Royal Ascot 2022

Thinking back to what Tanlic said, that you can't void a race just because of one horse", surely it has happened that if there is a fault with a starting stall and it opens later than the others, thereby costing a horse ground, the race HAS been voided.

reet, I was watching the run of Brave Nation closely, not that I was financially involved, he was making a lot of headway when the incident happened, I'm not saying he would have but I think his connections and backers have a just cause to feel hard done by. Take The Ridler out of the equation and I think Walbank would probably have won but you can't be sure can you?
Hanagan made zero effort to correct his horse and committed a professional foul with no regard for the safety of others.

I backed Wallbank but without the Riddler imo Brave Nation would have just got there.

How would I resolve it. I'd throw The Riddler out which may seem harsh on th owners but you picks your jockey and takes your chances,

Oisin got along ban for drinking..Hanagan was sober and a bigger danger than he ever was........I'd ban him for 6 months for blatantly cheating.

In the USA you swerve out of the stalls and hamper another runner you are tossed out immediately...Do something like what Hanagan did you won't be collecting $200
Back to the racing I backed Mawj just now who could be another Wallbank I suppose.

It's so hard to judge these young horses when they look to be the next coming.

One worry I had is how on earth if she'sas good as she looks was she allowed to start at 12/1?

Ray Dawson who picked himself up in of the floor in 2019 deserves a big win so fingers crossed today.

An old friend of his Zain Claudette hasn't been seen since Septemmber when fancied for the Chevely Park
She also won the Lowther so she has plenty ability. Sean Levy rides today

Her trainer Ismail Mohammed is a bottom of the rung trainer among the elite of Newmarket but this is avery nice horse

If he has her right she could be worth supporting for small money at 100/1 ew on the can get up to 7 places.
Ive backed both of Murtagh's, Mashoor in the 3.40 as well

Gone with Pizza Bianca e.w in the Coronation, will love the fast ground
Zain Claudette got matched for over 200 pounds at 100 now 75:)

Be warned her trainer's a muppet who said the good to firm ground is why she ran so badly in the Cheveley and todays ground is?

Now 70 :0)
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Thinking back to what Tanlic said, that you can't void a race just because of one horse", surely it has happened that if there is a fault with a starting stall and it opens later than the others, thereby costing a horse ground, the race HAS been voided.

reet, I was watching the run of Brave Nation closely, not that I was financially involved, he was making a lot of headway when the incident happened, I'm not saying he would have but I think his connections and backers have a just cause to feel hard done by. Take The Ridler out of the equation and I think Walbank would probably have won but you can't be sure can you?

Everything in these situations is arse-over-elbow.

The authorities appear at pains to ensure that 'the best horse' keeps/gets the race. They appear to think this is fair. It's sport and things happen and sometimes the best doesn't win.

A football equivalent would be for a clear VAR penalty to be denied to a team that had been outplayed to prevent them from equalising or winning because they were second best. It just wouldn't happen but our authorities seem to think they need to intervene and replay the finish in their minds to figure out what might/should have happened.

Would the Premier League authorities revisit a match and decide a goal should be disallowed or awarded, etc?

There are rules in sport for reasons.

Break the rules and you're out. In athletics, it's one false start and you're out. It happened to Usain Bolt when he would almost certainly have won.

Two questions they need to ask:

Did the jockey break any rules?
Did the horse break any rules?

If the answer to any is yes, disqualify it and place it last.
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Frustration. Just try and play it down. It happens in muddling races.
But yes with a clear run he wins.

He knows he cocked up, Gosden backed it up. Dettori has been riding for years half hearted, makes his mind up before legged up whether horse has a chance or not and rides accordingly. It is now, however, affecting the 'big' rides. Other jockeys know it as well and they're playing him.
Nuts retiring him.Had Frankie used some grey matter and not let Moore hem him in for the entire race Strad would have won a minute and I backed the winner

Agree absolutely no need to talk of retirement this early in the season, he loses nothing at stud whenever he goes, so may as well see season out. Not as if can start covering before next year anyway. May as well see how the weather goes and go with the flow.
Everything in these situations is arse-over-elbow.

The authorities appear at pains to ensure that 'the best horse' keeps/gets the race. They appear to think this is fair. It's sport and things happen and sometimes the best doesn't win.

A football equivalent would be for a clear VAR penalty to be denied to a team that had been outplayed to prevent them from equalising or winning because they were second best. It just wouldn't happen but our authorities seem to think they need to intervene and replay the finish in their minds to figure out what might/should have happened.

Would the Premier League authorities revisit a match and decide a goal should be disallowed or awarded, etc?

There are rules in sport for reasons.

Break the rules and you're out. In athletics, it's one false start and you're out. It happened to Usain Bolt when he would almost certainly have won.

Two questions they need to ask:

Did the jockey break any rules?
Did the horse break any rules?

If the answer to any is yes, disqualify it and place it last.

Yes, yes and yes!

The overriding criterion at the moment is did the interference improve the position of the winner which is purely a question of judgement and I suspect the stewards’ ability in that respect is on a par with my tipping prowess. They seem to rely heavily on the relative distances between horses at the finish which takes no account of lost momentum. In any event, to conclude in this case that the position of the winner wasn’t improved seems farcical.

(……and don’t let’s get onto the penalty for breaking the whip rules :whistle:)
19 oages for a flat thread. I think the difference is in the quality of poster that starts the thread.
Back to the racing I backed Mawj just now who could be another Wallbank I suppose.

It's so hard to judge these young horses when they look to be the next coming.

One worry I had is how on earth if she'sas good as she looks was she allowed to start at 12/1?

