Poll: Brexit - Two Years After

Stay or Leave

  • Stay

    Votes: 23 60.5%
  • Leave

    Votes: 15 39.5%

  • Total voters
This is garbage.

1. Cost of living increase has nothing to do with EU, and everything to do with UK Govt policy over the last 40 years.

Sure. and there's no such thing as the £billions we pour into the EU budget annually, no VAT; no subsidies for less efficient farmers, No bailouts for broken economies (eg Greece) and no price increases to shore up these imaginary expenses.
As for the rest of your post, you can take your unmitigated bigotry - and work it!
Sure. and there's no such thing as the £billions we pour into the EU budget annually, no VAT; no subsidies for less efficient farmers, No bailouts for broken economies (eg Greece) and no price increases to shore up these imaginary expenses.
As for the rest of your post, you can take your unmitigated bigotry - and work it!

This is nonsense.

The cost in reduced inward investment and lost tax revenues post-Brexit will absolutely dwarf what we pay annually into the EU, never mind the divorce bill, the cost of replacing and running EU bureaucracies and tarmacing most of Kent.

If you think there is an economic argment which supporting Brexit, you haven’t been paying attention.
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Apologies, reet (and other Leavers).

Brexit is something I feel very passionate about, because I see absolutely no upside (only a shi*tload of downside), but it’s no excuse for being rude, and I’ve no desire to fall out with anyone here about it.
Given most migrant workers from Eastern Europe are white anyway, I fail to buy into the racism argument.

Let's call it xenophobia then. There is little doubt that it had a significant effect on the Leave vote (or there shouldn't be in the minds of any rational human being).
This is the exact reason that I have come round to the concept of Brexit....let the fools suffer the consequences of their Ill informed scutter[emoji23][emoji23]

In my darker moments - which seem to be increasing - I confess to thinking the same: give them what they want and then witness some real austerity

Looking on the slightly less dark side I'm of the opinion that we (the West) have reached peak capitalism, peak everything we supremely comfortable lot have hitherto taken for granted; and that being the case the only way is down. The hardship that Brexit will more than likely bring might after the meltdown, in say 10 years, result in a new, gentler and fairer order devoid of the unfettered free-market, neo-liberalism and rampant consumerism

Having enjoyed a wonderful life and now in my seventh decade I'm fortunate that I can wonder about the future and observe what's going on in a largely disinterested way: it wouldn't matter if I died tomorrow, I've had it all; but I fear for those with most of their life ahead of them and whenever I see a young family out and about doing what young families have always done my heart breaks for them

Interesting polling and replies thus far and from this so far smallish sample my theory that if a second referendum were held the result would be more or less what the first one was doesn't look far off the mark

Keep 'em coming, thanks
I think what both amuses and annoys me in equal measure it that yes the UK are correct in that there is a lot of things:wrong with the EU and the direction it is going in but the answer is not suicide!
The UK is in posession of a sawn-off, and instead of deciding to stick it back in the boot of the Cortina, is contemplating whether to blow its bollocks off or its brains out.
Given most migrant workers from Eastern Europe are white anyway, I fail to buy into the racism argument.

Hitler considered eastern europeans to being inferior only fit to be slaves and under the nationalist Government of South Africa All Eastern europeans were classified as Non-whites and had nearly the same restrictions placed on them as the black and coloured communities Racism can be shown against anyone who is not considered to be part of the main Community it doesn't need to be the colour of your skin a different language, culture, looks,religon is good enough for some people to feel superior (racists tend to think they are better than the people they despise)
okey dokey, Prince Regent. I personally have nothing against Eastern Europeans or any other Europeans, I can only speak for myself.
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My point is that, not all leavers can be racist, because they had different reasons for wanting to leave, the same way feminists, or black people, don't necessarily all think the same thing, neither do leavers.

I personally don't think wanting to question freedom of movement is racist, but I'm sure there's plenty of people who'd stereotype people of that opinion as racist.

