"Swine Flu"

I have been called a swine on more than one occassion and do feel under the weather last night, so this is a worrying development...
You may well laugh, but he is getting his handicap back up to land a big one.......

Shouldnt you be out buying more nails?!
Mexicon Flu

Do you think it will afect things here like Football Schools Raceing, over 200 people are dead we at level 4 on a scale of 1-6 and it seems to be sreading around the world.:( are we being told the truth?
If you're talking about the possible situuation in this country then IF it spreads over here then it's possible it could affect things like that. It's all dependent really on the severity of any outbreak that might occur - if it's a handful of cases that are caught early and those affected are isolated and treated then disruption to day to day lifeis probably likely to be minimal.

In all honesty, I don't know how long symptoms develop after exposure to the virus but the UK is pretty well prepared for major flu pandemics. Just about every pharmacy, surgery and hospital will have plans in place for how they'll cope if there's an outbreak, in terms of staffing levels etc so they can keep the healthcare system going. If an outbreak here looks likely follow the advice that'll be issued by the Department of Health.

In all honesty, I'd say don't panic. I'm not saying it won't happen but don't worry yourself sick about it :)
Heard it all before with SARS and Bird Flu, people are bored with the Credit Crunch, this is the new tool to scare people. It's not even as dangerous as those diseases.

Think we already have a thread about this below with it's proper name Swine Flu. Mods, might be worth merging?
From what I've heard the media are desperately trying to make a meal (no pun intended) of it but the professionals don't seem too worried.
We've been sent the NHS guidelines and the current advice is to observe basic hygiene regimes (cover mouth and nose when sneezing, wash hands, etc) and that pork and pork products are okay to eat so long as they are adequately cooked.

I've just caused panic amongst the senior cleaning ranks by pointing out that the NHS advertising campaign is telling everyone to catch their germs in a tissue, bin it and then wash hands - not much point when the office bins are only emptied every third day. I've never seen our cleaner so often!! :D
Well it has spread to New Zealand and Israel so it spreads. Ialso think the true figer of dead is over 200 not 103 that they are still given out. We are comming up to the May day Bank Holiday are they putting money first thinking of money Airline shares are down and Phamer. are up on the news. Japan taking things to a new level.
its all bollocks in my opinion, wish 8 out of 10 cats was on tv, they would have a field day! will settle for have i got news for you though.
It's 'flu. Anyone who contracts it will be treated and will recover in a week or so. It's only dangerous to the very vulnerable, as is any 'flu.
Don't shoot the messender

It's 'flu. Anyone who contracts it will be treated and will recover in a week or so. It's only dangerous to the very vulnerable, as is any 'flu.

That's my point people who are the fittest are dieing, that's the odd thing, they are also telling you not to go to your Dr. or Hospital but to ring NHS. direct,

The news comming out of Mexeco is that people are not responding to treatment.:o

Why have world markets also mooved on the news?' if all is fine.:whistle:
I had a Mexican boyfriend about 16 years ago when I lived in the US and we went to Mexico quite a bit - I've had a cold for over a week now - do you think the incubation period is that long????!!!!
Prob not quite :rolleyes: According to our GP practice incubation of the virus is about 4 days and the peak of any pandemic would be expected in about 60 days from now.

I'm not that technically minded but I'll try and put up the advice for patients that we recieved from head office earlier today

''Mexican Swine Flu
Statement from the Chief Medical Officer, Sir Liam Donaldson​