Ray Dawson who picked himself up in of the floor in 2019 deserves a big win so fingers crossed today.

An old friend of his Zain Claudette hasn't been seen since Septemmber when fancied for the Chevely Park
She also won the Lowther so she has plenty ability. Sean Levy rides today

Her trainer Ismail Mohammed is a bottom of the rung trainer among the elite of Newmarket but this is avery nice horse

If he has her right she could be worth supporting for small money at 100/1 ew on the can get up to 7 places.

With you on Zain Claudette. I can't believe the big price but I won't let it put me off.

Also having a saver on Cadamosto just in case...
He knows he cocked up, Gosden backed it up. Dettori has been riding for years half hearted, makes his mind up before legged up whether horse has a chance or not and rides accordingly. It is now, however, affecting the 'big' rides. Other jockeys know it as well and they're playing him.

An alternative view:

Strad got clear daylight very soon after the two pole and covered the final quarter mile of this year’s Gold Cup in 23.6s – faster than all bar a small handful of winners over vastly shorter distances this week and only marginally slower than the mighty Aussie sprinter Nature Strip – but Kyprios and Mojo Star were slightly better equipped for the burn-up and the triple Gold Cup hero wasn’t gaining an inch on rivals who are half his age close home.
Hard though it may be to swallow for owner and trainer, this was simply a case of pace making and then breaking a race.

Full article here
That could also be a confirmatory interpretation. Frankie was in the wrong place at the wrong time leading up to those final two furlongs.

I'm actually a big fan of Frankie. Until recently, he has historically been the UK jockey that makes the fewest mistakes, especially in the big races but if demeanour after yesterday's Gold Cup is anything to go by I reckon he'll be more determined than ever to get things right today and tomorrow.
My notes for the day, written on Wednesday (with updates in red):

2.30 - No interest (I've now backed the Cole rag.)

3.05 - It’s a sad day when a G1 race is contested by a field the highest rated of which is just 115. It’s a glorified handicap. I backed AO’B’s New York City ante-post but it doesn’t run and Moore rides Cadamosto, which when I saw 50/1 last week I had to take. He was beaten less than a length when 5/1f for last year’s Norfolk, which was won by Perfect Power, the 9/2f for this race. He was favoured, ridden by Moore, over New York City for the race won by the latter and I can’t help thinking this is a plot. He wears first-time blinkers. I’ve also taken 8/1 BOG Twilight Jet who hammered New York City last time. That’s probably the best form in the race. I also took Flotus at 50/1 at the six-day entry stage. She was only a length second in the Cheveley Park and is still one of the highest rated in the race and within a pound of the favourite when you factor in her gender allowance. Crisford is a serious target trainer. Those three will do me.

3.40 - This is a hugely competitive race, as ever, and they’re just about all progressive types. I’ve taken 66/1 Kelly’s Dino who is 8lbs lower than when winning a decent race in 2019 and who has clearly had issues since but he turns up here after a promising reappearance at Haydock in the race won by Contact. Trawlerman (6/1 taken) was touted as a Derby horse last spring but wasn’t seen again after disappointing in the Sandown trial. A win in a small race a couple of months ago sees him in good heart and it looks like they’ve been preserving his mark. I’ll think a bit more about this race but will be looking for something to hit at least 120 on the scale, and they include Ajero who looks on a nice curve over hurdles and might just be totally unexposed on the Flat. (I've since gone in again on KD at 125/1, 6pl, and taken Mashoor 8/1 and Sir Rumi (my overall top rated) 18/1.)

4.20 - I’ll decide on this race nearer the off. The fillies don’t look great so Inspiral might be good enough. (10/3 Inspiral taken.)

5.00 - I’ve taken 12/1 Fresh Hope because of the trainer’s recent record in it. I have to think, based on his comments about previous winners, that he identified this one for this race a long time ago and the win last time get the filly into the race near the bottom. I do suspect. Though, that the majority of these are running because they can and the majority will be no more than hopeful of a good run. (Wilderness Girl 40/1 the only addition.)

5.35 - I didn't have a synopsis of this race as I thought COTG wold be odds on but I've now taken 13/8.)

6.10 - I didn't do this because it's a 3yo sprint hcap but have backed Lil Guff.
An alternative view:

Strad got clear daylight very soon after the two pole and covered the final quarter mile of this year’s Gold Cup in 23.6s – faster than all bar a small handful of winners over vastly shorter distances this week and only marginally slower than the mighty Aussie sprinter Nature Strip – but Kyprios and Mojo Star were slightly better equipped for the burn-up and the triple Gold Cup hero wasn’t gaining an inch on rivals who are half his age close home.
Hard though it may be to swallow for owner and trainer, this was simply a case of pace making and then breaking a race.

Full article here
Dress it up how you like - neither trainer nor owner fell back on pace in their pointed critiques.
It's a fair bet Frankie will be hanging his boots up at the end of this season,imo.
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Have I missed something? Mark Johnston is usually mob-handed at Royal Ascot. I know his son is involved now, but have owners gone running and they're winding down, or is there another explanation?
Does it matter?.The race is over and done with, Strad isn't the horse he used to be and it might be a long time before we see one as good as he was......end of story
Dress it up how you like - neither trainer nor owner fell back on pace in their pointed critiques.
It's a fair bet Frankie will be hanging his boots up at the end of this season,imo.

Top jockeys like Piggot Breasly Eddery, Hutchinson all retired in their 50's and it wasn't any easier in their day.

I reckon he'll go on till he's 54 at least as he still looks fit as a fiddle and seems to still love the game.

He could win on Inspiral if she is fit enough today and all will be forgiven and forgetten