Poll: Brexit - Two Years After

Stay or Leave

  • Stay

    Votes: 23 60.5%
  • Leave

    Votes: 15 39.5%

  • Total voters
It's not fair comment, Archie, its typical Ozgood, but it is democracy and aslong as he isn't breaking any laws or inciting violence he is free to say it. I worry you Irish are becoming more politically correct than the Germans sometimes! He does sound like a White indigenous Londoner who voted leave. I'd urge him to go on holiday more! Maybe Eastern Europe or North Africa?
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Believe me the comments on gransnet are even worse [ a group of us have left as we're tired of the same old comments!]. Which is a pity as most people that I campaign with are pensioners, because we're the only ones that have the time to do anything; our children are too busy working hard and trying to hang on to their jobs.
It's not fair comment, Archie, its typical Ozgood, but it is democracy and aslong as he isn't breaking any laws or inciting violence he is free to say it. I worry you Irish are becoming more politically correct than the Germans sometimes!
You didn't answer the racist rant part.:whistle:

I am, by the way, an Englishman with a Scottish grandfather and currently resident in Wales.
Try going to East London .. to see how great multicultulism is... some boroughs are now 20;30 % white English and soon to be under 10% when the oldies die.... you people who live in quite towns and villages away from inner citys dont see how the country is going..... Tory and Labour Govts have destroyed parts of the country with endless immigration. Im away from the cesspit for a few days to the country to compare the stress levels .... bye
Try going to East London .. to see how great multicultulism is... some boroughs are now 20;30 % white English and soon to be under 10% when the oldies die.... you people who live in quite towns and villages away from inner citys dont see how the country is going..... Tory and Labour Govts have destroyed parts of the country with endless immigration. Im away from the cesspit for a few days to the country to compare the stress levels .... bye
What parts of the EU are these immigrants from?
Try going to East London .. to see how great multicultulism is... some boroughs are now 20;30 % white English and soon to be under 10% when the oldies die.... you people who live in quite towns and villages away from inner citys dont see how the country is going.....

You see Archie, is this racism or Ozgood expressing a strong opinion that you and others simply don't want to hear?
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Nothing that he believed in from Slavs being inferior to his Hatred of the Jews or his desire for Germany to be reunited were his own ideas he plagiarised other peoples writings and made out they were his own
Nothing that he believed in from Slavs being inferior to his Hatred of the Jews or his desire for Germany to be reunited were his own ideas he plagiarised other peoples writings and made out they were his own

Indeed; age-old ingrained prejudices tend to linger and fester, and are repeatedly resurrected in 'new' but only subtly different guises. Hitler just one of many - before him and since - to exhume evil words and deeds, and then evangelize them
Meanwhile, according to the numbers, our poll is looking like 70 percent remain, 30 percent leave. Time being the great healer that it is...and hindsight, being the devil's advocate it always was...

Not yet reached half the number of votes cast in the first poll, hopefully they'll continue to dribble in
I reckon after last night's Spotlight report the referendum should be declared null, void and never to be repeated. After all, entry to the EU was meant to be irrevocable in the first place.

But the levels of corruption and collusion in breaking the rules on funding by Leave shocked even me.

If ever a result should be declared illegal it is the referendum result.

And we pour scorn upon tinpot dictators who stop at nothing to ensure the result goes their way. Leave have shown themselves to be no different and look at the state it has got our economy into.
A lovely soft brexit:lol::lol: the gammons must be seething,let the carnage begin i can't wait!!:)
If Theresa May wants out of Brexit (and there's little evidence she does) but if she did, the best way of doing it would be under the guise of national security