“The World Health Organisation has changed the alert to stage four. This means there are
small clusters of outbreaks with limited person-to-person transmission. Spread is highly
localised, suggesting that the virus is not well adapted to humans.
There have been two confirmed cases of Mexican swine flu in the UK.
From some affected areas, it appears that early doses of antivirals such as Tamiflu are
helping people to recover. We have enough antivirals to treat half the population of the UK if
they become ill.
We have been preparing for the possibility for a number of years and are among the most
prepared countries in the world.
There are simple steps that everyone can take to help prevent catching colds and flu based
on good respiratory and hand hygiene. Always use a tissue to catch your sneezes, throw
away used tissues where germs can linger and regularly wash your hands.
Most importantly, if you have come back from Mexico or one of the affected countries and
have flu like symptoms, stay at home and call your GP or NHS Direct on 0845 4647.”​
Sourced from NHS Choice Website 28.04.09​
Background Information​
Mexican swine flu is a form of influenza that originated in pigs but can be
caught by, and spread among, people.
Swine flu is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses.
Outbreaks of swine flu happen regularly in pigs. People do not normally get
swine influenza, though infections do sometimes happen. In the recent past,
most human cases of swine influenza have been in people who were in close
contact with pigs, such as farmers. In the current outbreak the virus has been
spread by person-to-person contact.
In the Mexican swine flu outbreak, human infection with swine influenza A
(H1N1) viruses have also been confirmed in the US, Canada, Spain, the UK,
New Zealand and Israel.
This has given rise to concern that the outbreak could become a pandemic
flu - a global outbreak of flu that spreads quickly because it is a new type of
virus that few, if any, people have resistance to.
A flu pandemic is a natural event that occurs from time to time. Last century,
there were flu pandemics in 1918, 1957 and 1968.​
Q and A’s
How is swine flu different from seasonal flu or bird flu?​
Seasonal flu, caused by an existing flu virus, is a common infection in the UK
that usually occurs during a two-month period in winter. For most people, it is
an unpleasant but not life-threatening infection. People who are more at risk
from it, such as older people, can be given a vaccine each year.
Bird flu, also known as avian flu, is influenza that, as its name suggests, is
usually confined to birds. However, like swine flu, it can also sometimes be
caught by people and by pigs.
If swine flu or bird flu does spread in people, it can be very serious and can
cause death.
A pandemic occurs when a new flu virus appears in the human population
and spreads from person to person worldwide. It is likely that such a virus will
be caused by a bird or animal virus mixing with the human virus.
It is expected that an outbreak of pandemic flu will cause more illness and
many more deaths than ordinary flu.​
Is a flu pandemic imminent?​
A pandemic could happen any time, but we cannot predict exactly when it
would start. The Mexican swine flu virus could lead to a pandemic. The World
Health Organization (WHO) is closely monitoring cases of this new flu virus.
The WHO has defined stages in the progression of a pandemic. We are
currently at Phase Four of six phases (a pandemic is confirmed at Phase Six).​
What can we do?​
The single most effective way to stop or slow the spread of diseases such
as Mexican swine flu is to prevent the spread of germs. Wash your hands
regularly with soap and water and cover your mouth if you cough or sneeze.
You should think about what you would do if you and your family all became
ill. Who could you rely on for support, such as to collect medicines or shop for
you? What food and other supplies should you keep a store of at home?​
What is the government doing to prepare?​
GPs and hospitals across the UK are preparing for a pandemic, and the UK
government is working with the WHO to monitor the situation.
If pandemic flu does arrive in the UK, antiviral medicine will be used to treat
people who become ill.
While the development of a vaccine can only start once the new virus has
been identified, the UK has agreements with manufacturers, which will
produce a vaccine when it becomes available.
Mexican swine flu is a form of influenza that originated in pigs but can be
caught by, and spread among, people.
Swine flu is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses.
Outbreaks of swine flu happen regularly in pigs. People do not normally get
swine influenza, though infections do sometimes happen. In the recent past,
most human cases of swine influenza have been in people who were in close
contact with pigs, such as farmers. In the current outbreak the virus has been
spread by person-to-person contact.
In the Mexican swine flu outbreak, human infection with swine influenza A
(H1N1) viruses have also been confirmed in the US, Canada, Spain and the
This has given rise to concern that the outbreak could become a pandemic
flu - a global outbreak of flu that spreads quickly because it is a new type of
virus that few, if any, people have resistance to.
A flu pandemic is a natural event that occurs from time to time. Last century,
there were flu pandemics in 1918, 1957 and 1968, when millions of people
died across the world.
Experts warn that another flu pandemic could happen soon, but they do not
know when.
These pages aim to inform you about the Mexican swine flu outbreak and
pandemic flu and advise on the important measures to take if a flu
pandemic breaks out.​
How is swine flu different from seasonal flu or bird flu?​
Seasonal flu, caused by an existing flu virus, is a common infection in the UK
that usually occurs during a two-month period in winter. For most people, it is
an unpleasant but not life-threatening infection. People who are more at risk
from it, such as older people, can be given a vaccine each year.
Bird flu, also known as avian flu, is influenza that, as its name suggests, is
usually confined to birds. However, like swine flu, it can also sometimes be
caught by people and by pigs.
If swine flu or bird flu does spread in people, it can be very serious and can
cause death.
A pandemic occurs when a new flu virus appears in the human population
and spreads from person to person worldwide. It is likely that such a virus will
be caused by a bird or animal virus mixing with the human virus.
It is expected that an outbreak of pandemic flu will cause more illness and
many more deaths than ordinary flu.​
Is a flu pandemic imminent?​
A pandemic could happen any time, but we cannot predict exactly when it
would start. The Mexican swine flu virus could lead to a pandemic. The World
Health Organization (WHO) is closely monitoring cases of this new flu virus.
The WHO has defined stages in the progression of a pandemic. We are
currently at Phase Four of six phases (a pandemic is confirmed at Phase Six).​
What can we do?​
The single most effective way to stop or slow the spread of diseases such
as Mexican swine flu is to prevent the spread of germs. Wash your hands
regularly with soap and water and cover your mouth if you cough or sneeze.
You should also think about what you would do if you and your family all
became ill. Who could you rely on for support, such as to collect medicines or
shop for you? What food and other supplies should you keep a store of at
What is the government doing to prepare?​
GPs and hospitals across the UK are preparing for a pandemic, and the UK
government is working with the WHO to monitor the situation.
If pandemic flu does arrive in the UK, antiviral medicine will be used to treat
people who become ill.
While the development of a vaccine can only start once the new virus has
been identified, the UK has agreements with manufacturers, which will
produce a vaccine when it becomes available.​
Sourced from NHS Choice Website 28.04.09''

Sorry - it's quite long!
I'm sure ITN interviewed some randoms outside the hospital up in Scotland last night, asking them how they felt about the fact that people with swine flu were being treated there.

TV news has finally eaten itself.