Poll: Brexit - Two Years After

Stay or Leave

  • Stay

    Votes: 23 60.5%
  • Leave

    Votes: 15 39.5%

  • Total voters
I think that your perception of their disliking Catholics is all in your head - after all, the majority of their votes in the Independence campaign came from catholics. The hardline Protestants hate them.

I've never seen a single policy or even a single bit of rhetoric that would lead anyone to believe that they are anti-Catholic. Quite the opposite in fact.

Looking back at my post, simmo, I can see that it could have been open to misinterpretation.

It's the very merging of the ideas of nationalism and socialism (they do claim to be nationalists and socialists) that makes me think of the darkest interpretation of it but not on account of ethnic or religious cleansing just the idea of overall supreme rule. The SNP wanted their own TV channel, wanted control of BBC Scotland and are pushing through all sorts of educational agenda designed to direct people's minds towards nationalism and the importance in their lives of the SNP. It's all very dangerous.

But the do have a sitting MP in Westminster who once tweeted, "I fuc.king hate Glasgow Celtic!", which we all know how that translates up here, and who also recently referred glibly to "plastic Irish". There was no mention anywhere that she was reprimanded by Sturgeon or anyone within the party for it. They have also been invisible and unheard lately regarding anti-Catholic marches past Catholic churches. There was no condemnation of the neanderthal who assaulted a priest outside one of the churches last year. If a branch of the Ku Klux Klan were to try and organise an anti-Black march, what chance would there be of it being allowed? None. And rightly so, because it would be hideous. What about an anti-Muslim march? Or an anti-Jewish one? These, rightly, wouldn't get anywhere close to being permitted. But in "the best small country in the world", as the SNP would have us believe, anti-Catholic marches are not only allowed, they are given police escorts.
But in "the best small country in the world", as the SNP would have us believe, anti-Catholic marches are not only allowed, they are given police escorts.

Don't forget that anti-Protestant marches are also permitted - there just aren't as many or as big.... And if you look up Green Brigade on Youtube - the next programmes recommended for you are a series of IRA propaganda films. I don't hear them saying anything about that either.

It's not just a one way street and lots can and should be done to reduce sectarianism on both sides.
Don't forget that anti-Protestant marches are also permitted - there just aren't as many or as big.... And if you look up Green Brigade on Youtube - the next programmes recommended for you are a series of IRA propaganda films. I don't hear them saying anything about that either.

It's not just a one way street and lots can and should be done to reduce sectarianism on both sides.

I've never heard of any anti-Protestant marches anywhere, to be honest, simmo. So if they're out there they must be pretty low-key and sparsely attended.

The Green Brigade is a cancer on Celtic and their pro-IRA stuff is reviled by any right-thinking person but the chances are all the IRA stuff would die away quietly if they didn't feel there was a political cause to fight for. Remove the cause and you remove the 'need' for their existence.

You're right. It isn't a one-way street. It's a four-lane highway with three of the lanes going in one direction.

Are you sure you "hate" Celtic? What reason would you have for that?

I wouldn't say I "hated" Rangers. They died in 2012 and are now irrelevant. I was horrified at all they stood for and for the level of hatred in the songs emanating from the vast majority of the crowd, again with no action taken by the authorities. The current club playing out of Ibrox is the Frankenstein's monster created by the SFA and the SPFL and I don't hate them either. They will die too within the next couple of seasons, maybe sooner. I won't celebrate their passing but I won't mourn it either.

There's a couple of songs occasionally heard among Celtic fans that I find very distasteful and I wish the singers were shopped to the police for them. We have a very fine repertoire of perfectly acceptable songs from the Celtic Song and YNWA to the songs about Lisbon, Athenry, etc etc.
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But not because they are catholics. :)

I'm glad about that - because they aren't. Jock Stein, Ronnie Simpson, Tommy Gemmell, Bertie Auld, Willie Wallace, Kenny Dalglish, etc etc... so many of them over the years for a club open to all since its foundation.
OK, I'll try but the logic is not simple.

Tell me when has he EVER had the power or authority to hold or arrange an election since the 2016 referendum result?

Riddle me that, please.

He has been ASKING for one.

He can't ******* get one!!!!!!

I should have made it even more clear, that "he absolutely can't get in power", if there's no election, and as opposition leader he doesn't have the power to hold an election.

I know you and perhaps Warbler believe of he'd backed another referendum sooner he'd be in a better position in the polls now at this particular time, but that is essentially subjective viewpoint.

If and when an election is called there's still a good possibility he can win.
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Are you sure you "hate" Celtic? What reason would you have for that?

I wouldn't say I "hated" Rangers. They died in 2012 and are now irrelevant. I was horrified at all they stood for and for the level of hatred in the songs emanating from the vast majority of the crowd, again with no action taken by the authorities. The current club playing out of Ibrox is the Frankenstein's monster created by the SFA and the SPFL and I don't hate them either. They will die too within the next couple of seasons, maybe sooner. I won't celebrate their passing but I won't mourn it either.