She needs to pull Alex Younger in and ask him to write her a secret memo that implicates the unofficial leave campaign having colluded with Russia. Remember Robert Mueller has named Nigel Farage as a person of interest whom he wants to talk to (would be amusing to see Farage hiding behind the European Human Rights Act to avoid going to America incidentally). Basically though, if she implicates the unofficial campaign she shields many of her own MP's, whilst casting Farage, UKIP et al as traitors. It would be a very brave (or incredibly stupid) bunch of MP's who were prepared to put their hand in the fire for Farage under these circumstances. It would also cut off UKIP at a stroke as life raft for would be dissident Tories, who would be forced to fall in line, and especially if the memo alluded to evidence provided by foreign allies (code for CIA)

The whole thing is a gigantic accident anyway which has its roots in David Cameron (the worst Prime Minister in history, so hang your heads in shame all those of you voted for him) telling the BBC's James Landale that he wouldn't seek a third term. If Cameron had kept his mouth shut, the Boris Johnson would have campaigned for remain, and they'd have won. The only reason Boris jumped the way he did was because he realised that in order to become PM he needed to expand his support base beyond the 40 or so MP's he could muster to get himself into the final two of a leadership contest. If Boris could do this, then he'd stand a chance when his candidacy was put to the wider party (probably against George Osborne). Boris duly realised that the only bloc within the parliamentary party capable of propelling him over the necessary threshold was the Eurosceptic wing and so he joined them in the hope of getting in the region of 120+ votes some 18 months later. He figured remain would win, but if he campaigned for leave, and was seen to have played a good innings, he could lever that support into his leadership bid. He got it wrong though. He completely cocked it up. Instead of losing, he won. Suffice to say, when the leadership battle was consequently brought forward, the more savvy sceptics who recognised what he was doing duly stabbed in the back and dropped him the moment he'd served his purpose and became expendable

The whole thing is a farce of accident, driven by one mans ambition and chronic miscalculation
Spot on Warbler; however, it still wouldn't have happened had Johnsons bid for power not been fuelled by a rising fear of terrorism [which some people, mistakenly seemed to think could be prevented by 'taking back control' of our borders which we pretty much had control of anyway or could have had more control of anyway had we implemented controls that we could have done but didn't bother to do so] and years of vile austerity cuts which meant that those affected had nothing to lose by trying a different approach. Add to the mixture people who have always been racist but kept it under wraps until they were given permission to be so under the guise of 'patriotism'. If Boris had any understanding of ordinary people he would have realised he had a chance of 'winning'. Two years on and I still wake up every day in disbelief at what is happening to my country, the people of which are, in general, bloody wonderful. There was always going to be a referendum at some point; even the LibDems and Labour had called for one in the past, but it should never have been done in such a shambolic way, and people should have been better educated about the implications of leaving the EU [although they were until it was cleverly labelled 'project fear'].
I still wake up every day in disbelief at what is happening to my country, the people of which are, in general, bloody wonderful

Hear! hear! The generally pleasant, moderate, stoical nature of the British was epitomised in a discussion recently on TV (can't recall where or who, there's so much Brexit chit-chat around) concerning the rise of the Far-Right across Europe and how organised the movements are and how popular they're becoming. This was compared to the far-right in the UK, which is as disorganised and marginal as it's always been, despite the so-called rise of the EDL, which isn't much of a swelling at all

It was also pointed out that there's as little appetite for Far-Left doctrine here as well; a fact that seems as lost on the likes of Momentum now as it was the likes of Militant thirty years ago

This deep-rooted dislike of extremes is very much to the credit of the British and though the attempts at cultivating divisiveness sown by the 'ardent' aka 'inflexible', be that Brexiteers Remainers, IndyReffers, UKIP, Momentum...I still believe their ergotic harvest will fail; though that might require a short-lived wildfire

The overwhelming number of good, decent British who just want to get on with their lives in as painless way as possible are having their resolve tested as never - in my lifetime - before
David davis resigns getting more interesting now..:cool: now steve bakers resigned as well :lol: this is fantastic we could have JRM as pm for awhile
going to be a cracking 12 months some great entertainmemt coming up....:lol::lol:
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I was hoping to see him quoted for the 2020 US Presidential race but not yet even in a market that includes Stormy Daniels.

Grade A chancer.
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