The Derby

I am sure the O'Brien team had the matter well in hand, although looking back over the replay, I was surprised to see CB being led around as much as he was on the footage before the end of the programme - would have thought a fair bit more of the ice packs. etc would have been applied but they know their horse better than the rest of us and I can't see them risking one hair on him, tbh.

However, their excessive secrecy, smoke and mirrors is starting to become a little tiring - and that would apply to just about any organisation as succesful as they are in any industry - they are almost appearing paranoic about any 'adverse' comments that might br seen to affect their horse's commercial value.

Maybe for good reason, for all I know - there are enough nutters out there probably for them to e genuinely concerned for their horses' welfare.
The whole point isn't that O'Brien didn't allow the vet to examine the horse and trot him up - it's that he refused to let them trot him up when they requested that it be done a second time, after they had already trotted him up and examined him.

Besides which, racecourse vets aren't there to foist themselves on trainers unless they are asked to, or there is good reason to believe that connections are either mistreating the animal or acting in a way which may prejudice their health or wellbeing - whether intentional or not. I don't think that anyone can doubt that Camp O'Brien had anything but the best interests of the horse foremost.
On this one point, you can't help but think O'Brien is correct and it is a triumph for common sense, the other side of that coin is that O'Brien and Ballydoyle can and do as they please when it comes to declarations and not parading etc. because the fines are so minimal it doesn't really matter.
I really believe something drastic needs to be done if they pull a stunt like at last year's Derby meeting.
It was a 'technical' infringement - it was a blatant attempt to gain an advantage and ruined the paddock viewing for all who had paid good money to attend the Derby.
How much do the Ballydoyle tinted glasses so many on this forum wear cost and where can I get them?
I think that if ballydoyle were consistantly bringing horses in late that would not be acceptable. But I have not seen it happening previously or since - so I would put it down to a once off like any number of trainers have had in the past.
There is no denying that Hamm has a point. Getting through the preliminaries without boiling over is a big part of discovering the colt with the most desirable traits to breed from. As with the CB incident the Balydoyle team always do what is best for their horse and so the best for the Balydoyle team. The rest of us are the collateral damage when this means bending or breaking a rule. However, I do feel that Irish trainers get excessive negative press coverage when rules are bent or broken (or even if someone alleges they where) but that's the price of success (unless of course your Nicky Henderson :o)
I generally like Henderson but said at the time that that was a disgrace. Not sure do Irish trainers per se get a hard time? O'Brien from time to time, but he brings it on himself.
I generally like Henderson but said at the time that that was a disgrace. Not sure do Irish trainers per se get a hard time? O'Brien from time to time, but he brings it on himself.

I think the reaction is magnified. Imagine what would happen if Bolger did it versus Stoute.
Midas Touch into 7-1 with Lads and Cape Blanco out to 7-1 with Lads, any news on Cape Blancos wellbeing ?
I love it when a horse you backed starts off a much shorter price.

I don't care if he wins now I have banked my moral victory. Seriously, though, only two horses impressed me in the trials and they were both trained by APOB. Midas Touch looks as likely a winner as anything in the race.