Dormant account
EC Mr Mole was flattered no end SDG needed the run and jumped like a mule, Upsilon Bleu wouldn't get within a fence of SDG on a going day and the 3rd would be better off on Blackpool beach.
How can you base anything on a horse that was obviously out of sorts?
Mr Mole beat Brick Red prior to that race and he scraped home in a handicap the other day.
There's nothing to indicate that Mr Mole deserves his place in this company.......absolutely nothing.
JP was asked what he thought of his chances and he said" You can back him if you like but he won't be carrying my money.
He runs in this because there's nowhere else to send him of a ridiculously high rating of 165
you have managed to find his correct rating now then?

he is an are talking like he has shown everything he has..i don't think he has..if we just back the highest rated horses in races how tedious it would be
you are very quick to dismiss horses whilst stating the obvious
its obvious..if SS is back to his very best he wins by 15+..its like telling me Frankel was a decent horse..i don't need daily reminders to tell me how good he is..but ronnie corbett keeps muddying the water by opening his mouth..i don't get the guy..we all know how patient he is from the past..just keep mouth shut spouting PR and just let the horse do his stuff
If SDG is back to his best he would be a clear second..on the ratings as they stand
the problem is..horses actually improve..and DB and MM are improving..last season we had virtually no one thinking SDG could keep winning..same thing..people not allowing for improvement,,just going on ratings
betting wise..i don't care what wins it..for a visual spectacle i would like to see SS hammer them with SDG in second..a real marker..a real opponent to measure him off rather the fading stars we've had previously to try and judge him
if SS could be got back to his best we could actually see a 200 rating..that would be special,,% call though is he might not get back to those heights..but i do happen to know how good his best is..i would think everyone here does.
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