That's fine.
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Hitler considered eastern europeans to being inferior only fit to be slaves

Hitler was only repeating an old belief about Eastern Europeans, aka Slavs

Origin and Etymology of Slave
Middle English sclave, from Anglo-French or Medieval Latin; Anglo-French esclave, from Medieval Latin sclavus, from Sclavus Slav; from the frequent enslavement of Slavs in central Europe during the early Middle Ages
I voted remain and my view hasn't changed since; in fact I feel more passionately about it now than I did back then. Spoke to some Americans last week who said that Trump had split families and communities, and I pointed out that the parallels with this country were frighteningly similar. If the referendum had been won honestly I would hold up my hands and say I got it wrong and lets move forward. But it wasn't and I can't. I have kept leave leaflets stating that Nissan etc supported them, that Turkey were joining the EU etc etc. Alas, I haven't made any of the pro EU marches as I always seem to be away, but I do campaign and, if you see an anti Brexit sticker on a Dyson or a lamppost it might well be one of mine. This is one of the worst things that has happened to this country in my lifetime; our government is the biggest load of idiots that I've ever seen governing a country and yet the opposition [a Labour party that no longer represents it's core voters such as myself] are still trailing behind them in the polls. I despair. Strangely enough, everyone that I know and like 'in the real world' has voted remain and yet two friends [now ex] who often made racist comments that I chose to ignore voted Brexit, which says it all really. Mike and I take a keen interest in politics and yet, when people state that everyone knew and understood things like single markets and customs unions prior to the referendum well, we didn't for starters. I guess there were some problems with the EU but many of us should have taken more of an interest in how they worked. I now see blue stickers everywhere [tucked away sometimes and hard to see]; usually in deprived areas that voted leave that seem to think that central government will help them out more [in your dreams people]. Anyway; rant over; going to carry on painting the garden fence. #bolloxtobrexit
Anyway; rant over; going to carry on painting the garden fence. #bolloxtobrexit

That's the way Moe; you won't be sitting on it, that's obvious :)

In the same spirit I'll carry on cultivating my garden, taking solace in nature and most definitely spending as much time as possible sitting comfortably cocooned in it

Anyway, I suspect that looming environmental breakdown, the looming collapse of capitalism and the looming re-emergence of far-right authoritarianism/totalitarianism will render the interminable Brexit yay-or-nay debate as pointless and futile as rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic whilst simultaneously pissing into the wind

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Meanwhile, according to the numbers, our poll is looking like 70 percent remain, 30 percent leave. Time being the great healer that it is...and hindsight, being the devil's advocate it always was...
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Just read that the new series of Peaky Blinders will be covering the rise of fascism in the 1930's. Wonder how many leave voters will recognise the parallels with what's happening now.
Just read that the new series of Peaky Blinders will be covering the rise of fascism in the 1930's. Wonder how many leave voters will recognise the parallels with what's happening now.

get over it... you lost the vote ... and rightly so .... shut the borders and deport all fake Refugees especially the lorry loads pretending to be children who looked over 30 ...
get over it... you lost the vote ... and rightly so .... shut the borders and deport all fake Refugees especially the lorry loads pretending to be children who looked over 30 ...
Lol that's the level of intellect we're dealing with.....democracy me hole!!
How many marches would there have been, if remainers would have won... NONE ...racist BBC still seething.. vile anti english corporation.
How many marches would there have been, if remainers would have won... NONE ...racist BBC still seething.. vile anti english corporation.

So, can you explain to me in what way Brexit is going to benefit me? Eg where are the new trade deals that Fox was going to arrange straight after the referendum? What is your solution to the Irish Border problem? How are you going to feel when our trade with India will probably result in some sort of free movement from that country....Brexit means Brexit and 'you lost, get over it' doesn't really mean anything, does it? I really want to hear the other side of the argument, so I await your answer with interest.
get over it... you lost the vote ... and rightly so .... shut the borders and deport all fake Refugees especially the lorry loads pretending to be children who looked over 30 ...

Fair comment or racist rant?
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