Yes, I would say that I hate Celtic. Because they are the opposition.

That said, when they nearly went to the wall, I wasn't anywhere near as happy and gloating about it as you were on here when Rangers went into administration. On the basis of your previous actions, I'd question your statement that you won't celebrate their passing, you certainly did the last time.
I did say this once already, but historically the South East is the key area you need to win elections.

The North is an area of great political history, but in terms of winning elections, the South East is more important.

Anyone agree or disagree?
This, for example, looks like celebration to me. And it feels as if hatred would have to have taken a part in its creation.

The pus-filled abscess on the scrotum of Scottish football is lanced...


Looking forward to all those titles being awarded to Celtic. Something along the lines of thirteen-in-a-row (maybe more?) will be getting rehearsed in preparation for the new Rangersless season.

Even more evidence that we need a second referendum on the E.U.

I don't suppose Labour voters in Scotland want to leave the E.U do they?

In other words, Labour is both screwed if A) SNP win more seats up there, and B) The U.K leaves the E.U?
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Even more evidence that we need a second referendum on the E.U.

I don't suppose Labour voters in Scotland want to leave the E.U do they?

In other words, Labour is both screwed if A) SNP win more seats up there, and B) The U.K leaves the E.U.

Anecdotally, I'd say labour voters in Scotland are in the same turkey's voting for Christmas bracket as labour voters in England. The racist elements that leave represent tend be in the working class areas.
Yes, I would say that I hate Celtic. Because they are the opposition.

That said, when they nearly went to the wall, I wasn't anywhere near as happy and gloating about it as you were on here when Rangers went into administration. On the basis of your previous actions, I'd question your statement that you won't celebrate their passing, you certainly did the last time.

So do you hate every other team in the country? Or don't you see them as opposition?

Yes, I celebrated when the original club was liquidated. Their financial doping killed them off and they deserved it. The Frankenstein club is just another opponent. I don't see them as worth wasting emotion on.
So do you hate every other team in the country? Or don't you see them as opposition?

Yes, I celebrated when the original club was liquidated. Their financial doping killed them off and they deserved it. The Frankenstein club is just another opponent. I don't see them as worth wasting emotion on.

No, I reserve my hatred for the biggest rival in the same way that man utd fans hate Liverpool, or Barca and real Madrid.
Ps. I mentioned your insistence on propagating the Frankenstein theory to the tic fan I work with.

His response was that your "patter is ******* pish" :lol:
For brexiteers...

How wretched is the person who hangs on by the favors of the powerful..
That would be splendid. A LibDem SNP coalition or do the current polls have them winning outright?
24% Lib Dems
22% Brexit Party
19% Conservative
19% Labour
8% Greens

If that were to transpire it would be unlikely anyone could form a Government.
24% Lib Dems
22% Brexit Party
19% Conservative
19% Labour
8% Greens

If that were to transpire it would be unlikely anyone could form a Government.

Now then Corbyn, just do some simple extrapolation before you tell us that you're worried about losing votes by opposing Brexit

In 2017 you got 40%. On this poll you've lost 21%.

In 2017 the Liberal got 7%, they've gained 17%

In 2017 the Greens got 1.5%, they've gained 6.5%

In total the anti Brexit parties have added 23.5% at a time when Labour has lost 21% in their desperate attempt to shore up support in Wallsend Puddle East

In 2017 UKIP got 1.8% (call it 2%). So the Brexit party has added 20% from somewhere. Where?

In 2017 the Tories got 42% down to 19% on this poll, a loss of 23%

The really stupid thing is that Corbyn can't form a government anyway without the support of at least one, and two coalition partners. He's going to be forced onto a second referendum at the very least anyway. Why doesn't he simply accept that (or should have done over year ago). It's both pragmatic to have done so, and judicious.
Now then Corbyn, just do some simple extrapolation before you tell us that you're worried about losing votes by opposing Brexit

In 2017 you got 40%. On this poll you've lost 21%.

In 2017 the Liberal got 7%, they've gained 17%

In 2017 the Greens got 1.5%, they've gained 6.5%

In total the anti Brexit parties have added 23.5% at a time when Labour has lost 21% in their desperate attempt to shore up support in Wallsend Puddle East

In 2017 UKIP got 1.8% (call it 2%). So the Brexit party has added 20% from somewhere. Where?

In 2017 the Tories got 42% down to 19% on this poll, a loss of 23%

The really stupid thing is that Corbyn can't form a government anyway without the support of at least one, and two coalition partners. He's going to be forced onto a second referendum at the very least anyway. Why doesn't he simply accept that (or should have done over year ago). It's both pragmatic to have done so, and judicious.

Spot on. An idiot could figure it out. There’s clearly something we don’t know. Either that or he’s an idiot!
Westminster voting intention:

BREX: 26% (+1)
LAB: 22% (-4)
CON: 17% (-5)
LDEM: 16% (+4)
GRN: 11% (+7)
CHUK: 1% (-1)
UKIP: 1% (-1)

via @OpiniumResearch, 28 - 30 May
Chgs. w/ 20 May