Dormant account
Far from it, EC1. For what it's worth I think this is probably one of the most interesting threads I have seen since joining this forum.
Broadening the discussion somewhat, I would be interested to see if any correlation between position in a race and high speed figures exists. I have a (probably incorrect) presumption that impressive speed figures are generally posted in races dominated by hold-up performers for the simple reason that, in order to generate the pace needed to record a good speed figure, there has to be a generous early gallop that puts those racing prominently at something of a disadvantage. Perhaps there is an angle in following those that raced prominently in strong-run affairs which recorded a good speed figure?
I wish Stav were around - he would have a fair a bit to say on this.
I think sometimes a race is finely balanced pace wise..they go even pace +/- a small amount...and every horse has a chance..the leaders just have enough left..the resultant speed figure is large and the finishers are a mixture of pace types. Creating speed fiigures obviously highlights the type of races we have on this thread.
If you have a race where the pace collapses its less useful because the one pacers plod through and win and the overall time suffers because the pace has only been evenly run to suit the slow horses. The old agage holds horses win very slow run races and slow horses win very fast run races.
So i think that any race that shows a high figure overall ..if its genuine..will contain a mixture of run styles..sometimes its clear that those at the front had an advantage..spotting the finisher in those circumstances is is the opposite.
so i think personally its just a matter of scales tipping one way or the other..within a race there is an element of either you go just a bit too quick..or you go just a bit too slow early..both can result in a good time..its when that margin of just a bit too quick or bit too slow gets bigger where the final time suffers...mainly when they too slow early
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