Paddy Power's "Big Brother" Betting

Why? She was angry and reacted accordingly. Makosi was out of order, NOT for sharing the cider with the secret housemates, but for being reckless in her explanation as to what happened to it.

You obviously watched the edited version or you wouldn't be saying that she acted accordingly. Its quite normal to go hysterical because someone has drank some alchohol?.
Makosi did not have share anything with anyone, she had a task to complete and she did it brilliantly.
Saskia has got the biggest foul mouth I have heard for some time. She's out!
I didn't watch the edited version, I watched it as it happened.

Makosi did have a secret task, yes, but that did not involve her needing to be reckless to the point of causing fall-outs in the house.

Makosi either knew telling the housemates she had drunk the cider would cause trouble or she was reckless as to whether it would cause trouble or not. Either way Makosi was to blame.

You can't make a judgement on the way someone reacts when angry. Everyone acts over the top when angry, Saskia included.

Saskia, by having no alternative explanation to go on bar that Makosi had drunk cider that was meant to be shared, was right to get angry.

Also, trying to devalue my opinion by assuming I wasn't in receipt of the full facts but rather the edited ones, is cheap.
Makosi is a stirring bitch, who, unlike most of the housemates, not only believes that she can manipulate the people in the house with her, but also the viewing public. I reckon she seems to be doing a fair job at the latter. Suckers.
Such is the way of this country.

Tony Blair has been hoodwinking the nation for 8 years.
You need some......

Now, now..... :blink:


(sorry for laughing whilst you two are falling out, hopefully not for long, but that was a very quick and funny response from both of you!!)
If Makosi refers to herself in the 3rd person one more time, my remote is going through the tv.

Maxwell should go, he will worm his way into the other group if given the chance, Saskia has no chance of this and will be out next anyway.
Makosi: "I was an elephant in my past life. I think when I die that will be it. I'm only here because there were some things I could not fulfil as an elephant."

Ewwwwwwwwwww Saskia and Maxwell are so nasty. Why can't they both just go on Friday? I have no preference as to whom I'd keep in but I'm looking forward to next week where the remaining one has to try to creep back into the fold after they've alienated them all this week :lol:
Agree Griff - looks like desperation stakes with them. That they have both turned into bullies has not helped their cases. And to go around saying they should not have been nominated as there are far worse people in there! I think Makosi was right to question their comments - they think they are the most important two in there, a fact which no doubt stems from the cheering they heard for themselves the week all housemates were up for nomination. What amuses me is that Anthony & Maxwell feel they have been hard done by over the ban on nominating but when it happened to Derek & Roberto, they milked it very unpleasantly. And Saskia was pretty foul to Scary Mary the first week.

Craig crying is pathetic - & then he went and say in the dairy room complaining that he didn't like Eugene because he liked people to look nice & be cool & trendy - how shallow is that?

Orlaith has got Saskia pretty well sussed already in tha she is manipulating Maxwell for her own sake & will drop him once she leaves the house.

Derek seemes to have integrated himself back into the fold now Roberto has left and I have started liking him more.

Science is an odd one! Can't work him out at all - the cutting off the chickens bottoms is most strange!
Science I like. he has no idea how to communicate but I do think he gets people spot on. The chicken bottom thingy gets me confused as well, maybe it was the way his mum did it (cook chicken) or something along the religion/belief lines.

Eugene is fantastic, finally somebody vaguely normal. I dont mind geek, crumbs I married one (if it beeps he's happy). Eugene wont win but at least I finally like a couple of the housemates.
I havn't watched a minute of the programme, but the quote about the 'semi trained polecat' is a lift from an insult thrown at Norman Tebbit in the Commons in the 80's (by Michael foot or Denis Healy - can't remember which).

It suggests the contestent is politically literate, has a memory of more than 5 mins, or quite possibly, amazingly even may have read a book. All of which would be unique for this series. If anybody votes, can you send one for me for this girl/boy.
It was Michael Foot who dubbed Tebbitt “a semi house-trained polecat”. Denis Healey referred to hiom as "the Chingford skinhead".

We are lacking such creativity in today's parliament.
Science is getting better by the day I think, and think he might win :)
Orlaith I thought was pretty ordinary when I first saw her but now have decided she is gorgeous, and her voice....mmmmmmmmmm :)

How gutted are Saskia and Maxwell lol
Funny how after weeks of not letting max near her, saskia has decided having a shag is now a good idea lol

Kemal in tonight's highlights show - brilliant :)

"At least someone got wet tonight"
"You have probably got your magazine deal"

Makosi just cannot relax and be normal.

She is always on the defensive, her guard is always up.

I wonder how she'd have been if she hadn't walked into that trap in the first week.
According to Betfair Saskia will be evicted tonight. She's trading at 1.06 and Maxwell is 20.
Does anybody know why if I was in Austria I couldn't bet on BB on Betfair?

Users should be aware they are NOT allowed to bet on this event if they are physically present in Austria