are spreading fictitious information to the press and in the process compromising the integrity of the civil service.”

“I think it is a farrago of nonsense that the Times have written.

“I think its diminishing of what was once a great newspaper that the front page should be full of tittle tattle from civil servants and people who either don’t know me or don’t understand me.

“I love what I do, I love my community and I love being outdoors.”

The Labour leader’s comments came after MPs and activists rebutted the report, asserting that Corbyn ran more than 5km several times a week, cycled and exercised at an outdoor gym.

Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi, the Labour MP for Slough, wrote on Twitter: “Give us a break – where do they get these headlines from!

“Along with his parliament duties, Jeremy Corbyn is campaigning up and down the country, enough to put many of us seasoned campaigners to shame. I see and chat to him almost every week - there’s nothing frail about him.”

The shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, told Sky News that Corbyn ran every day.

Former Ukip MP Douglas Carswell said: “I’d rather have my country run by democratically elected Jeremy Corbyn than the smug, self-regarding, incompetent Whitehall officials that briefed this to the Times,” adding: “Get these vile Sir Humphrys out!”

Jeremy Corbyn

Senior civil servants briefing a newspaper against a prospective government should concern all of us.

In government, we will end austerity and invest in our people and communities, and expect the civil service to carry out those policies. That is how democracy works.

4:31 PM - Jun 29, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy
3,489 people are talking about this
Corbyn has been the MP for Islington North in London since 1983 and became Labour leader in September 2015.

In March, Labour said he was receiving treatment at Moorfields eye hospital in London for muscle weakness in his right eye.

In a 2017 interview, the Labour leader insisted he had “loads of energy” because he ate porridge and energy bars and avoided meat and alcohol.

George Aylett, a Labour activist in Hull, tweeted: “Corbyn goes on 5-7k runs, campaigns up and down the country and there are videos of him rock climbing. I hope I’m that ‘frail’ when I’m 70!”

A party spokesperson said: “Jeremy Corbyn leads an active life, running and cycling regularly, and is in good health. Reports to the contrary are scurrilous and a transparent attempt to undermine Labour’s efforts to redistribute wealth and power from the few to the many.”

Labour figures also told the Times there was a culture of bullying and intimidation in the leader’s office, with a former cabinet minister alleging there was a “moral malaise at the top”.

The party spokesperson said the allegations were “clearly based on politically motivated anonymous briefings rather than fact. No complaint of this nature has been made through union or party processes, and if they were, they would be fully investigated.Jeremy Corbyn has raised concerns about the neutrality of the civil service after anonymous senior officials claimed he was too frail to become prime minister and may resign as Labour leader over health concerns.

The civil servants told the the Times that Corbyn, 70, could be forced to stand down because he was not up to the job “physically or mentally”.

According to the newspaper, the future of the Labour leader was discussed at an event attended by mandarins earlier this month amid suggestions he was “losing his memory”.

Corbyn said in a statement on Saturday that the briefing given by civil servants against his suitability was “something that should be very concerning to a lot of people”.

“The civil service has to be independent. It has to be non-political and has to be non-judgmental of the politicians they have a duty to serve.

“I would make that very clear if we were elected to government. We have a very clear framework of things we want to do in this country … We would explain those to our colleagues in the civil service and expect them to carry out those policies. That is the way British democracy must work.”

Corbyn also denied suggestions he is considering resigning as party leader due to his health, insisting he is “a very fit, a very healthy and very active person” who enjoys his job.

ITV News

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has hit back at a national newspaper after it published claims about his health.

He said it is 'very concerning' civil servants had briefed journalists on the matter.

Read more:

3:48 PM - Jun 29, 2019
261 people are talking about this
Twitter Ads info and privacy
He told ITV News: “There must be an investigation into which senior civil servants are spreading fictitious information to the press and in the process compromising the integrity of the civil service.”

“I think it is a farrago of nonsense that the Times have written.

“I think its diminishing of what was once a great newspaper that the front page should be full of tittle tattle from civil servants and people who either don’t know me or don’t understand me.

“I love what I do, I love my community and I love being outdoors.”

The Labour leader’s comments came after MPs and activists rebutted the report, asserting that Corbyn ran more than 5km several times a week, cycled and exercised at an outdoor gym.

Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi, the Labour MP for Slough, wrote on Twitter: “Give us a break – where do they get these headlines from!

“Along with his parliament duties, Jeremy Corbyn is campaigning up and down the country, enough to put many of us seasoned campaigners to shame. I see and chat to him almost every week - there’s nothing frail about him.”

The shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, told Sky News that Corbyn ran every day.

Former Ukip MP Douglas Carswell said: “I’d rather have my country run by democratically elected Jeremy Corbyn than the smug, self-regarding, incompetent Whitehall officials that briefed this to the Times,” adding: “Get these vile Sir Humphrys out!”

Jeremy Corbyn

Senior civil servants briefing a newspaper against a prospective government should concern all of us.

In government, we will end austerity and invest in our people and communities, and expect the civil service to carry out those policies. That is how democracy works.

Former Ukip MP Douglas Carswell said: “I’d rather have my country run by democratically elected Jeremy Corbyn than the smug, self-regarding, incompetent Whitehall officials that briefed this to the Times,” adding: “Get these vile Sir Humphrys out

4:31 PM - Jun 29, 2019

Corbyn has been the MP for Islington North in London since 1983 and became Labour leader in September 2015.

In March, Labour said he was receiving treatment at Moorfields eye hospital in London for muscle weakness in his right eye.

In a 2017 interview, the Labour leader insisted he had “loads of energy” because he ate porridge and energy bars and avoided meat and alcohol.

George Aylett, a Labour activist in Hull, tweeted: “Corbyn goes on 5-7k runs, campaigns up and down the country and there are videos of him rock climbing. I hope I’m that ‘frail’ when I’m 70!”

A party spokesperson said: “Jeremy Corbyn leads an active life, running and cycling regularly, and is in good health. Reports to the contrary are scurrilous and a transparent attempt to undermine Labour’s efforts to redistribute wealth and power from the few to the many.”

Labour figures also told the Times there was a culture of bullying and intimidation in the leader’s office, with a former cabinet minister alleging there was a “moral malaise at the top”.

The party spokesperson said the allegations were “clearly based on politically motivated anonymous briefings rather than fact. No complaint of this nature has been made through union or party processes, and if they were, they would be fully investigated.

Jeremy Corbyn

Senior civil servants briefing a newspaper against a prospective government should concern all of us.

In government, we will end austerity and invest in our people and communities, and expect the civil service to carry out those policies. That is how democracy wo
Corbyn has been the MP for Islington North in London since 1983 and became Labour leader in September 2015.

In March, Labour said he was receiving treatment at Moorfields eye hospital in London for muscle weakness in his right eye.

In a 2017 interview, the Labour leader insisted he had “loads of energy” because he ate porridge and energy bars and avoided meat and alcohol.

George Aylett, a Labour activist in Hull, tweeted: “Corbyn goes on 5-7k runs, campaigns up and down the country and there are videos of him rock climbing. I hope I’m that ‘frail’ when I’m 70!”

A party spokesperson said: “Jeremy Corbyn leads an active life, running and cycling regularly, and is in good health. Reports to the contrary are scurrilous and a transparent attempt to undermine Labour’s efforts to redistribute wealth and power from the few to the many.”

Labour figures also told the Times there was a culture of bullying and intimidation in the leader’s office, with a former cabinet minister alleging there was a “moral malaise at the top”.

The party spokesperson said the allegations were “clearly based on politically motivated anonymous briefings rather than fact. No complaint of this nature has been made through union or party processes, and if they were, they would be fully investigated.”

When is all this rightwing nonsense going to stop,no one says anything everyone should be damning it comes to something when douglas carswell has to tell the truth really is putrid is their anything the right won't do,rings a bell doesn't it with trump and clinton..These people are utter else can you describe them.
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This Facebook comment about Jeremy Corbyn and the General Election is going viral on social media.

Chris Renwick’s post began going viral almost immediately and has been reposted across social media ever since it went up last week.

Here’s the comment in full (tell us what you think below):

Here’s what I’m really struggling to understand. All I’ve ever heard from people, for years, is:

“bloody bankers and their bonuses”
“bloody rich and their offshore tax havens “
“bloody politicians with their lying and second homes”
“bloody corporations paying less tax than me”
“bloody Establishment, they’re all in it together”
“it’ll never change, there’s no point in voting”

And quite rightly so, I said all the same things.

