The Debate

A load of bunkum - at the end of the day the lemmings will vote Labour as they always do and the people who think about it a bit will end up splitting between Tories and Lib Dems (particularly after the past two debates). Labour will keep control of the country and we'll be fooked for another 4 years.
Not a chance that Labour will have an overall majority but the Tories don't deserve one either, they have done nothing to earn it. The fairest result will be a hung parliament.
If politicians could act less like used car salesmen slagging off the other brands it'd make it alot easier to discover what they actually propose themselves! I realise it's generally because they have nothing useful of their own to say in the first place....
I think that's a bit harsh, Steve. I thought all three of them impressed last night in different ways and the standard of discussion was mostly pretty good. Mind you, at 90 minutes I found it a bit long.

Cameron is very much the traditional old-fashioned Tory behind the relatively modern image. Clegg sounded more relaxed and part of the club this week, which might not be in his favour. Once again Brown had some horribly clunking attempts at humour and the body language people say he's doing it wrong. But I was listening more than watching this week and I reckon that had it been a radio debate he would have been the winner.
It has of course been on the radio and I think amongst those who have listened rather than watched he has had higher ratings .

I think it will be fascinating if there is a hung parliament . Will the LD go into coalition with Cameron - if so I suspect they will be destroyed at any subsequent election as most LD supporters are more likely to be inclined to the left or with Labour who they will be seen as " propping " up .

I cannot see that there could be a minority government as if Labour it would not be seen to have political legitimacy if as probable they get a smaller share of the popular vote whilst a Tory one would almost certainly have the rug pulled out from underneath it as soon as they start on their massive cuts this year to pay for not raising NICs.
Did anybody else catch David Cameron using the tributes paid to the Polish PM as a defense of his switch of parties in the EU parliament? Nothing short of using a man dead less than a month as a cover-all defence of a troublesome policy.

I thought Brown's performance smacked of desperation at times, particularly his efforts to tag Cameron as "anti-European" and Clegg as "anti-American." The particular moment when he called Clegg a threat to the security of the country and Cameron to the economy was cringeworthy.
but the Tories don't deserve one either, they have done nothing to earn it.
I'm not sure any of the opposition party's 'deserve' tackling the deficit that labour's racked up to be honest! You make it sound like it's going to be a walk in the park.
I'm not sure any of the opposition party's 'deserve' tackling the deficit that labour's racked up to be honest! You make it sound like it's going to be a walk in the park.
There was actually a prominent economist on TV yesterday or the day before saying that if you strip out what we shelled out to help the banks through their crises, our deficit would be very low. Another one this morning was pretty adamant Darling & Brown had done a good job with the situation the banks put us in.

I never like it when they interview economists. I'm always concerend that they have a capitalist agenda, which in my view would mean they're pro-Conservative, even though I can accept that impression might be wide of the mark. It's just the socialist in me.
Econonmists tend to be capitalists because they have studied how it all works. As we all know the "command economy" and communisim is an unmitigated failure. Belief in those "systems" is valid reason to be sectioned

But Galbraith and Keynes are probably best described as left leaning economists

Its true that they handled the crisis as well as could be expected. And then brown wanted to sack Darling (whos star has risen and is to my mind a very convincing chancellor) So what does that say about his judgement?

Agree Trackside. Those were dismal "points" by Brown.

The liberals could feasibly end up with the largest share of votes but by far the least seats out of the three major parties. That is a disgrace that has been waiting to happen
Will the LD go into coalition with Cameron - if so I suspect they will be destroyed at any subsequent election as most LD supporters are more likely to be inclined to the left

Thats complete rubbish. "propping up" failed leader Brown (who clegg cant stand apparently) would be seen as far more damaging. The big swing to the LD isnt from voters who wanted more of the same
I think today's gaff makes the point moot. Surely a condition the LD's would make before getting into bed with Labour would be Brown's removal.
I think today's gaff makes the point moot. Surely a condition the LD's would make before getting into bed with Labour would be Brown's removal.

Aye,I think thats spot on.

And I don't care how much they try and smooth it over,I think that will have cost Brown a large number of votes. It will be interesting to see what Mrs Duffy has to say about Browns 'apology'.
Her nephew said some interesting things on 5 Live this morning BW - Browns people wanted her to come onto the drive for a photoshoot but she declined. He said she's forgiven him for the monster cock up but I'm not sure - he didn't have any choice but to pay her a visit really did he?
Same. The media have portrayed this woman as just this Labour voter who was asking about immigration. But the way she phrased it, "these Eastern Europeans" is typical bigot speak.
I do not know anything about British politics - but Cameron comes across as a dose and painful to listen to over the next few years if he is PM.
Same. The media have portrayed this woman as just this Labour voter who was asking about immigration. But the way she phrased it, "these Eastern Europeans" is typical bigot speak.

Regardless of what we think of Mrs Duffy's own remarks, you are happy then to have someone theoretically in charge of this country who manages to forget he has a live mike attached to him ? I couldn't care less, tbh, what he thinks of her in private - it's probably no different to Clegg or Camerson - but what did appal me is that he - and his useless entourage - couldn't even work out that you remove/turn off your mike before you open your own gob.

If that doesn't demonstrate what an unprofessional shower they are, then nothing will.
Lets face it,they are all full of BS!! They all have plans but will those plans bear fruit? Half of it won't affect me so let them carry on with it!!!

He's no Benjamin Button is he?
"these Eastern Europeans" is typical bigot

Typical left wing crap. No wonder they are losing votes to the BNP in droves. No party is more out of touch with working class concerns than the left is it?

Whats she supposed to say FFS? "these immigrants (can i call them that please?) who come from somewhere I am not allowed to mention?"

Or shes supposed to act like a brainwashed Guardian reader who MUST not mention Immigration AT ALL because it is RACIST

The fact that Eastern european immigration has had a huge impact on job prospects for so many (and it stretches up into accountancy work now in the SE) and serves to suppress existing wages is something that only apparently concerns "bigots"
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in charge of this country who manages to forget he has a live mike attached to him ? I couldn't care less, tbh, what he thinks of her in private - it's probably no different to Clegg or Camerson

I take the opposite view. Its an easy mistake and hes known to be an untidy scatterbrain (which i sympathise with). But if he had called her an "old bag" or something, then could almost be laughed off.

But its the old left wing mantra that any query about immigration is "bigoted" that resonates

My personal view on immigration is more relaxed than most but it is a perfect example of the extreme arrogance and disdain that certain politicians have for voters (and i was a bit suprised at Brown here...something you would have expected from Livingstone or Short perhaps) that sticks