The Christmas funds booster thread

If he tips one against Buvi I'm backing it :lol:

Verdana Blue @ 15/2
£80.00 Single
26/12/2018 13:57:06 80.00 680.00

I would of actually tipped this up (£80 is quite a big bet for me) as I'm only a small punter really. I don't normally after time and in reality this isn't much to after time but I wanted to make a small point. When I suggested the other week after the fighting fifth that Boover could be beaten and the form really hadn't told us anything we didn't know, I also suggested that I had a few on my radar that could do it, I had the feeling I was on the verge of being ridiculed by some I think I stopped short of mentioning 2 I've backed ante-post for the champion which would be Sharjah and Verdana both at around 50's for fear that the crowd would lynch me I also stopped short of writing this up today as someone has recently taught me if people aren't listening to you then stop talking to them or for want of a better expression do not cast your pearls before swine.

I love forums and they are rapidly dying a death I think if we've shown anything with a Christmas Funds booster its that when people put their heads together and share ideas that...well, it can be productive for all concerned. I'm not thin skinned, man I've had too tough of a life to take any notice of those who don't accept me but some people aren't that way, and if you want other onlookers to step forward and share ideas then perhaps be more open them even if they are different. Sometimes no matter how strange a point of view I'd always at least give it some consideration and presume that the person talking to me may know something I don't. At the very least don't try and ridicule.

People who are looking on thinking that based on these tips I'm some sort of genius would be wrong. I was born into a fairly bad situation in life and I spent the majority of the time before I was 30 making it somehow even worse. I labour in a foundry for a living and I love horse racing. I love talking about it, watching it, I love betting on it and I'd like to think that although not the most knowledgeable in all areas that I can at least hold my own at least it terms of talking form. I hope some of you made a few quid off the winners I really do I didn't actually make that much in the end today down to a lack of concentration which I can only put down to the fact I've been a bit distracted with other more important things unfortunately.

Well done to the other winners over the Xmas period Kauto,Reet, Marb, Placebacker, Viking and anyone else I've forgot jeez what a squad.

I probably won't have time to do much tomorrow but I have some serious interests in Final Nudge and Dawsons City and VLR (I think?) in the Welsh.

Best of luck for tomorrow.
Yeah best of luck. I am off to Betfred shop now to try and get the wedge on Forest Bihan. Wins or loses I am still well up. Will post tomorrow how much they let me have on. Operation Bihan is still a goer...I believe in him.
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Marb did try to reply to your pm but your box was full. I'm not on social media, strange creature I know :)
F*** me stiff - that is some festive shooting Danny ! Glad to c u punting VLR and Dawsons City tomorrow. Vlr ran a corker at Aintree after wind op and one in the book, Dawsons city genuine as they come and long overdue a his big day.

Marbs that Sweeney will b the death of us, looking great till 2 out. After timing but had a shameful bet on CDO that saved my day. Not through good reasoning but thought Nicholls must see something in its betfair chase run that I and a lot of others couldn't.

My crap picks for tomorrow:

Doitforthevillage 105c - upped in trip, finally, after trying hard for a while against decent two milers

Kilcrea vale 305k - jumping reliable enough needs testing at 3m, even a woefully out of form McGrath failing to get better odds though

Eddiemaurice 335k - a real pacey type that suits kempton, this possibly a target

Vlr & DC Welsh nash

Skelton lucky15 @ wetherby - bounceback factor

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Nice one Danny. Top tipping. You must be missing that WhatsApp thing massively for finding winners!!! :lol:
TBF mate there were some decent lads (and a lass) in there and I guess I'm just not everyone's cup of tea but I'll keep struggling on through armed with nothing more than a pin and a cheeky smile :)

Actually that's the first thing I've been expelled from since I was thrown out of a Music Lesson for sniffing poppers back in the day, so it at least made my middle aged boring ass feel like a rebel once more.
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I have £100 on Forest Bihan, I was just going to post that I was stopping at that, as the favourite could be hard to beat. However, I've just realised the favourite has been taken out, which suits me. I will have another £100 on at around 6's. There'll be no excuses. He is a hold up horse so I expect him to come fast and late.
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TBF mate there were some decent lads (and a lass) in there and I guess I'm just not everyone's cup of tea but I'll keep struggling on through armed with nothing more than a pin and a cheeky smile :)

Actually that's the first thing I've been expelled from since I was thrown out of a Music Lesson for sniffing poppers back in the day, so it at least made my middle aged boring ass feel like a rebel once more.

Thrown out of the whatsapp...shocking. Must miss all the losers and sh1t talk?
That's a confident shout Martin, the horse certainly struggled in higher company and is obv a handicapper winnable territory - good luck , I wasnt convinced but backing it on yr confidence

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TBF mate there were some decent lads (and a lass) in there and I guess I'm just not everyone's cup of tea but I'll keep struggling on through armed with nothing more than a pin and a cheeky smile :)

Actually that's the first thing I've been expelled from since I was thrown out of a Music Lesson for sniffing poppers back in the day, so it at least made my middle aged boring ass feel like a rebel once more.

Are you sure that's not a win & a sneaky pile? :rolleyes:
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That's a confident shout Martin, the horse certainly struggled in higher company and is obv a handicapper winnable territory - good luck , I wasnt convinced but backing it on yr confidence

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Given he was a faller the last day I am quietly confident yes, but it's racing. I pay for the bet-once they're off, I know nothing.
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I have £100 on Forest Bihan, I was just going to post that I was stopping at that, as the favourite could be hard to beat. However, I've just realised the favourite has been taken out, which suits me. I will have another £100 on at around 6's. There'll be no excuses. He is a hold up horse so I expect him to come fast and late.

Definitely has a chance on his very best form but couldn't bring myself to back him ahead of one or two others. If one of mine doesn't win then obviously I'll be hoping it's FB for you, Marble. :D
Forest Bihan has form with Simply Ned, as he beat him once (from memory). A positive formline for sure.
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I think in hindsight he will come on a lot for the run, and the first two obviously wanted to win it badly. I thought for a moment he was going to win but they gained a length on him where it mattered. It's rare that I follow horses again and again if they don't deliver, but I think Forest Bihan is an exception. He might just have something like the Grand Annual in March stamped on his forehead where he will be a tasty each way price.
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Especially those Ellison horses - get better with age martin

Damn mcGrath let me down on a decent trixie with kilcrea vale - I always bet against him but didn't listen to my own advice doooohhh. Other 2 nice prices on eddiemaurice and doitforthevillage made up for a nice double

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