But then someone comes along that’s different. He upsets the bankers and the rich. The Tory politicians hate him along with most of the labour politicians. The corporations throw more money at the politicians to keep him quiet. And the Establishment is visibly shaken. I’ve never seen the Establishment so genuinely scared of a single person.

So the media arm of the establishment gets involved. Theresa phones Rupert asking what he can do, and he tells her to keep her mouth shut, don’t do the live debate, he’ll sort this out. So the media goes into overdrive with:

“she’s strong and stable”
“he’s a clown”
“he’s not a leader”
“look he can’t even control his own party”
“he’ll ruin the economy”
“how’s he gonna pay for it all?!”
“he’s a terrorist sympathiser, burn him, burn the terrorist sympathiser”

Boris Johnson confirms he’d suspend Parliament for no-deal Brexit against will of MPs
Corbyn ‘very serious’ about anti-Semitism complaints
Abbott ‘worries’ about Labour Brexit policy
Backstop issue will not be solved with positive thoughts, says business leader

And what do we? We’ve waited forever for an honest politician to come along but instead of getting behind him we bow to the establishment like good little workers. They whistle and we do a little dance for them. We run around like hypnotised robots repeating headlines we’ve read, all nodding and agreeing. Feeling really proud of ourselves because we think we’ve came up with our very own first political opinion. But we haven’t, we haven’t come up with anything. This is how you tell. No matter where someone lives in the country, they’re repeating the same headlines, word for word. From Cornwall to Newcastle people are saying:

“he’s a clown”
“he’s a threat to the country”
“she’s strong and stable”
“he’ll take us back to the 70s”

And there’s nothing else, there’s no further opinion. There’s no evidence apart from one radio 5 interview that isn’t even concrete evidence, he actually condemns the violence of both sides in the interview. There’s no data or studies or official reports to back anything up. Try and think really hard why you think he’s a clown, other than the fact he looks like a geography teacher (no offence geography teachers) because he hasn’t done anything clownish from what I’ve seen.

And you’re not on this planet if you think the establishment and the media aren’t all in it together.

You think Richard Branson, who’s quietly winning NHS contracts, wants Corbyn in?
You think Rupert Murdoch, who’s currently trying to widen his media monopoly by buying sky outright, wants Jeremy in?
You think the Barclay brothers, with their offshore residencies, want him in?
You think Philip Green, who stole all the pensions from BHS workers and claims his wife owns Top Shop because she lives in Monaco, wants Corbyn in?
You think the politicians, both Labour and Tory, with their second homes and alcohol paid for by us, want him in?
You think Starbucks, paying near zero tax, wants him in?
You think bankers, with their multi million pound bonuses, want him in?

And do you think they don’t have contact with May? Or with the media? You honestly think that these millionaires and billionaires are the sort of people that go “ah well, easy come easy go, it was nice while it lasted”?? I wouldn’t be if my personal fortune was at risk, I’d be straight on the phone to Theresa May or Rupert Murdoch demanding this gets sorted immediately.

Because here’s a man, a politician that doesn’t lie and can’t lie. He could have said whatever would get him votes anytime he wanted but he hasn’t. He lives in a normal house like us and uses the bus just like us. He’s fought for justice and peace for nearly 40 years. He has no career ambitions. And his seat is untouchable. That’s one of the greatest testimonies. No one comes close to removing him from his constituency, election after election.

His Manifesto is fully costed. It all adds up, yes there’s some borrowing but that’s just to renationalise the railway, you know we already subsidise them and they make profit yeah? One more time… WE subsidise the railway companies and they walk away with a profit, just try and grasp the level of **** taking going on there.

Unlike the Tory manifesto with a £9 billion hole, their figures don’t even add up.

And it benefits all of us, young, old, working, disabled, everyone. The only people it hurts are the establishment, the rich, the bankers, the top 5% highest earners.

Good, screw them, it’s long overdue. #VoteLabour #ForTheManyNotTheFew

:lol: Made me laugh and a lot of its true,people people repeating same old media bias from newcastle to cornwall with no thought,yet we have johnson and farage constantly lying and making stuff up yet the media spams them and we criticize other democracys laughable..
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